Planning Services
Report of Activities 2019
"Creating a vibrant city is a delicate balance of art and science." Jennifer Keesmaat, Former City of Toronto Chief Planner
This resonates with me. It reflects the constant small dances between the creative and regulatory; the balance of one property and another; the application of long-established standards and the aspiration to modernize; and the prioritization of one clearly established City goal compared to another. This report seeks to share a snapshot of how we achieved this balance in 2019, the areas in which we work, and some of the notable outcomes. I welcome your feedback, ideas, and thoughts at blenart@a2gov.org .
Planning Staff
Planning Services works together to:
Plan: We develop and present the City's Master Plan for adoption. The Master Plan is used to guide legislative land use choices.
Zone: We share, interpret, enforce, and propose amendments to the Unified Development Code. These regulations guide private land development toward the City’s goals.
Protect: We safeguard the City's historical heritage through education, and the creation, promotion, and regulation of historic districts.
Work Done in 2019
In Partnership
Brownfield Redevelopment In 2019 the City continued its partnership with the Washtenaw County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority. In addition to adoption of a new City of Ann Arbor Brownfield Policy , the City approved Brownfield Plans for 309 N. Ashley, 841 Broadway, and 1831 Traver Road (Leslie Science Center and Park). Together these provide financial support for $10 million in environmental cleanup, $8 million in other redevelopment activities, and support of $115 million of new private investment.
Redevelopment of City-owned Properties In partnership with the Ann Arbor Housing Commission, the Washtenaw County Office of Community and Economic Development, and the Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority, analysis and feasibility planning for the development of affordable housing on numerous City-owned properties.
Short Term Rentals The City hosted a series of workshops to hear community feedback on short term rentals in the City. This information and other analysis has resulted in City Council direction to pursue a proposed regulatory framework, anticipated for consideration in 2020.
Boards and Commissions
Planning Services doesn’t perform this work alone. We feel fortunate to support an outstanding array of appointed Boards and Commissions. These individuals volunteering on these groups bring talent, experience, thoughtfulness, and time to their roles. Whether they direct or redirect our work; validate or critique ideas; or simply chart a path or process toward success, we value the moments spent with these valued public servants.
31 Members | 84 Scheduled Meetings | 140 Hours in Session
City Planning Commission
The Planning Commission provides recommendations on any Unified Development Code amendment, rezoning, or site plan that is forwarded to the City Council for determination.
Unified Development Code Amendments
In 2019, nine proposed changes to Unified Development Code were advanced for City Council approval:
Site Plans
Other Reviews and Petitions
Design Review Board
Design Review Board
The Design Review Board advises developers on how a project can meet the spirit and intent of the Ann Arbor Downtown Design Guidelines. With creativity, the Board engages in advisory dialog with applicants to encourage high quality development. In 2019 there were five applications reviewed by the DRB.
Historic District Commission
Historic District Commission Awards 2019
The Historic District Commission presents up to 20 awards each year. In 2019 they were awarded in the following categories: Rehabilitation Awards, which are given to projects that have substantially returned a property to its historic condition; Preservation Awards, which are given to owners who have maintained the historic character of their property for at least 10 years; Adaptive Reuse Awards; Special Merit Awards; and an Memorial for Louisa Pieper, a lifetime advocate and founder of historic preservation in Ann Arbor. The recipients were nominated and researched by the HDC Awards Committee and the awards were presented at the June 3, 2019 City Council Meeting.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Occasionally, circumstances are so unique, that variation is warranted. The purpose of the Zoning Board of Appeals is to hear and decide appeals and to authorize variances from the zoning ordinance. In 2019 the ZBA heard 35 cases, the majority of which were approved.
Zoning Compliance
Working to ensure that all work, despite type and scale, is compliant with City development requirements.