The Ahwatukee Foothills Village’s northern border is contoured along the foothills of the massive South Mountain Park. The Village extends south to Pecos Road and from the I-10 freeway to approximately 35th Avenue. Ahwatukee offers professional offices, shops, and a major commercial center in the Village Core, along with easy access to downtown Phoenix. The Village provides easy access to Phoenix and other major cities in the East Valley via the I-10 freeway and major commercial thoroughfares.
The Ahwatukee Foothills Village supports family-oriented outdoor lifestyles filled with hiking, biking, walking, and playing amongst the rugged open spaces of South Mountain Park/Preserve.
Mapping growth in the Ahwatukee Foothills Village: 2001 vs. 2021
South Mountain Park and the scenic desert views are protected and maintained by the predominantly low-rise environment, defined by the prevalence of quiet, master planned, single-family neighborhoods with manicured parks, playgrounds, and golf courses found throughout the Village.
More information about the character of the Ahwatukee Foothills Village can be found here .
Approximately 193 building projects (valued at or above 50,000 dollars) were filed in the year 2021, contributing to a total estimated value of 112 million dollars of investment and growth.
Did you know?
A building permit is required for most non-residential construction, new homes, and when existing homes are remodeled or additions are made. The permit is issued when structures are designed in accordance with the building codes and all other applicable codes and ordinances, to ensure the safety of the structure. For more information visit here .
This Village Planning Committee heard and took action on one (1) rezoning request and three (3) Text Amendments in 2021.
What is Rezoning?
For more information on Rezoning and Special Permit request please visit here .
For more information on General Plan Amendments (GPAs) please visit here .
For more information on Planning Hearing Officer (PHOs) please visit here .
This Village had approximately nine (9) Zoning Adjustment (ZA) requests during 2021.
What is a Zoning Adjustment?
Zoning Adjustments
For more information, visit the City of Phoenix Zoning Adjustment main page.
Several Village "to do" items have been identified by this committee in alignment with the 2015 Phoenix General Plan's 7 strategic tools. This past year the committee had various opportunities to hear and discuss information items that further the committee's knowledge, partnerships, and collaboration towards accomplishing these "to do" items.
The following is a list of presentation and discussion topics were heard and discussed in 2021:
- Major employers within the Village
- Pedestrian safety and walkability
- Electric vehicle charging stations
- Climate Action Plan
- Water rate increase
- Floodplain management
Celebrating 2021
2021 Members
- Spencer Elliott, Chair
- Andrew Gasparro, Vice Chair
- Alexander Benezra, member
- Chad Blostone, member
- Scott Crouch, member
- Darin Fisher, member*
- Carlos Hernandez de Pena, member*
- Michael Hinz, member
- Benjamin Holt, member
- Mike Maloney, member
- Max Masel, member
- Peter Meier, member
- Martha Neese, member
- Robert Page, member
- Elena Pritchette, member
- Mike Schiller, member
- Suzanne Sharer, member*
- Brian Symes, member
- James Wallin, member
- Jerry Youhanaie, member
*New 2021 VPC Members
- Spencer Elliott, Chair
- Andrew Gasparro, Vice Chair
- Darin Fisher, member
- Carlos Hernandez de Pena, member
- Peter Meier, member
- Robert Page, member
- Elena Pritchette, member
- Suzanne Sharer, member
- Jerry Youhanaie, member
VPC Planners
- Staff Village Planning Committee meetings – ensuring the meeting stays on track and makes enforceable recommendations.
- Write reports and staff recommendations for for rezoning and general plan amendment requests.
- VPC Planners act as point of contact for citizens and applicants within the Village.
2021 Ahwatukee Foothills VPC Planners:
Enrique Bojorquez Gaxiola
Village Planning Committees (VPC) are appointed by the Mayor & City Council and must either live or work within the Village boundary that they are serving. The VPCs provide guidance on a wide range of city-wide and local issues. Village Planning Committees hear and discuss rezoning cases, general plan amendments, and text amendments and provide recommendations on these items to the Planning Commission. For more information on the role of the VPC please visit here .
The Ahwatukee Foothills Village Planning Committee generally meets the 4th Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. through a vitural meeting format via the Webex videoconferencing platform.
Please consult the public meeting notices page for an Agenda to confirm that the meeting will occur.