Sunny Isles Beach Capital Improvement Projects

A visual journey through both active and recently completed capital projects.

A high level view of Sunny Isles Beach from the balcony of a high rise

The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) concentrates on the development of a long-range framework in which physical projects may be planned while, at the same time, implementing projects within the City's financial capabilities. The comprehensive program is prepared for the ensuing five years and is based upon the requirements of the community for all types of public improvements.  

Current Active Projects

These projects represent in-progress projects that have current capital improvement budget allocated. Some phases may be complete while others have not yet begun.

172 St Streetscape & Drainage

About 5 years ago, the City restored the drain line along 172nd Street, and more recently added 2 new wells to the system. More stormwater flooding retention needs to be constructed. This work will include raising a section of the road and possible installation of small stormwater pumping system.

Beach Erosion Mitigation & Stormwater Retention Strategies

Options for both short term, hot spot beach renourishment projects and long term erosion mitigation are currently being evaluated as well as the possibility of cost sharing with County, State and/or Federal agencies. The City has implemented a shoreline monitoring program, as well as considering future mitigation strategies to maintain the long term health of our beach. Funds have been added to this project with the hope that in the future, we can get approval to place a structure under the pier and possibly at the southern border of the City to mitigate the effects of the sand erosion occurring south of the pier as well as the restoration of the submerged breakwater structures at the north end of the City, if necessary. This project will also include cleaning out cement in stormwater retention basins.

Bella Vista Bay Park

Completed design plans include public bathrooms, a concession area and a decking and landscaping system that will provide for ecological education and an opportunity to pursue water sports. Also includes funding for seawall design and installation, and mangrove mitigation. Dock repairs from Hurricane Irma damage is included under this project and will be partially reimbursed by FEMA. We are also anticipating this dock to accomodate a water taxi at some point in the future.

Central Island Drainage Improvements

This project includes improvements to the drainage system to minimize the amount of flooding for the areas north of 174th street to 183rd street and Atlantic Avenue to North Bay Road. This project will also include a stormwater pumping system.

City Wide Automatic License Plate Readers

The purpose of the automatic license plate reader (LPR) project is to enhance the safety of the community by utilizing technology. The LPR project will deploy license plate readers to strategic locations throughout the city. The license plate readers will provide alerts to officers when vehicles traveling into the city have been flagged by a law enforcement database as wanted. These wanted vehicles pictures will be disseminated to officers so they can locate the vehicle and take enforcement action when necessary. Additionally, the LPR system will generate leads for investigators by allowing them to research historical records for vehicles traversing the city. The Phase I goal of positioning license plate readers at every entrance and exit to the City of Sunny Isles Beach has been completed. We have also completed Phase II, placing LPRs at the three entranceways to the Golden Shores neighborhood. The goal of Phase III is to place LPRs on 174th Street, Winston Towers complex. Future phases will include public streets abutting Collins Avenue throughout the city.

City Wide Fiber Optics Connectivity

The City Wide Fiber Optic Installation project will provide connectivity to all remote city sites and parks. This will improve the bandwidth and reliability compared to the current wireless infrastructure and will provide for better business continuity planning. These improvements will give the City the opportunity to improve the services provided to the residents. The City recently completed the design for 26,500 feet of fiber network and will be issuing an RFP for the deployment of this fiber.

City Wide Landscape & Decorative Lighting

This project includes upgrade and replacement of landscape and streetscape lighting features. Some work will be done in coordination with the Citywide Streetscape Plan and therefore the duration will be extended to accommodate that schedule.

Citywide Parks Improvements

This project is pending the completion of a parks and recreation master plan to determine the improvements needed at the various parks throughout the city.

City Wide Security - Phase 2

The City Wide Security Project consists of various phases of camera installations in City owned parks and facilities. The first two phases of the project are complete and fully operational. An evaluation is currently underway for the Phase I cameras completed in FY 2014-2015 which are nearing their end-of-life cycle. Phase III of the project will add cameras at two existing locations as well as expand the project to include the Emergency Pedestrian Bridge located between 172nd St. and 174th St. over the Intracoastal Waterway.

Collins Avenue Streetscape & Sidewalk Improvements

The proposed sidewalk improvement includes the removal of the concrete sidewalks on the east side of Collins Avenue and replacing the surface with decorative concrete pavers similar to those placed on the sidewalk on the west side of Collins Avenue. In addition to the paver installation, all ADA ramps, drainage structure tops, and mast arm bases remaining, will be painted with colors similar to the pavers. This project is to improve the aesthetics of the Collins Avenue corridor for residents and visitors.

Collins Avenue Pedestrian Improvements at 174 St

174th street is one of the busiest intersections in the City. It has been identified by the Mobility and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee as a priority to improving pedestrian safety in our city. Alternatives to a multimillion dollar bridge are currently being studied. Carryover funding in this project remain to design, permit and construct those improvements. This lengthy process will require permit approval from local and state agencies.

Gateway Center & Pedestrian Bridge

Additional budget was added to the Gateway Center project in FY20 to fund the buildout of the facility space to include a grand ballroom, social gathering space, classrooms and a catering kitchen. This project has been completed other than the sizing and installation of the generator system.

Golden Shores Drainage Repairs & Utility Undergrounding

Through the City’s on-going Stormwater Management System preventive maintenance program, necessary system repairs have been identified in the Golden Shores neighborhood. The proposed project will consist of an analysis of the drainage for any necessary improvements and upgrades, review of other underground utilities for necessary improvements to sewer, gas and potable water, and the undergrounding of utilities. Additional improvements planned include updated street lights and roadway reconstruction with an entranceway streetscape that includes sidewalk and curb connecting Collins Avenue to Atlantic Blvd. Pavement, striping and landscaping/sod disturbed during the repairs and undergrounding will also need to be replaced as part of this project.

Golden Shores Entranceway Park

The newly acquired pieces of land to be converted into a public park will be used throughout the utility undergrounding project as part of the staging area. Ultimately, it will be combined with other abutting park land acquired by the City. Future design to begin in Fiscal Year 2024.

Golden Shores Stormwater Pump Station

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to hold the line on expenditures, we upgraded all mechanical and electrical systems of the pump station and purchased four portable pumps in the event of an emergency instead of a complete rebuild of the pump station.

Government Center Projects

Included for 2020-2021, utilized carryover funds from prior years, starting with to replace and improve the Government Center first floor reception area to provide security for staff and a more functional workspace, and flood doors to protect mechanical, and electrical and generator rooms from storm surge. The security study was completed and subsequent planning of a comprehensive upgrade of certain areas for security purposes has begun. The third floor public reception area was upgraded with bullet proof windows for security purposes. COVID-19 has added a whole host of potential upgrades in addition to the security recommendations.

Gwen Margolis Park Upgrades

This is an ongoing project which has included the replacement of the natural turf playfield with an artificial surface, installation of minimal area lighting, new gates, new netting for the fields, an upgrade to the public restroom for ADA compliance, and aesthetic and functional improvements. Additionally, new safety surfacing will be installed in the playground, the perimeter fence will be replaced, concrete filler will be added between the concrete curb and the fence and additional lighting for safe use of the soccer field at night will be installed with the remaining funds.

Heritage Park & Parking Garage Improvements

The project included a complete replacement of the playground safety surface, modifications to the existing drainage system, the repair of stucco delamination and water intrusion, and an electronic billboard to highlight the park and surrounding area. Additional work related to garage screens and a stage shade cover shall be part of the ongoing improvements needed for the garage and park. Additional funding included in FY 2021 for the creation of a dedicated space for special needs children is in the planning stages.

Intracoastal Park CourtSports Complex

This City owned .63 acre parcel of land, located at the northwest corner of 158 Street and Collins Avenue is planned to be an extension of the Intracoastal Park system. With a playground at Intracoastal Park South, there has been a demand for restrooms for those users. Additionally, there have been requests for active recreation in the form of tennis, pickle ball and basketball. This project includes the design and construction of a few multi-use courts for these activities as well as a small building for restrooms, storage and a staff person along with a small parking lot. It is planned to be a resident only park to serve our entire community

Intracoastal Park Improvements

The original dock at Intracoastal Park was destroyed due to the seawall collapse in 2014. A new dock will need to be built in its place. This project will include design, permitting, and construction of a new dock to create an observation deck at this park as well as other improvements, such as a sports complex, that will be evaluated as part of the parks and recreation master plan.

Newport Pier Improvements

Planning to install shade covers along the viewing areas and a hut for access to the fishing area as well as potable water improvements and the addition of a gate. There is also consideration for a public/private partnership with Newport.

Pedestrian/Emergency Bridge

The City has constructed a pedestrian bridge with emergency vehicle access. The 263' bridge spans the canal at North Bay Road from 172nd Street to 174th Street. The City received a $500,000 state appropriation toward the cost of this project. Included in this project and still remaining to be done is the relocation of an FPL transformer and associated equipment to the easement that Salem House contributed to the city.

Pelican Community Park Improvements

This project consists of the replacement of the HVAC system for the community center and the gymnasium which was completed in 2019. The renovation of the lobby to create a more secure entrance and work environment for park employees and students, repair of the stucco delamination, baseball field fence hardening, roof and railing repairs were completed in 2021. Additional funding for 2020-2021 will provide for roof repairs and security improvements.

Roadway Resurfacing Project

This project is ongoing and will address the need for milling, resurfacing, and repair of City roads. The first phase of the project involves obtaining a consultant to report on the overall condition of all City-owned roads along with recommendations for priority and cost estimates for future work.

Samson Oceanfront Park Upgrades

Improvements for this park included expansion of the public restrooms, addition of a performance area with a concrete path, wall enhancements along Collins Avenue, modernization of the park signage (including an electric billboard), and replacement of park lighting. The major renovations were completed in fiscal year 2016-17, and carryover of funds shall occur to complete aesthetics and finalize payments.

Sidewalk Repairs & Replacement

This ongoing project includes removal and replacement of existing sidewalks throughout the City (exclusive of Collins Ave) that are currently in disrepair. ADA ramps and detectable warnings will also be repaired/replaced where needed. This project is intended to enhance the City's aesthetics and the overall pedestrian experience. Wherever possible, will also assess areas where sidewalks can be widened.

Sunny Isles Blvd Street Improvements

This project includes improvements to the SR 826/Sunny Isles Blvd corridor for ground covering, landscaping, and sidewalk pavers. This project will commence once the FDOT bridge and resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation (RRR) projects in this area are completed.

Sunny Isles Blvd WASD Property & Park

The project consists of the creation of a passive park inclusive of a paved walkway, landscaping, irrigation, and seating areas. Any improvements to this area will be submitted to Miami-Dade County for approval in accordance with the existing lease agreement. WASD is rebuilding a new sewer pump station in an architectural style similar to the FPL substation. Once completed, the City will be able to use leased land west of the new pump station for a park and continuation of the bay walk. During FY18, the City received a $150,000 developer contribution that will be used to partially fund this project.

Town Center Park Upgrades

This ongoing project includes the installation of an electronic billboard and the replacement of exercise stations. Also planned is the arts area in the back section of the park, and fence and gate relocation along Collins Avenue to allow for widening the sidewalk.

Transportation / Pedestrian Access Improvements

Based upon needs identified in the citywide transportation study, this project will address a series of improvements ranging from bringing sidewalks, bus stops, and crosswalk to ADA compliance, new and improved crosswalks in several locations identified on the citywide study (including illuminated crosswalks on North Bay Road - north and south), adaptive signalization technology, and long range improvements such as the study of priority signalization for transit and emergency vehicles. To make these improvements, coordination and support from County and State agencies is essential and required.

Utility Undergrounding (Collins Ave Corridor)

FDOT required that the conduit for aerial facilities be installed in advance of their resurfacing project. This phase along Collins Avenue was completed in January 2018. The light pole installation phase commenced in late 2018. Along with the light pole installation, Florida Power and Light is concurrently running wiring through the underground conduits, this will continue through at least 2022.

172 St Streetscape & Drainage

About 5 years ago, the City restored the drain line along 172nd Street, and more recently added 2 new wells to the system. More stormwater flooding retention needs to be constructed. This work will include raising a section of the road and possible installation of small stormwater pumping system. 

Beach Erosion Mitigation & Stormwater Retention Strategies

Options for both short term, hot spot beach renourishment projects and long term erosion mitigation are currently being evaluated as well as the possibility of cost sharing with County, State and/or Federal agencies. The City has implemented a shoreline monitoring program, as well as considering future mitigation strategies to maintain the long term health of our beach. Funds have been added to this project with the hope that in the future, we can get approval to place a structure under the pier and possibly at the southern border of the City to mitigate the effects of the sand erosion occurring south of the pier as well as the restoration of the submerged breakwater structures at the north end of the City, if necessary. This project will also include cleaning out cement in stormwater retention basins.  

Bella Vista Bay Park

Completed design plans include public bathrooms, a concession area and a decking and landscaping system that will provide for ecological education and an opportunity to pursue water sports. Also includes funding for seawall design and installation, and mangrove mitigation. Dock repairs from Hurricane Irma damage is included under this project and will be partially reimbursed by FEMA. We are also anticipating this dock to accomodate a water taxi at some point in the future.

Central Island Drainage Improvements

This project includes improvements to the drainage system to minimize the amount of flooding for the areas north of 174th street to 183rd street and Atlantic Avenue to North Bay Road. This project will also include a stormwater pumping system.

City Wide Automatic License Plate Readers

The purpose of the automatic license plate reader (LPR) project is to enhance the safety of the community by utilizing technology. The LPR project will deploy license plate readers to strategic locations throughout the city. The license plate readers will provide alerts to officers when vehicles traveling into the city have been flagged by a law enforcement database as wanted. These wanted vehicles pictures will be disseminated to officers so they can locate the vehicle and take enforcement action when necessary. Additionally, the LPR system will generate leads for investigators by allowing them to research historical records for vehicles traversing the city. The Phase I goal of positioning license plate readers at every entrance and exit to the City of Sunny Isles Beach has been completed. We have also completed Phase II, placing LPRs at the three entranceways to the Golden Shores neighborhood. The goal of Phase III is to place LPRs on 174th Street, Winston Towers complex. Future phases will include public streets abutting Collins Avenue throughout the city. 

City Wide Fiber Optics Connectivity

The City Wide Fiber Optic Installation project will provide connectivity to all remote city sites and parks. This will improve the bandwidth and reliability compared to the current wireless infrastructure and will provide for better business continuity planning. These improvements will give the City the opportunity to improve the services provided to the residents. The City recently completed the design for 26,500 feet of fiber network and will be issuing an RFP for the deployment of this fiber. 

City Wide Landscape & Decorative Lighting

This project includes upgrade and replacement of landscape and streetscape lighting features. Some work will be done in coordination with the Citywide Streetscape Plan and therefore the duration will be extended to accommodate that schedule.

Citywide Parks Improvements

This project is pending the completion of a parks and recreation master plan to determine the improvements needed at the various parks throughout the city.

City Wide Security - Phase 2

The City Wide Security Project consists of various phases of camera installations in City owned parks and facilities. The first two phases of the project are complete and fully operational. An evaluation is currently underway for the Phase I cameras completed in FY 2014-2015 which are nearing their end-of-life cycle. Phase III of the project will add cameras at two existing locations as well as expand the project to include the Emergency Pedestrian Bridge located between 172nd St. and 174th St. over the Intracoastal Waterway. 

Collins Avenue Streetscape & Sidewalk Improvements

The proposed sidewalk improvement includes the removal of the concrete sidewalks on the east side of Collins Avenue and replacing the surface with decorative concrete pavers similar to those placed on the sidewalk on the west side of Collins Avenue. In addition to the paver installation, all ADA ramps, drainage structure tops, and mast arm bases remaining, will be painted with colors similar to the pavers. This project is to improve the aesthetics of the Collins Avenue corridor for residents and visitors. 

Collins Avenue Pedestrian Improvements at 174 St

174th street is one of the busiest intersections in the City. It has been identified by the Mobility and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee as a priority to improving pedestrian safety in our city. Alternatives to a multimillion dollar bridge are currently being studied. Carryover funding in this project remain to design, permit and construct those improvements. This lengthy process will require permit approval from local and state agencies.

Gateway Center & Pedestrian Bridge

Additional budget was added to the Gateway Center project in FY20 to fund the buildout of the facility space to include a grand ballroom, social gathering space, classrooms and a catering kitchen. This project has been completed other than the sizing and installation of the generator system. 

Golden Shores Drainage Repairs & Utility Undergrounding

Through the City’s on-going Stormwater Management System preventive maintenance program, necessary system repairs have been identified in the Golden Shores neighborhood. The proposed project will consist of an analysis of the drainage for any necessary improvements and upgrades, review of other underground utilities for necessary improvements to sewer, gas and potable water, and the undergrounding of utilities. Additional improvements planned include updated street lights and roadway reconstruction with an entranceway streetscape that includes sidewalk and curb connecting Collins Avenue to Atlantic Blvd. Pavement, striping and landscaping/sod disturbed during the repairs and undergrounding will also need to be replaced as part of this project.  

Golden Shores Entranceway Park

The newly acquired pieces of land to be converted into a public park will be used throughout the utility undergrounding project as part of the staging area. Ultimately, it will be combined with other abutting park land acquired by the City. Future design to begin in Fiscal Year 2024. 

Golden Shores Stormwater Pump Station

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to hold the line on expenditures, we upgraded all mechanical and electrical systems of the pump station and purchased four portable pumps in the event of an emergency instead of a complete rebuild of the pump station.

Government Center Projects

Included for 2020-2021, utilized carryover funds from prior years, starting with to replace and improve the Government Center first floor reception area to provide security for staff and a more functional workspace, and flood doors to protect mechanical, and electrical and generator rooms from storm surge. The security study was completed and subsequent planning of a comprehensive upgrade of certain areas for security purposes has begun. The third floor public reception area was upgraded with bullet proof windows for security purposes. COVID-19 has added a whole host of potential upgrades in addition to the security recommendations.

Gwen Margolis Park Upgrades

This is an ongoing project which has included the replacement of the natural turf playfield with an artificial surface, installation of minimal area lighting, new gates, new netting for the fields, an upgrade to the public restroom for ADA compliance, and aesthetic and functional improvements. Additionally, new safety surfacing will be installed in the playground, the perimeter fence will be replaced, concrete filler will be added between the concrete curb and the fence and additional lighting for safe use of the soccer field at night will be installed with the remaining funds.

Heritage Park & Parking Garage Improvements

The project included a complete replacement of the playground safety surface, modifications to the existing drainage system, the repair of stucco delamination and water intrusion, and an electronic billboard to highlight the park and surrounding area. Additional work related to garage screens and a stage shade cover shall be part of the ongoing improvements needed for the garage and park. Additional funding included in FY 2021 for the creation of a dedicated space for special needs children is in the planning stages. 

Intracoastal Park CourtSports Complex

This City owned .63 acre parcel of land, located at the northwest corner of 158 Street and Collins Avenue is planned to be an extension of the Intracoastal Park system. With a playground at Intracoastal Park South, there has been a demand for restrooms for those users. Additionally, there have been requests for active recreation in the form of tennis, pickle ball and basketball. This project includes the design and construction of a few multi-use courts for these activities as well as a small building for restrooms, storage and a staff person along with a small parking lot. It is planned to be a resident only park to serve our entire community

Intracoastal Park Improvements

The original dock at Intracoastal Park was destroyed due to the seawall collapse in 2014. A new dock will need to be built in its place. This project will include design, permitting, and construction of a new dock to create an observation deck at this park as well as other improvements, such as a sports complex, that will be evaluated as part of the parks and recreation master plan.

Newport Pier Improvements

Planning to install shade covers along the viewing areas and a hut for access to the fishing area as well as potable water improvements and the addition of a gate. There is also consideration for a public/private partnership with Newport.

Pedestrian/Emergency Bridge

The City has constructed a pedestrian bridge with emergency vehicle access. The 263' bridge spans the canal at North Bay Road from 172nd Street to 174th Street. The City received a $500,000 state appropriation toward the cost of this project. Included in this project and still remaining to be done is the relocation of an FPL transformer and associated equipment to the easement that Salem House contributed to the city. 

Pelican Community Park Improvements

This project consists of the replacement of the HVAC system for the community center and the gymnasium which was completed in 2019. The renovation of the lobby to create a more secure entrance and work environment for park employees and students, repair of the stucco delamination, baseball field fence hardening, roof and railing repairs were completed in 2021. Additional funding for 2020-2021 will provide for roof repairs and security improvements. 

Roadway Resurfacing Project

This project is ongoing and will address the need for milling, resurfacing, and repair of City roads. The first phase of the project involves obtaining a consultant to report on the overall condition of all City-owned roads along with recommendations for priority and cost estimates for future work. 

Samson Oceanfront Park Upgrades

Improvements for this park included expansion of the public restrooms, addition of a performance area with a concrete path, wall enhancements along Collins Avenue, modernization of the park signage (including an electric billboard), and replacement of park lighting. The major renovations were completed in fiscal year 2016-17, and carryover of funds shall occur to complete aesthetics and finalize payments. 

Sidewalk Repairs & Replacement

This ongoing project includes removal and replacement of existing sidewalks throughout the City (exclusive of Collins Ave) that are currently in disrepair. ADA ramps and detectable warnings will also be repaired/replaced where needed. This project is intended to enhance the City's aesthetics and the overall pedestrian experience. Wherever possible, will also assess areas where sidewalks can be widened. 

Sunny Isles Blvd Street Improvements

This project includes improvements to the SR 826/Sunny Isles Blvd corridor for ground covering, landscaping, and sidewalk pavers. This project will commence once the FDOT bridge and resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation (RRR) projects in this area are completed. 

Sunny Isles Blvd WASD Property & Park

The project consists of the creation of a passive park inclusive of a paved walkway, landscaping, irrigation, and seating areas. Any improvements to this area will be submitted to Miami-Dade County for approval in accordance with the existing lease agreement. WASD is rebuilding a new sewer pump station in an architectural style similar to the FPL substation. Once completed, the City will be able to use leased land west of the new pump station for a park and continuation of the bay walk. During FY18, the City received a $150,000 developer contribution that will be used to partially fund this project.

Town Center Park Upgrades

This ongoing project includes the installation of an electronic billboard and the replacement of exercise stations. Also planned is the arts area in the back section of the park, and fence and gate relocation along Collins Avenue to allow for widening the sidewalk. 

Transportation / Pedestrian Access Improvements

Based upon needs identified in the citywide transportation study, this project will address a series of improvements ranging from bringing sidewalks, bus stops, and crosswalk to ADA compliance, new and improved crosswalks in several locations identified on the citywide study (including illuminated crosswalks on North Bay Road - north and south), adaptive signalization technology, and long range improvements such as the study of priority signalization for transit and emergency vehicles. To make these improvements, coordination and support from County and State agencies is essential and required.

Utility Undergrounding (Collins Ave Corridor)

FDOT required that the conduit for aerial facilities be installed in advance of their resurfacing project. This phase along Collins Avenue was completed in January 2018. The light pole installation phase commenced in late 2018. Along with the light pole installation, Florida Power and Light is concurrently running wiring through the underground conduits, this will continue through at least 2022. 

Recently Completed Projects

These projects represent completed projects or completed portions of larger projects that are open or accessible for Public use.

North Bay Road Pedestrian Bridge

Construction of the bridge as well as landscaping and lighting was completed and open for public use in late 2017. Installation of relocated telecommunications equipment remains an active project phase.

Gateway Center

Gateway Center opened to the public in 2021. Some infrastructure components remain to be finished before the project is 100% complete.

Heritage Park Playground Upgrades

The playground updates in Heritage Park have been completed and include new equipment, footing, and installation of new shade structures. This project is part of the Heritage Park and garage improvements capital project.

Newport Pier & Restaurant

The newly constructed Newport fishing pier reopened to the public in June of 2013, and restaurant space was completed and open for use in July 2014. Current budget allocations for the pier include upgrades like shade structures and an admissions staff hut.

Samson Oceanfront Park Improvements

Samson Oceanfront Park underwent massive renovation after part of it was temporarily used for construction staging for Chateau Beach to the north. The park reopened to the public in May of 2017. Most of the functional and aesthetic upgrades have been completed, including the decorative wall at Collins Avenue, new benches and lighting, the interactive electronic billboard, new playgrounds, and expanded restroom facilities.

174 Street Landscaping & Drainage Improvements

174 Street now enjoys better drainage, a completely re-landscaped center median, new pavement, and improved decorative street lighting.

Golden Shores Street Lighting Improvements

Golden Shores street lighting upgrades have been completed in 2021 and the neighborhood is now illuminated with safer, better lighting. This is part of a larger project that involves drainage improvements and utility undergrounding throughout Golden Shores.

Gateway Park Pedestrian Bridge over SR 826

Located near the intersection of North Bay Rd and Sunny Isles Blvd, this elevated pedestrian bridge allows park visitors coming from neighborhoods to the north on foot to safely access Gateway Park without having to traverse the busy and often dangerous intersection of Collins Avenue and Sunny Isles Boulevard or travel all the way around the business loop.

North Bay Road Pedestrian Bridge

Construction of the bridge as well as landscaping and lighting was completed and open for public use in late 2017. Installation of relocated telecommunications equipment remains an active project phase.

Gateway Center

Gateway Center opened to the public in 2021. Some infrastructure components remain to be finished before the project is 100% complete.

Heritage Park Playground Upgrades

The playground updates in Heritage Park have been completed and include new equipment, footing, and installation of new shade structures. This project is part of the Heritage Park and garage improvements capital project.

Newport Pier & Restaurant

The newly constructed Newport fishing pier reopened to the public in June of 2013, and restaurant space was completed and open for use in July 2014. Current budget allocations for the pier include upgrades like shade structures and an admissions staff hut.

Samson Oceanfront Park Improvements

Samson Oceanfront Park underwent massive renovation after part of it was temporarily used for construction staging for Chateau Beach to the north. The park reopened to the public in May of 2017. Most of the functional and aesthetic upgrades have been completed, including the decorative wall at Collins Avenue, new benches and lighting, the interactive electronic billboard, new playgrounds, and expanded restroom facilities.

174 Street Landscaping & Drainage Improvements

174 Street now enjoys better drainage, a completely re-landscaped center median, new pavement, and improved decorative street lighting.

Golden Shores Street Lighting Improvements

Golden Shores street lighting upgrades have been completed in 2021 and the neighborhood is now illuminated with safer, better lighting. This is part of a larger project that involves drainage improvements and utility undergrounding throughout Golden Shores.

Gateway Park Pedestrian Bridge over SR 826

Located near the intersection of North Bay Rd and Sunny Isles Blvd, this elevated pedestrian bridge allows park visitors coming from neighborhoods to the north on foot to safely access Gateway Park without having to traverse the busy and often dangerous intersection of Collins Avenue and Sunny Isles Boulevard or travel all the way around the business loop.

The City of Sunny Isles Beach is committed to providing a fully accessible website experience for all users, regardless of disabilities and other special needs. If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on this website interferes with your ability to access information, please contact the City’s ADA Coordinator: Human Resources - |  305.792.1708 |TTY Hearing Impaired:  305.792.1589 

All images, videos, and information narratives presented are property of the City of Sunny Isles Beach and may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from the City of Sunny Isles Beach.