2022 Virtual Tour

Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District

Walz Residential Raingarden

Walz Residential Raingarden. Click to expand.

Installation of a 250 sq. ft. residential raingarden. Project materials cost estimated at $590. Landowners receive a $250 Landscaping for Clean Water grant as well as technical assistance provided by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Moris Residential Raingarden

Moris Residential Raingarden. Click to expand.

Installation of a 375 sq. ft. residential raingarden. Project materials cost estimated at $1,302. Landowners receive a $250 Landscaping for Clean Water grant as well as technical assistance provided by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Jaeger Native Prairie Restoration

Jaeger Native Prairie Restoration. Click to expand.

2.5 acres of turf grass was restored to native prairie vegetation. The native prairie will improve infiltration, reduce erosion and provide wildlife habitat, particularly for pollinators. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Burnsville Highland View Park Native Prairie Restoration

Burnsville Highland View Park Native Prairie Restoration. Click to expand.

1.5 acres of turf grass was restored to native prairie vegetation. The native prairie will improve infiltration, reduce erosion and provide wildlife habitat, particularly for pollinators. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

City of Rosemount Jaycee Park Raingarden

City of Rosemount Jaycee Park Raingarden. Click to expand.

The City of Rosemount installed a bioretention basin (raingarden) at Jaycee Park. The basin captures runoff from the parking lot and nearby ball field. Runoff captured in the raingarden can infiltrate into the ground rather than traveling downstream through the storm sewer system. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Bergum Streambank Stabilization

Bergum Streambank Stabilization. Click to expand.

85 feet of eroding streambank will be stabilized using coir logs, erosion control blanket, and native plants. The project will reduce future erosion and reduce the amount of sediment transported downstream. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Bridges Grassed Waterways

Bridges Grassed Waterways. Click to expand.

Surface water runoff was causing gully erosion in a concentrated flow channel and within two existing waterways that were beyond their functional lifespan. The project included the construction of three grassed waterways to adequately convey the runoff and reduce future erosion. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Storlie Water and Sediment Control Basins

Storlie Water and Sediment Control Basins. Click to expand.

Surface water runoff was causing gullies to form in the field. Two water and sediment control basins were constructed to capture runoff and slowly release it through an underground outlet. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Perry Water and Sediment Control Basin

Perry Water and Sediment Control Basin. Click to expand.

Surface water runoff was causing gullies to form in the field. A water and sediment control basin was constructed to capture runoff, release runoff through an underground tile that discharges to a stabilized outlet, and reduce future erosion. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Irrthum Grassed Waterways

Irrthum Grassed Waterways . Click to expand.

The existing grassed waterways had exceeded their functional lifespan and surface water runoff was flowing through the field and causing erosion. 3,360 linear feet of waterway was reconstructed to adequately convey runoff and minimize future erosion. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

SCPF LLC Cover Crop

SCPF LLC Cover Crop. Click to expand.

An oat cover crop was planted on 57 acres following sweet corn harvest. The cover crop will provide erosion control, reduce weed pressure, and prevent nutrient leaching. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Groh Native Prairie Restoration

Groh Native Prairie Restoration. Click to expand.

4.0 acres of turfgrass and former pasture was restored to native prairie vegetation. The native prairie will improve infiltration, reduce erosion, and provide wildlife habitat, particularly for pollinators. Project Fact Sheet (PDF)

Walz Residential Raingarden

Installation of a 250 sq. ft. residential raingarden. Project materials cost estimated at $590. Landowners receive a $250 Landscaping for Clean Water grant as well as technical assistance provided by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

Moris Residential Raingarden

Installation of a 375 sq. ft. residential raingarden. Project materials cost estimated at $1,302. Landowners receive a $250 Landscaping for Clean Water grant as well as technical assistance provided by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

Jaeger Native Prairie Restoration

2.5 acres of turf grass was restored to native prairie vegetation. The native prairie will improve infiltration, reduce erosion and provide wildlife habitat, particularly for pollinators.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

Burnsville Highland View Park Native Prairie Restoration

1.5 acres of turf grass was restored to native prairie vegetation. The native prairie will improve infiltration, reduce erosion and provide wildlife habitat, particularly for pollinators.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

City of Rosemount Jaycee Park Raingarden

The City of Rosemount installed a bioretention basin (raingarden) at Jaycee Park. The basin captures runoff from the parking lot and nearby ball field. Runoff captured in the raingarden can infiltrate into the ground rather than traveling downstream through the storm sewer system.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

Bergum Streambank Stabilization

85 feet of eroding streambank will be stabilized using coir logs, erosion control blanket, and native plants. The project will reduce future erosion and reduce the amount of sediment transported downstream.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

Bridges Grassed Waterways

Surface water runoff was causing gully erosion in a concentrated flow channel and within two existing waterways that were beyond their functional lifespan. The project included the construction of three grassed waterways to adequately convey the runoff and reduce future erosion.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

Storlie Water and Sediment Control Basins

Surface water runoff was causing gullies to form in the field. Two water and sediment control basins were constructed to capture runoff and slowly release it through an underground outlet.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

Perry Water and Sediment Control Basin

Surface water runoff was causing gullies to form in the field. A water and sediment control basin was constructed to capture runoff, release runoff through an underground tile that discharges to a stabilized outlet, and reduce future erosion.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

Irrthum Grassed Waterways

The existing grassed waterways had exceeded their functional lifespan and surface water runoff was flowing through the field and causing erosion. 3,360 linear feet of waterway was reconstructed to adequately convey runoff and minimize future erosion.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

SCPF LLC Cover Crop

An oat cover crop was planted on 57 acres following sweet corn harvest. The cover crop will provide erosion control, reduce weed pressure, and prevent nutrient leaching.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

Groh Native Prairie Restoration

4.0 acres of turfgrass and former pasture was restored to native prairie vegetation. The native prairie will improve infiltration, reduce erosion, and provide wildlife habitat, particularly for pollinators.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 

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