SFWPA Board of Directors' Divisions
About South Feather
South Feather Water and Power Agency is an independent special district formed under the Irrigation Code of the State of California. It provides treated water service to the communities of Oroville, Palermo and Bangor in southeast Butte County, as well as operates the South Feather Power Project, a FERC-licensed hydropower project. It is governed by a five-member elected board of directors.
The Agency is located 70 miles north of Sacramento on the east side of California’s Sacramento Valley in the Sierra foothills of southeast Butte County.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of South Feather Water & Power Agency is committed to providing excellence in legislative leadership that results in the provision of the highest quality of services to its constituents.
The President of the Board of Directors serves as chairperson at all Board meetings and has the same rights as the other members of the Board in voting, introducing motions, resolutions and ordinances, and any discussion of questions that follow said actions. In the absence of the President, the Vice President of the Board of Directors serves as chairperson over all meetings of the Board. If the President and Vice President of the Board are both absent, the remaining members select one of themselves to act as chairperson of the meeting. The Board of Directors is the unit of authority within the Agency. Apart from their normal function as a part of this unit, Directors have no individual authority. As individuals, Directors may not commit the Agency to any policy, act or expenditure. Although Directors are elected to represent their respective divisions, they are also part of the body, which acts for the best interests of the entire Agency and the community as a whole. Actions by the Board of Directors include but are not limited to the following: Introduction or proposal of new programs, policies or procedures, or changes to existing programs, policies and procedures.
Adoption or rejection of regulations or policies, resolutions, ordinances, any contract or expenditure, or any proposal which commits Agency funds or facilities, including employment and dismissal of personnel; and, approval or disapproval of matters which require or may require the Agency or its employees to take action and/or provide services. Formation and supervision of ad hoc committees in conformance with Board policy, “Committees of the Board of Directors.”
Election Qualifications
To be eligible for candidacy with South Feather Water and Power Agency, each candidate shall be a voter and a landowner in the district and a resident of the division that he or she represents at the time of his or her nomination or appointment and through his or her entire term. To verify in which division you reside, click on the magnifying glass in the top left corner of the map below and enter your address. You may zoom into your location using the + - keys in the bottom right corner.
SFWPA Elections
Butte County Elections
Information regarding candidate requirements and registration can be found at https://buttevotes.net