Detox & Recovery

A review and summary of Rural Health Scholar research that addresses issues of detox and recovery on Martha's Vineyard.

Detox/Recovery and Housing

Scholar Observations

Scholar Recommendations

  • N/A

Summary of the Community's response so far No updates to share at this time (Updated 6.17.2022)

Improving Access on/off Island

Scholar Observations

Scholar Recommendations

  • Recommended a formal, easy to access, in-patient detox program,  2011 RHS Presentation  &  2014 
  • Recommended improve prompt access to detox/comprehensive SUD services for the 16-26 age group,  2021 RHS Presentation 
    • Improve on investment in detox/inpatient rehab
    • Streamline the process of connecting individuals with appropriate off-island care

Summary of the Commuity's response so far

The SUD Coalition has formed in recent years, they are currently looking into a community collaboration to fund an on-Island treatment center

(Updated 6.17.2022)