Living with Water
City of Charleston Map History Tour
Charleston, SC is a world-renowned destination known for our friendly locals, beautiful coastal setting, thriving culinary scene, rich architecture & unique history.
For nearly 350 years, the people of Charleston have been shaped and defined by their relationship with the sea. The very thing that provides the founding heartbeat for our area, also makes us vulnerable, especially in light of the rising tides around us.
1844 Charleston
Our City's land and water boundaries have been documented over time. This iconic Keenan Plan of the Charleston Peninsula is one example.
The yellow boundary line that represents Charleston's edge in 1844 will continue to be referenced in future maps. Keep an eye out for it, as it is good reference for the changing shape of the Peninsula.
Fast forward, look closely...
Today, we see that many of the streets we travel and places we visit today fall outside of what was the Charleston Peninsula in 1844.
Some of these places are vital resources like our Medical District, downtown Police Station, and scenic Lockwood Blvd.
The Case of Lockwood Blvd
Due to the original nature of its location, a 7.4 ft MLLW tide at the southwestern edge of the Peninsula can trigger flooded road conditions, as the Ashley River spills saltwater onto Lockwood Blvd.
This area is an example of Coastal Flooding, depicted by NOAA as the extent of flood-prone coastal areas based on predicted water levels exceeding specific tidal heights, as issued by our local NWS office.
NOAA | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
NWS | National Weather Service
Today & Tomorrow
Aware of the challenges we're facing, the City of Charleston is focused on finding solutions that address the threats posed by rising seas, increased coastal flooding, and extreme weather events.
Some efforts include major infrastructure drainage projects, including the installation of check valves and the restoration of 19th century underground brick arches.
Other efforts include pursuing alternative planning ideas like those proposed by the 'Dutch Approach'.
Better understanding of the challenges we face also requires us to stay informed with the latest science and data. To this end, the City provides easy access to information that is vital.
Day-to-Day Monitoring
TIDE eye is a web & mobile-friendly tool for keeping an eye on our latest local weather and tides, as well as their impact on regional traffic and road closures.
Long-term Planning
The City's Sea Level Rise Viewer is an interactive map to help users better visualize the lasting impacts of the rising tides around us.
The Local Tide Trends Dashboard is another tool to help users understand the magnitude of our increasing local tides.
Living with water requires us to make difficult choices and thoughtful planning decisions. To preserve the Charleston we know and love, we must take bold action for the benefit of everyone in our community.
Want to learn more about our role as individuals, neighborhoods, businesses, and government of our beloved Holy City?
Questions? Comments?
For more information, visit the Mayor's Office of Resilience & Management .
For technical difficulties, contact the IT/GIS Division via the City's Citizen Services Desk.