2025 Ballot Proposition No. 3, Anchorage Parks & Recreation

2025 Ballot Proposition No. 3, Anchorage Parks & Recreation - $8,250,000
For the purpose of renovating and rehabilitating trails and parks, and making improvements at various parks and recreational facilities in the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area, as provided in AO 2025‑10, shall Anchorage borrow money and issue up to $8,250,000 in principal amount of general obligation bonds and increase the municipal tax cap by an annual amount not to exceed $245,000 to pay for associated annual operations and maintenance costs.
Voter approval of this bond proposition authorizes for each $100,000 of assessed taxable property value (based on the estimated 2025 assessed valuation in the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area): (i) an annual increase in taxes of approximately $1.73 to retire the proposed bonds, and (ii) an annual increase in the municipal tax cap (Charter 14.03(b)(2)) of approximately $0.71 to pay for annual operation and maintenance costs related to the proposed capital improvements.
The debt shall be paid from real and personal property taxes levied and collected within the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area, without cost to properties in Chugiak, Eagle River, Girdwood, and other areas outside the Service Area. The Municipality will also pledge its full faith and credit for payment of the bonds. (AO 2025-10)

Centennial Campground Improvements - $500,000

Chester Creek Sports Complex Park - $100,000

East Delaney Park and Facility Improvements -$250,000

Eastchester Park - $300,000

Facility Safety Upgrades Annual Program - $200,000

Fairview Recreation Center Improvements - $250,000

Fish Creek Trail to the Ocean - $1,300,000

Goose Lake Park Improvements - $400,000

Kincaid Park - $150,000

Midtown Park Chalet - $400,000

Multi-Use Trails and Access Annual Program - $200,000

Nunaka Valley Park Improvements - $300,000

Peratrovich Park Upgrades - $200,000

Pool Filtration System and Building Controls - $550,000

Sand Lake Dock - $150,000

Sitka Street Park Trail Rehabilitation and Connectivity - $100,000