La Junta Main Street
About La Junta
La Junta is the business and creative hub of southeastern Colorado. Equally important are the beautiful parks, friendly people, historic buildings, and public spaces. The City of La Junta is at a turning point in its downtown revitalization process. In recent years, the Main Street program, Creative District, and URA have been working together to create a series of projects that will serve as catalyst for local based revitalization within the downtown core of La Junta. Due to the diligent work of each program and their board members’ resolution over the past few years, many of the catalyst projects are moving forward.
Small towns have a unique place in Colorado history. La Junta residents and town governments have tried to revitalize our downtown area. La Junta has so many good qualities. The people, the spirit, the kindness, and rural identity of the people is what makes La Junta special. - The Barista
Celebrating Main Street
During Historic Preservation Month (May), Colorado Main Street and local programs asks residents and visitors about those downtown places - historic buildings, businesses, and public spaces - that matter most to them. The following are the top results for La Junta.

Junction 50 Galleria
Junction 50 Galleria . Click to expand.
Favorite Gathering Place

City Park
City Park . Click to expand.
Favorite Landmark

Fox Theater
Fox Theater. Click to expand.
Favorite Business

Klein Makerspace
Klein Makerspace. Click to expand.
Must Visit Destination

Early Settlers Day
Early Settlers Day. Click to expand.
Favorite Event
Of course, there is more to La Junta than the top results! Below are some other favorites identified in the Celebrating Main Streets survey ...
La Junta Landmarks
La Junta is "the junction" - a crossroads of creative community and commerce for the Arkansas Valley.
Main Street: Open for Business
The Main Street: Open for Business Grant Program, enabled by SB21‐252, awarded money to eligible entities (municipalities, counties, and councils of government) - including the City of La Junta - to provide incentive programs for local business owners to improve the energy efficiency and/or aesthetics of commercial buildings within traditional downtowns. This program was designed to increase property values and visual appeal, increase sales and revenues in rehabilitated buildings, reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills, and increase job retention/creation.

Fox Theater

The Opera House

Klein Makerspace

The Warehouse

JMP Holdings

Calico Properties
About La Junta RISE
To celebrate our rich history, innovative businesses, and unexpected adventures every single day.
Every day is a new discovery of the talent, potential, and treasures in this wondrous community. - Cynthia Nieb, La Junta RISE Manager