Is a Permeable Reactive Barrier right for you?
One solution for combatting nitrogen runoff being introduced to island ponds.
News on the Lagoon
What is a PRB?
A Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) is used to remove contaminants and nutrients from groundwater before it reaches a water body. They can be great to curb watershed loads and reduce nitrogen from groundwater.
On Martha's Vineyard PRBs will predominantly be used to reduce nitrogen from the groundwater before it makes its way to ponds.
Background picture description: graphic with permeable reactive barrier in place, limiting nitrogen runoff from groundwater sources.

The Problem of Nitrogen
Nitrogen is nutrient needed by plants to grow. It is a limiting nutrient in brackish ponds meaning the amount of nitrogen limits the amount of growth that occurs. When in excess, it can cause an abundance of growth that results in algae blooms that can harm other life living in those systems and makes water less aesthetically pleasing.
Nitrogen is introduced to watersheds in many ways and can be reduced at the source or captured before it reaches a water body. Nitrogen comes as a byproduct of septic tanks, through lawn fertilizers and agriculture, and from landfills, roads and other human made developments.
Background picture description: graphic of waterbody without permeable reactive barrier in place, with flow sources of groundwater.

What does a Permeable reactive barrier do?
A permeable reactive barrier allows groundwater to flow through it and removes nutrients and contaminants from the water.
Background picture description: map of Martha's Vineyard watersheds delineated by water body.

Chase and Sheri install a monitoring well in November of 2019.
Why install a PRB?
PRBs have been shown to reduce nitrogen load in groundwater significantly. When fully installed a Permeable Reactive Barrier lays flush to the ground and requires minimum maintenance and monitoring. If you're worried about a waterbody near you, consider a PRB to mitigate some of the nitrogen flowing into your ponds via the groundwater.
A Pilot Study on the Vineyard