Grimes WRA Connector Project
Project Update Page
Current Work
Contract 1 and 2 are completed. Contract 3 is currently installing the last of the pipe near N James St into the new lift station (Contract 4). Contract 4 is wrapping up installation of the pumps and preparing for testing of the wet well.
Contract 1
Project is completed with all trails open!
Example area restored and trails repaved in November 2023.
2022 Construction
Contract 2
Project is completed with all trails open.
Example restoration of site within the Disc Golf Course with trails repaved and open.
Contract 3
Crews are testing the pipe and working on the last sections of pipe as it connects to contract 4 - new lift station at the water and sewer plant.
Active construction of the WRA connector force main.
June 2023 behind the North Sports Complex
Fall 2022
Contract 4
Lift station structure is nearly complete. Crews are working on setting major electrical components.
New lift station building as seen from trail.
Contract 4 In progress photo of the site with a crane lifting forms for concrete
Picture of the gravity pipe used for the project.
City of Grimes WRA Project
In 2019, the City of Grimes completed a feasibility study to determine if significant improvements to our wastewater treatment plant were needed. V&K completed the study and reported the best option for Grimes is to connect to the Wastewater Reclamation Authority (WRA), which will allow the best rate for residents and businesses in the long term. The City of Grimes is installing a new sanitary sewer line that will allow the City to decommission the wastewater treatment plant and connect to the Des Moines Regional Water Authority. This is an important step to help accommodate the needs of this growing community.
When the current wastewater treatment plant is decommissioned, it will be removed. The City has yet to determine what will be built in that location. Everything circled in yellow below is the drinking water treatment plant. That will remain operational.
The project is broken up into four phases:
- WRA Connector 1 - Douglas Ave to 260th St in Urbandale
- WRA Connector 2 - 260th St to HWY 44/W 1st St
- WRA Connector 3 - HWY 44/W 1st St to Sewer Plant force main
- WRA Connector 4 - Pump station at Sewer Plant
Below is a map of the four connector projects:
WRA Project
Trail Closure Status
WRA Trail Status
Here is a sample of the type of material that will be used in the project. The Hobas pipe is a centrifugally cast, glass-fiber-reinforced, polymer mortar (CCFRPM). It is constructed with multiple layers and is lined to reduce friction.
Project Timeline
February 2019
V&K was hired to complete the feasibility study for sanitary sewer service within the city of Grimes. They concluded the study in late 2019.
March 23rd, 2021
Held public hearing per Iowa Code 6B for property acquisitions along route.
December 14th, 2021
WRA Contract 1 was publicly bid and awarded to S.J. Louis Construction for $12,675,000.
January 25th, 2022
WRA Contract 4 was publicly bid and awarded to Shank Constructors for $8,068,100.
February 8th, 2022
WRA Contract 3 was publicly bid and awarded to Rognes Corporation for $8,235,801.
March 8th, 2022
WRA Contract 2 was publicly bid and awarded to S. M. Hentges & Sons for $9,530,000.
March 2022
Clearing and grubbing for Contract 1 was completed in Urbandale.
Spring 2022
March & April - Contract 3 tree removal occurred. Gravity main will be installed in summer.
June 2022
Pipe arrived and installation started for Contract 1 in Urbandale.
August 2022
Contract 3 started laying gravity main in Grimes.
Fall 2022
Contract 2 will start construction this fall.
July 2023
Completed site restoration for Contracts 1 and 2.
December 2023
All work completed and the new WRA connector working.
Decommissioning of the Grimes Sewer Plant