An Overview of Housing in Glenview, Illinois
Population Density in Glenview, IL
Age distribution in Glenview, IL
Households by Race and Ethnicity in Glenview, IL
Area Median Income of the residents of Glenview, IL
Household Income by race in Glenview village, IL
Cost Burden by Race and Ethnicity in Glenview, IL
Race/Ethnicity with Lowest Median Income
Homeowners and renters statistics in Glenview, IL
Comparsion between homeowners (left) and renters (right) who are cost burdened.
Source: ArcGIS online
Housing Stock in Glenview, IL
Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2020. ACS 5-Year Estimates, Table B25009
Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2020. ACS 5-Year Estimates, Table B25032
Comparison between household size and unit size