Socioeconomic Report of Arizona
Examining Demographic Variables Across the State of Arizona
Scroll through the data on this site to learn about the Census data for your neighborhood.
Example Pop-up when a Census Block is selected on a map.
Census Blocks are the smallest level of geography for which the Census Bureau provides population counts. In urban areas, each city block is a Census Block, but in more rural areas Blocks tend to cover larger geographic areas.
The colors used throughout each map view represent the percent of Census Block Group population for the given variable being viewed. Zoom in and select an individual Census Block to be able to access data about a selected Census Block.
Voting Age Population Variables
Click a button below to see the percentage of the Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP) in each Census Block. The variables maps represent the Voting Rights Act’s “protected class” groups (Latino, Asian-American, African-American or Native American), or of Non-Hispanic Whites. Default map only shows County boundaries.
Places of Interest
Language and Children at Home Variables
Click a button below to see the assorted demographic percentages regarding language spoken at home in each Census Block.
Places of Interest
Housing Patterns
Click either of the buttons below for data on housing patterns. “Renters” will show the percentage of housing units that are occupied by renters (the rest are owner-occupied). “Multi-Family” shows the percentage of people living in multi-family housing units (generally apartments or condominiums), compared to than single-family housing units.
Places of Interest
Other Demographics
Click on the “Income” button to see the percentage of households with total household income of $75,000 per year or more. Click “Education” to see the percentage of residents age 25 and above who have at least a 4-year college Bachelor’s degree.