L.I.D. Gulf Coast

An expanding educational tool to prompt continued dialogue around Nature-Based Stormwater Management for the Mississippi Gulf Coast

Low Impact Development Gulf Coast

STEP 1: View the 7-page slide show to understand how we're defining Low Impact Development.


STEP 2: View the regional and nearby relevant projects.

We've reached a bit beyond the Mississippi Coastal region to provide a good diversity of projects that utilize a variety of Low Impact Development / Green Infrastructure tools. We think you'll agree that all of the projects highlighted are relevant to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Please remember we're using the terms Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure interchangeably for the purpose of this project.

It is our desire that this digital story map expand over time as a learning tool, inspiring practice and policy around Low Impact Development for the Mississippi Gulf Coast that protects our natural resources, beautifies our Cities, and provides meaningful connections between community and environment-- for all of our residents and visitors.

Each project highlighted below has been submitted by a design firm, City or property owner. Most have been completed, while some are still in planning and design. As a disclaimer, Mississippi State University has not verified the submitted projects for function or value, but rather provides this digital educational tool to prompt a dialogue that will further policies and practices that protect our natural resources and create better communities through sustainable stormwater management.

PROJECT VIEWING OPTION 1: Pick a point on the map to learn about a project by location.

Low Impact Development Projects Relevant to the Mississippi Gulf Coast

PROJECT VIEWING OPTION 2: Scroll through all submitted projects below:

STEP 3: Stay connected.

Do you have a project you'd like to see included in the LID Gulf Coast Story Map?

This project was paid for with federal funding from the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act). This document was prepared by the Mississippi State University Gulf Coast Community Design Studio using Federal funds under award GNTCP17MS0020 from the RESTORE Council. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the RESTORE Council or the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.

This story map is produced by the Gulf Coast Community Design Studio, made possible by RESTORE funds awarded to the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Sea Grant Education and Outreach program. Continuing updates are made possible through a cooperative agreement with the Natural Resources Conservation Service.


"LID : Low Impact Development : a design manual for urban areas", published by the University of Arkansas Community Design Center (2010). A pdf excerpt can be found  HERE , or the book may be purchased  HERE .

"Low Impact Development Handbook for the State of Alabama", published by the Alabama Department of Environmental Quality and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Auburn University. The full manual is available in pdf  HERE .

"Large Volume Storms and Low Impact Development, Using LID Practices in Areas with Intense Rainfall Events", EPA (2017). The full pdf is available  HERE .

"Case Studies Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure Programs", EPA (2013). The full pdf is available  HERE .

"Army Low Impact Development Technical User Guide", United Stated Army Corps of Engineers (2013). The full pdf is available  HERE .

PROJECT SUBMISSION PERMISSIONS for text and images corresponding with low impact development and green infrastructure projects has been granted by the submitting firm or organization listed in the project narrative. Where applicable, the municipality is credited as well.

Mississippi State University

Gulf Coast Community Design Studio

Contact: twyman@gccds.msstate.edu

Published April 2020