Rethinking Virtual Fence

A ruggedly simple approach.

About Us

Project Mission

Our mission as students and faculty of the University of Idaho and Washington State University is to work closely with ranchers to develop an ear-borne Virtual Fence System as an alternative to physical barbed-wire fences. Our goal is to design low-cost, low-power devices that rely on proximity or distance sensing and anatomically effective animal reinforcement. This technology will be housed in a lightweight ear-tag design as an affordable adaptive tool for ranchers managing grazing lands to transform their operations and possibly improve economic and environmental sustainability.

Our lead investigators

Grazing Ecology: Karen Launchbaugh   (208)885-4394 ~~ 

Rangeland Technology: Jason Karl

Agricultural Engineer: Dev Shrestha

Animal Physiologist: Gordon Murdoch

Agricultural Economist: Katherine Lee

Outreach/Extension: Jim Sprinkle & Tip Hudson


This Virtual Fence project is currently supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2022-68017-37318 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. 

Why an Ear-Tag?

Currently, the virtual fence systems on the market are collar-based and rely on coverage from cellular networks or GPS satellites. Our design involves a two-pronged ear tag, to facilitate the necessary weight of the device. Our system is radio-controlled with beacons communicating with the tags to determine where the animal is in relation to the virtual boundary.

As of December 2024

We have implemented a small solar panel into our boards to reduce battery size ultimately reducing device weight. We have also been experimenting with different materials for the housing around the electronics and have had success with vacuum-form housing. This housing is both rigid and lighter weight than our previous designs.

Device with solar panel and vaccu-form + 3D printed housing.

Looking forward: We are looking for some input from our peers to better inform our device development in order to cater to your use cases. Share your thoughts through our questionnaire:

By April 2025 we hope to have devices on 25 animals for up to a week under the 0-dimension model.

Our Team

Current Device

Prototype Development

We are currently developing two devices, a beacon, and an ear-tag, that were previously very similar in construction. This separation allowed us to make the device housed on the animal smaller and lighter. The tag and the beacon will communicate with radio waves to calculate animal location in relation to beacons.

Designed for long-term use, the ear tag includes a highly efficient solar charging system. Its cutting-edge Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technology enables energy harvesting even in low-light conditions, like overcast days or early mornings. This ensures continuous operation for up to six months without manual recharging.

Latest solar powered tag device. This pictured device weighs 101g, however, the battery is the largest we have and will be downsized in future designs due to the success of the solar charging capacity.

Exploring tag design

Summer 2020: Further experimentation was done to test the feasibility of the ear location to determine the most effective device composition. These tests included the distance between electrodes, placement of shocking components, and the effect of environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture on the conductivity of the ear surface.

The results from these experiments revealed that for optimal effectiveness, the probes should have a distance of 3.5 cm between them. Furthermore, the devices proved to be more effective when placed in the inner or upper ear. Lastly, all tested environmental conditions (freezing, damp, and wet) did have an effect on the animals' responsiveness, yet there wasn't a strong trend in the level of responsiveness. Therefore, it is anticipated that weather will not strongly affect the performance of an ear-born virtual fence system from an animal physiology standpoint. (Go to "Student Highlights" to see student research poster to learn more).

Tag Weight

Fall 2023: As we develop our device we need to know how much the ear can sustain. In a time of new ear-born technologies, we wanted to determine if tag weight affects the ear healing process, mobility, or orientation.

We compared three tag weights (62, 89, 124 grams) to an unweighted tag (14 grams), using a commercial, two-post ear-tag (i.e., an  EnduroTag ). These weights were observed daily on 17 dairy and 17 beef cows for 6 weeks to access overall ear health.

At the end of this experiment, we found the control group exhibited the least amount of irritation whereas, all the animals in the weighted treatments exhibited more irritation. The heaviest weight group was the only treatment consistently exhibiting droop at the end of the trial.

Summer 2024: Following the experiment above, we were curious to see if the implementation of a healing period for the tag before weight application would reduce acute irritation exhibited by animals.

We deployed plain EnduroTags on 8 animals and left them to heal for 2 weeks. After the 2 initial weeks, tags were removed and weighted tags were applied to those same 8 animals as well as an additional 8 animals that did not receive a healing period. The weighted tags were left on the animal for 2 weeks before removal and final assessment.

Animals that received a 2-week healing period before weight application had scores that showed less irritation and greater healing than the animals without a healing period before weight was applied. Of the animals in the pre-healed treatment, 75% showed better healing than the animals without an initial healing window.

Animal Behavior

Visual vs. Audio vs. Combination Cues

Winter 2023-24: An experiment was conducted in a Y-maze composed of two phases. Phase 1 compared audio, visual, and combination treatments where the exclusion zone was preassigned to Y arms randomly for all treatments. Phase 2 re-examined audio and visual treatments where visual cues were preassigned randomly and audio cues were triggered in the first arm the animal entered.

The Y-maze constructed for this experiment.

Phase 1-Visual cues and the combination of visual+audio cues were highly effective at reducing the number of times animals entered the exclusion zone. Both treatments demonstrated three successes for every one attempt, with very few failures. There was no difference in how cattle respond to visual cues alone or visual+audio cues. Phase 2- Animals with visual cues were four times more likely to avoid the exclusion zone than those receiving audio cues only. Animals in the audio treatment were six times more likely to fail, though almost half of their runs with classified as attempts.

Phase 2 results

Exclusion Zone

Fall 2023: A hay bale was set in their paddock and surrounded with temporary white fence posts with flagging tape as a visual cue to delineate the exclusion zone. Active devices were put on the 4 cows' ears.

At the end of a week, there was no evidence of use within the exclusion zone. After a few initial interactions with the boundary, the cows had learned to avoid the area.

In less than 4 hours after the virtual boundary had been removed, the cows entered the exclusion zone and started eating the bale.

Virtual Gate

Spring 2021: This was a test conducted on 15 young bulls in test groups of three. These animals were brought into a test pen with devices attached to the ear. At the opposite end of the pen was an open gate with an exclusion zone of 4 meters in which animals would receive a sound-shock sequence upon entering the zone. This sequence would repeat until the animal moved out of the exclusion zone or 20 seconds of the sound-shock sequence was met. Each trial lasted 20 minutes.

Blue: stayed in pen, Orange= tested but stayed, Gray= failed

This experiment showed that after four days of testing, 100% of animals were contained and did not cross into or over the exclusion zone that acted as a gate. Even after the second day, the number of animals that stayed in the pen almost doubled, exhibiting the learnability of this technology.

Role of Visual and Audio Cues

Spring 2020: We examined which types of cues (audio or visual) were most effective for animals to learn a virtual boundary.

Animals were released into a pen with an established boundary. The visual cue was a bright yellow rope laid on the ground, the audio cue was emitted from a device on the animal's halter, and there was a control that received neither of these cues. Animals received a shock if the animal ignored the boundary. The number of times the animals crossed the first line of the boundary and time spent in the exclusion zone were recorded.

Visual comparison of auditory and visual cues.

Animals presented with a visual cue tended to cross into the exclusion zone fewer times, while animals with an audio cue spent less time overall in the exclusion zone. Animals without a cue had more line crosses and spent more time in the exclusion zone.

Ear Feasibility-Learnability

Winter 2020: We explored the potential effectiveness of an e-stimulus to the ear to deter an animal's movement toward a location.

In this experiment, Sportdog collars were wrapped in ear as close to the head as possible. The animals were released into a trial pen where a yellow rope, representing a boundary the animal should avoid. If the animal attempted to cross the rope, it would receive a shock.

The majority of those tested displayed progress in learning to associate the rope, a visual cue on the ground, with the shock, and decided against proceeding across. By the third trial, two of the animals stopped before the rope and turned around of their own accord without any electrical stimulus.

Initial Ideas

Nose Based Device

Spring 2019: Originally inspired in part by Vandal alumnus Andy Rose (US Patent No. 5,533,470 July 1996), the first iterations of our virtual fence devices were nose based.

We moved away from these designs over concerns with sore development, interference with grazing and drinking, and device shorting when wet.

Stimulus Location-Responsiveness Testing

Winter 2018: Current virtual fence systems are collars. We wanted to compare an electrical stimulus administered to the neck to other parts of the animal's body.

In this experiment SportDOG shock collars were used as the e-stimulus device jerry-rigged to a pair of tongs to ensure full contact. Stimuli were administered to the ear, neck, and nose. The collars were set to a level of two and increased by one level until a head pull, foot stomp, whole body movement, or vocalization was exhibited as a result of the e-stimulus.

This experiment revealed that the ear required the lowest level of stimuli to warrant a definite response. The nose was second most sensitive and the neck was the least sensitive.

What's Next?

Honing Cues to Leverage Animal Behavior

Contiguity-What is the most effective delay between an audio cue and an electrical stimulus to train animals to stop forward motion after an audio cue?

Use Case 1: 0 dimension

Exclusion Zone: This type of application could be used where there is a spring or a test plot in a pasture where a rancher may wish to limit grazing and animal traffic.

October 2023

This experiment was successfully conducted with four cows and a bale of hay. (More information in the Animal Behavior Research section).

Use Case 2: 0 dimension

Inclusion Zone: This type of application could be used in crop grazing systems or targeted efforts to keep animals in a desired location.

Use Case 3

Multi-beacon system: These boundaries are more dynamic and incorporate a larger area. Animal location within the boundary is known.

Project Timeline

We have come a long way from the beginning of this project and have an exciting future ahead of us.

Press & Publications

To learn more about the discussion of virtual fence and more specifically our project's take on it, interact with the following media.

Forum Short 010: Imagine A West Without Fences-June 2022

This is a short discussion led by Idaho Environmental Forum's Tim Murphy with the University of Idaho's own Dr. Karen Launchbaugh, and Mike Guerry a large figure in the Idaho livestock industry, on the topic of replacing barb-wire fences with virtual ones.

This is an article from the Beef Magazine giving an update as to the funding and goal behind this project.

This is an article from the Hay and Forage Grower that discusses the preliminary success of our virtual fence as well as the challenges and future prospects of the project.

This is a publication by Karen Launchbaugh and Hope de Avila discussing Virtual Fence and it's successes and challenges.

This article discusses producers' and range managers' experience with virtual fence technologies in grazing a wildfire scar in the Salmon-Challis National Forest. It also looks tothe future of this technology and developments of this project.

This is our very own Hope de Avila's Masters thesis.

This article dives into the appeal and application of virtual fence published in the Society for Range Management's Rangelands journal.

Shryock, M., Launchbaugh, K., De Avila, H., Shrestha, D. 2023. Comparison of location sensing technologies for precision agriculture applications. Presented at the 2023 ASABE Annual International Meeting, St. Joseph, MI. Paper # 2300726.

Student Highlights

 (click on images to enlarge) 

Engineering Senior Design teams:

CowTenna 2024-25

Students: Jayden Sherman, Zaiden Espe, Victor Vargas, Emery Baker, Shreeya Pradhan

Team Goal:

Develop an accurate LoRa angle detection system that effectively provides positional data of livestock for ranchers in remote and rugged environments. ​

  • Device achieves a phase accuracy of < 90 degrees​​

  • Device utilizes angle of arrival (AoA) calculations​​

  • Device sustains harsh weather conditions and terrains​

Ghost Cowboys 2023-24

Students: Sydney Schoth, Jaycee Johnson, Abby Fellows, Zachary DeLuca

The Ghost Cowboys 2024

Executive Summary

The goal of the project was to build a circuit that would deliver a variable voltage shock to be incorporated into the current design for a circuit board used in a virtual fence system. This circuit needs to deliver feedback verifying that a shock has been delivered which was achieved using an operational amplifier and a series of resistors. It was also built to deliver a variable voltage output which was accomplished using Arduino software and the input voltage. A transformer was used to increase the voltage of the design to around 300 volts (V). Ear testing was conducted as a part of this project to determine the bioimpedance of a cow ear and give us a starting point for our designs. This ear testing showed that the optimal frequency at which the bioimpedance of the cow ear was at its lowest was around 1000 hertz (Hz), but it did vary by ear and by species of cow. The actual impedance amount varied depending on where the probes were located, whether that be the distance between them or their location on or within the ear. Our results found that locating the probes within the ear, or in vivo, yielded the lowest impedance value. These results will help build a more effective shock circuit for a virtual fence system. Results from the ear testing were used to help determine the components chosen for the circuit. With data supporting the need for less voltage input, the circuit was designed for a system with less power draw from the battery and less voltage delivery to the cow ear. 


Hope de Avila SRM 2024

Emma Macon SRM 2024

Emma Macon SURF 2024 (follow-up to poster above)

Hope de Avila ICUR 2020

Jenn Smith ICUR 2019

Courtney Carter ICUR 2019

Device with solar panel and vaccu-form + 3D printed housing.

Latest solar powered tag device. This pictured device weighs 101g, however, the battery is the largest we have and will be downsized in future designs due to the success of the solar charging capacity.

The Y-maze constructed for this experiment.

Phase 2 results

Blue: stayed in pen, Orange= tested but stayed, Gray= failed

Visual comparison of auditory and visual cues.

The Ghost Cowboys 2024

Hope de Avila SRM 2024

Emma Macon SRM 2024

Emma Macon SURF 2024 (follow-up to poster above)

Hope de Avila ICUR 2020

Jenn Smith ICUR 2019

Courtney Carter ICUR 2019