Route 301 Deer Underpass


Road: Route 301

Structures: One underpass

Target Species: Deer

Drivers were hitting deer at an alarming rate along US Route 301 near Middletown, Delaware until a wildlife underpass was installed in 2018. The Route 301 Middletown Bypass Project built 14 miles of new highway to keep truck traffic out of the region’s small towns including Middletown. Keeping drivers safer by reducing the risk of deer-vehicle collisions was the impetus for including a wildlife underpass in a state with a large deer population.

The pre-cast concrete box culvert has a 12-foot-wide opening and passes under four lanes of divided highway. The underpass is lined with gravel and a small trench was dug along one wall to channel water. This thoughtful drainage design prevents water from pooling or washing away the gravel during heavy rains, reducing the need for maintenance.

Cameras were installed at both ends of the underpass after its completion capturing deer and fox using the structure. Although fencing to funnel wildlife to the underpass was not originally installed, it was added in 2022.

In addition to including a wildlife underpass the bypass project also resulted in the first designated pollinator habitat associated with a Delaware road project. To offset the environmental impact of paving over natural habitat, the Delaware Department of Transportation planted a 43-acre field with wildflowers, which now serves as rich habitat for pollinators like bees, butterflies and birds, as well as other wildlife.

As the impacts of roads on wildlife and driver safety have become increasingly apparent, the state of Delaware intends to build more wildlife crossing infrastructure.



Thank you to Christie Bonniwell (Formerly of Delaware Department of Transportation) for contributing content and technical review of project information.

Wonderful World of Wildlife Crossings

ARC Solutions

ARC is fiscally sponsored by Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE)