Michigan Geology Story Map

By Tony Workman


Boyne Mountain is an example of a Kame, and is located in Northwest Michigan

Kames form when sediment is moved down by gravity and fills in the crevasse and as it fills more it creates the circular depression which is a kame.

Kames Continued

This is another example of Kames which is located in Northville Michigan which is in the vicinity of the High School.


These Eskers are found in Jackson, near Lansing. Eskers are long twisting hills that are most likely filled in subglacial streams

    Eskers formed long snaky tunnels filled with sediment from the past ice that melted and formed these tunnels of elevation.

Eskers Continued

Eskers located in Hawks, MI


    These Drumlins are located near/in the Moltke Twp. in North MI. Drumlins are a Subglacial formation and are water droplet shaped hills. Drumlins also show direction of ice movement.

Drumlins formed from the glaciers that melted in the drumlin areas and formed these teardrop hills after the ice melted.

Drumlins Continued

These Drumlins are located in Central Lake Michigan.


This is a picture of the defiance moraine, or the first moraine to begin the interlobate.

Moraines form from the leftover till from ice and it has a mixed bag of sediment. These sheets of Till are what we call Moraines and are located all around Michigan.

Moraines Continued

This is a part of the Valparaiso moraine and is at the north east part of Michigan.

Glacial Drift

This Drift is located near the thumb with the yellow and teal being drift.

Drift forms when water organizes eroded sediment that was off of melt water in glaciers in streams from moraine deposits.

Glacial Drift Continued

This Drift is located near the defiance moraine a the west side of Michigan.

Glacial Till

This Till is located behind the drift at the defiance moraine, which is at the west side of Michigan. The colors orange and brown and pink and purple all represent the different Till.

Till is formed when sediment is deposited from ice deposits in glaciers. This is very poorly sorted sediment as it wasn't sorted by water or anything else.

Glacial Till Continued

This Till is located near the thumb of Michigan and is near the middle of Michigan.

Interlobate Region

The Interlobate Region is located near where we live and is in southeast Michigan.

The region formed between two ice lobes allowed for elevations to change in the area and as the ice melted it left this elevation at this area near the defiance moraine.


This Erratic is located in Rose Oaks County Park in Michigan in the Interlobate Region.

Erratic's form from being left from glacial deposits as the ice melted away these large boulders were left over.

Erratic's Continued

Another spot of an Erratic is in Northwest Michigan at the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.

Kettle Lake

This is a Kettle lake located in the interlobate in the southeast area of Michigan.

Kettle Lakes are formed when ice from the bigger glacier calved off and filled in the space to form a Kettle Lake

Kettle Lake Continued

This Kettle Lake is located in southeast Michigan and is inside of the Interlobate Region.

Great Lakes Formation

This is Lake Michigan which is located west of Michigan.

The great lakes formed from the Ice Lobe that was at the area. The Ice had moved into the river valleys that were of lower elevation and when the ice melted it formed the lake.

Great Lakes Formation Continued

This is Lakes Huron and Erie which also formed from ice lobes and are located around the west area of Michigan.

Ancient Shorelines

This shows the Ancient Shorelines which are the green lines that show the outline of Michigan.

These shores formed from these parts of Michigan the outlined areas not being able to erode from resistance and stopped and left the outlines of Michigan. These shores were formed when the glacier deposits sitting on it and the melted wash brought Till and sorted it to form the Drift seen which is the shorelines.

Ancient Shorelines Continued

These shorelines are located around the thumb and index finger area of the Michigan Outline.

Milankovitch Cycles and Ice Ages

The Milankovitch Cycles represent how the earth's tilt and orbit changes over time from a cycle of up and down. This cycle makes us sometimes further away from the sun and sometimes closer, which can go into a glacier period - Cold, and an Interglacial period - Warm.

Michigan Bedrock Geology

This images shows the Bedrock Geology, which is the underneath hole that we used to have before an Ice Lobe from Canada deposited the soil that we see today on Michigan.

Field Trip Pictures