In 2022, we completed and adopted our Vision Zero Action Plan , committing to eliminating crashes that result in fatalities and serious injuries in Cleveland.
Why is This Important?
Nearly one fourth of households in Cleveland don't have access to a vehicle and must rely on other ways to get around and access opportunity. Research shows us that in the United States, Black folks, wheelchair users, and people walking in low-income areas are much more likely to be killed by a car.
To achieve our vision, we first needed to increase our capacity.
Speed management is an important tool for reducing serious injuries and deaths from crashes. Speed tables can be an effective tool for calming traffic speeds. This summer we're installing our "first 100" speed tables across the city to slow speeds on neighborhood streets.
Beyond speed tables and mini-roundabouts, we have other proven design tools for slowing speeds and making our streets safer . These include physically separated bike lanes, road diets, and pedestrian refuge islands at crossings.
The Lorain Midway will eventually run from West 20th to West 65th. Another high crash corridor in Cleveland, we will add a 2-way sidewalk level bikeway in addition to adding more street trees and enhancing bus stops. Right now, we're wrapping up the preliminary design phase, where we worked to confirm community priorities and refine design details. Finishing preliminary design sets us up to apply for and secure construction funding.
Achieving our vision requires an all of government approach. Across City Hall, our departments and commissions are working together to create neighborhoods where everything you need can be reached in a safe and comfortable 15-minute walk, bike, or transit ride.
We're planning for the future - and we need your help!
- Rediscover Veteran’s Memorial Bridge – June 22
- Slow Roll Public Square – June 24
- Slow Roll Old Brooklyn - July 8
- Bike Your Neighborhood – July 13
- Ward 4 Community Festival – July 20
- Disability Pride Day – July 27
- Summer Senior Walks – July 31 (League Park)
- Ward 14 Community Meeting – July 31
- North Coast Connector Event - August 5
- Summer Senior Walks – August 7 (Loew Park)
- Glenville Festival – August 10 (cancelled)
- East 55 Marina Summer Concert Series – August 10
- Summer Senior Walks – August 14 (Zone Rec)
- Slow Roll Voinovich Park - August 19
- Old Brooklyn Farmer's Market - August 22
- Mayor Bibb's Back to School Fest - August 24
- Plum Market - September 3
- Walk All Over Waterloo - September 6
- Virtual Office Hours – Weekly on Wednesdays, 4-7 PM