I Like to Get My Feet Wet

Inventorying black ash trees in Vermont -- a collaborative project through Vermont Urban and Community Forestry & the University of Vermont.

Black ash on the Ompompanoosuc River


Chronicling a hunt for one of Vermont's most elusive trees, Fraxinus nigra, the black ash... A summer of wading through seeps, swamps, and floodplain forests, in search of these corky-barked wonders.

It's a mixed experience, this full immersion in the mucky, buggy, boggy world of black ash. There's nothing better than a summer exploring my home state, falling in love with trees. But, it's juxtaposed with the disappearance of black ash trees from the landscape. Emerald ash borer (EAB) larvae are infesting and killing ash trees across North America. In 2018,  EAB was detected in Vermont, and has since spread across much of the state . Black ash trees have shown zero resistance to these infestations.

So, here's to celebrating what's here while we have it... And working together to find a path forward.

If you want to view or add observations to the iNaturalist project,  click here !

Black Ash in the Field

Want to learn more?

More info: Check out the   Heartwood Podcast's recent episode   for more information about black ash.

Questions? Email charlotte.cadow@uvm.edu

Black ash on the Ompompanoosuc River