Housing ATO Calculator

A tool for planning for housing along the Wasatch Front

TRAX, a light right system, exits a station that exemplifies transit-oriented development. Several three to four story multifamily residential buildings front the tracks to the east. A brand new library fitted with waterwise gardens and a plaza for community gathering front the tracks to the west. More development is in the works in this area.

Housing Access to Opportunities Calculator

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This aerial image showcases an active, multimodal streetscape with a light rail system, wide sidewalks, and vehicle lanes. Development around the streetscape ranges from one to six story buildings.
This aerial image showcases an active, multimodal streetscape with a light rail system, wide sidewalks, and vehicle lanes. Development around the streetscape ranges from one to six story buildings.
This barchart displays Utah's high expect growth. It shows Utah's 2020 population as 3.3 million, and predicts that Utah will grow by two million, reaching five million by 2050.
This barchart displays Utah's high expect growth. It shows Utah's 2020 population as 3.3 million, and predicts that Utah will grow by two million, reaching five million by 2050.
This line graph displays how both median home sales price and median monthly housing payments have grown sharply in Utah since 2015.
This line graph displays how both median home sales price and median monthly housing payments have grown sharply in Utah since 2015.

Wasatch Front Regional Council Logo
Wasatch Front Regional Council Logo

This storymap was published in January 2023 as a resource for users of WFRC's Housing Access to Opportunities Calculator.