Get Into Birding
How-to Guide for beginner birders. Transform your backyard and explore Iowa's parks, wildlife areas, forests and wetlands!
How-to Guide for beginner birders. Transform your backyard and explore Iowa's parks, wildlife areas, forests and wetlands!
Birds can be found just about anywhere including flying through our neighborhoods and hanging out in our backyards. Their songs and high-flying acrobatics bring us joy, they stimulate local economies, such as pelican festivals and the Decorah eagle cam, and they play a critical role in the health of our natural resources.
There has never been a more critical time when birds need our help! With changing landscapes across the world populations of birds have been in sharp decline since the 1970s with an estimated 2.9 billion birds lost . According to Cornell Lab of Ornithology (AKA the study of birds), some of the most common birds we see everyday are impacted the most, sparrows, blackbirds, warblers and finches, birds that love to frequent backyard habitats and feeders.
So let's dive in and learn how to identify some common birds, create backyard spaces to help them thrive and if you are feeling adventurous, take your newly gained birding knowledge on the road to explore natural spaces in Iowa's parks, wildlife areas and forests.
Birds add enjoyment to our lives through the way they zip through the air or perch on a branch or trunk of a tree, the vibrant colors they show off, or by the beautiful songs they sing. Not all birds though are songbirds.
Songbirds are a specific set of birds that have a specialized ability to constrict their muscles around their voice box, called a syrinx, to produce the beautiful melodies we hear. The drumming you hear from woodpeckers isn't a song, but it is their unique way of communicating in the same way songbirds use song. In the end the sounds they make are all controlled by the same area of a bird's brain so they can mark territory, call for mates and notify when danger is close. In other words, survive.
Raptors are birds of prey because they hunt and feed on other animals. The word raptor is actually derived from the Latin word raptare, which means to drag violently off, to ravage. Raptors showcase specialized features that aid in hunting and ultimately eating their prey. The sleek nature of falcons allow them to fly and dive at extremely high rates of speed to catch running or flying prey. Owls, deploy specialized wings that when flying at night elicit almost no sound so they can sneak up and snatch prey in their strong, sharp talons.
If you spend enough time looking towards the sky, you’re likely to spy some of Iowa’s frequent flyers. The state has several species of hawks, falcons, eagles, owls and vultures that call Iowa home or visit during the year.
If you are looking for the birds in this group you'll want to travel to one of Iowa's lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands or farm ponds.
Each spring and fall you can see waterfowl (ducks, geese and swans) flying in "V" formation high in the sky. If you listen close enough you can hear them call as they fly, especially at night when the rest of the world goes quiet.
If you love to be on the water, whether in a kayak or boat, if you are quiet enough and troll the shoreline, you'll see a wide variety of shorebirds traversing the water's edge habitat looking for small fish, aquatic insects and crustaceans.
Birds migrate for a variety of reasons but mostly they are traveling from locations that have reducing resources to new places that have abundant resources, aiding their chances of survival. Migration takes place twice a year, in the spring as they move north to greener and cooler habitats where they can lay eggs and raise their young and then in the fall as they move south to warmer climates and abundant food sources.
Most songbirds migrate during nighttime hours. The night skies offer protection from predators, more stable weather conditions and improved navigation. Ducks, geese, swans, sandhill cranes and pelicans, however migrate at all times of the day, stopping at locations to rest and feed. Easy to spot, you can see these birds typically flying in a V formation high in the skies, soaring on the thermals and wind currents as they travel. Check out the BirdCast Migration Dashboard below every spring and fall to see, based on weather radar systems detecting birds, what is migrating through Iowa.
To enjoy birds and other wildlife you don't need to purchase specialized gear but there are some items, such as binoculars, that could really enhance your experience and allow you to see more detail.
There are a lot of affordable and easy to use binoculars. An 8X42 power binocular is the best for beginning birders. The key is to make sure they are comfortable when you hold them up to look through them.
Download All About Binoculars or watch the video below, all by Cornell Labs, to get a detailed explanation on how to set your new gear up to work for you!
Birds play an important role in our environment. When we think of pollinators, generally we think of bees and butterflies, but birds are huge contributors towards pollination too. They pick up and disperse seeds and they assist in pest control, eating some of those bugs and rodents you may not want in your backyard.
Make your yard attractive for wildlife. Click on the tags below for tips to turn your backyard into an oasis for the birds!
Illustrations by Kathy Lepley, Galaxy Graphics
Spring Birding Webinar
Check out the webinars below to gain some more tips and tricks for attracting birds to your feeders from Anna Buckardt Thomas, Avian Ecologist with the Iowa DNR.
Winter Birding Webinar
You might be surprised how many different species of birds will start visiting your backyard once you plant habitat and add feeders and nest boxes. Keep a list and record what you see. Guaranteed you'll see new birds coming to your backyard as the seasons change. Community science is an opportunity for you to share what you see and help scientists keep these populations strong and plentiful. Check out the buttons below for two great opportunities to to get involved!
Don't forget to have fun with your kids while birding in your backyard! Download Backyard Bird Bingo and see who the better birder is!
Forests, prairies, wetlands, rivers parks, and trails are all great places to go birding. Anywhere you find habitat you'll find birds. Below are some maps to help you find places close to home or plan an adventure farther away. You can also check out the Iowa Ornithologists Union for great resources on finding birds in Iowa or visit Iowa Audubon to find a local bird club chapter and see if they have events or field trips coming up that you can join to learn more about birding from experienced birders!
Feel free to click on the arrow box in the upper right corner. That will open up the map in a new window.
Zoom in on the map to where you live. If you click on properties highlighted in green a secondary box will pop-up with additional information about the site.
For more information on public lands in Iowa visit:
Across the state there are many opportunities for you to observe birds and other wildlife at platforms or in a viewing blind. Generally platforms are located in areas where you can view over an expanse of area, such as a wetland, to gain a better height advantage for viewing. Blinds however, allow the viewer a bit of protection so you can see birds and other wildlife up close without them seeing you. Both options are not only great for viewing but also for capturing great photos.
Public areas with these resources are great opportunities to get kids interested in birding! Check out Iowa Young Birders for resources or events they may have close to where you live.
Each dot represents the location of either a viewing blind or a platform. Zoom in with the +/- buttons in the bottom right and use your mouse to center the map over an area you want to look more closely at.
When you click on the dots, you'll see a pop-up box that has a photo and additional information about that specific site. Photos of the blind or platform are clickable links at the bottom of the description. The images will open in a new window on your computer for viewing.
If you click on the icon next to the "X" it will dock the entire description for ease of reading. Just click on the "X" to exit.
* Not all sites have photos at this time, more will be added as they are received.
In 2001, Iowa’s Bird Conservation Area (BCA) Program was established.
BCAs consist of large tracts of land, under both private and public ownership, at least 10,000 acres in size. Of that, there is a core area of at least 20% permanently protected high quality habitat of grassland, grassland-wetland, forest, or savanna.
All public lands within the BCA are managed for quality bird habitat to support populations of designated species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) as well as common species.
Kellerton Bird Conservation Area was the first designated BCA in 2001, and the first recognized Grassland BCA in the United States. Since then, 23 additional Iowa BCAs have been dedicated. All of Iowa’s BCAs are also co-designated by Iowa Audubon as Iowa Important Bird Areas (IBA).
Zoom in using the +/- buttons in the lower right to see what towns and public areas are within the boundary of each BCA.
"Take advantage of the people in your community, and figure out what they know and how their knowledge can help you." - Gracie McMahon, Young Birder of the Year American Birding Association (ABA)
Birding is a recreational activity that can continue throughout your life. You can keep it simple, developing your backyard or local spaces into the perfect habitat for birds or you can explore across Iowa and the United States expanding your knowledge and follow your passion. Below is a list of websites and habitat maps that may be beneficial in your evolution as a birder!