Addressing the Climate Crisis

Why geospatial solutions are key to understanding and responding to climate change

A light blue half sphere with a dark blue background

Climate change presents an existential threat to the environment, to marginalized communities, and to the economic welfare of our nation.

It threatens coastal zones, infrastructure, agriculture and ecosystems. 

Geospatial technology is a crucial component of our domestic and international efforts to address climate change. In fact, geographic information systems (GIS) are already thoroughly integrated into the work of leading government organizations. By scaling and integrating these efforts, we can holistically turn data into insights, and insights into actionable items that can be shared with all levels of government, the private sector, and the American public. 

There are five areas of opportunity for geospatial technology to integrate and build on existing strategic responses to the climate crisis:

  1. Extreme weather events
  2. National security
  3. Protecting biodiversity
  4. Sustainable agriculture
  5. Climate justice
Gather data, analyze it, map it and share it words with right arrows in between

These are the steps that geospatial technology uses to make data actionable.

Extreme Weather Events

a cloud in the sky from above
a cloud in the sky from above

The immediate and tangible impacts of climate change are becoming more frequent and severe.

Geographic information systems can help any country plan for and respond to extreme weather events through advanced analysis and situational awareness.

Through partnerships and open data sharing with authoritative federal sources, Esri provides predictive analysis data on various weather-related risks. We also make live feeds of incident data available as extreme weather events unfold. This information allows organizations to plan and prepare for extreme weather, monitor current situation, and react to them in real time. Let's look at an example.

Wildfire hazard potential

As climate change increases the likelihood of extreme weather events, information about resource allocation to mitigate disaster is of the utmost importance.

Wildfires are a prime example—knowing which areas are most at risk can help stakeholders decide how to prioritize preventative and preparatory measures.

This map from the United States Forest Service shows wildfire hazard potential across the country, with red zones being the areas most at risk. Local decision makers, like those in northern California, can make more informed recommendations on how to allocate resources with the help of this data.

Weather and climate mapping are applied far beyond evening news broadcasts. Businesses, government agencies, and individuals rely on weather data and information products to drive economic growth, protect lives and property, and support decision-making.

Meteorologists, climatologists, and GIS practitioners are increasingly integrating weather and climate data into their GIS workflows, combining them with other data to advance atmospheric science research; analyze the impact to populations, infrastructure, and ecosystems; and build myriads of apps enabling adaptation to climate change.

Esri's  ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World  aggregates data from authoritative sources, and includes a variety of weather-related data sets; some of this data is also updated in near real time. These resources are in constant use by emergency management agencies for planning and response purposes.

2. Ensuring National Security

Climate change is a threat multiplier—it magnifies existing geopolitical and weather-related risks, in turn threatening global stability and security.

For example, melting sea ice exposes new waterways for shipping and new land areas for defense installations, meaning it has implications for sovereignty rights, commerce, and national defense. Location intelligence helps organizations identify related national defense concerns, areas of potential conflict, and threats to vulnerable populations domestically and abroad.

Sea level trends

This map shows sea level trends globally. The color and direction of the arrow indicate whether sea levels are rising or falling, while the size of the arrow corresponds to the magnitude of change.

Coastal flooding, a consequence of rising sea levels, can have national security implications. For example, naval bases located in areas where high-tide flooding is an issue may become compromised as result.

It is critical to prioritize climate change as a security issue, and to integrate GIS into adopted solutions.

Geospatial data can help protect national security and identify priority areas for resource allocation. Explore some of the tools built with Esri technology that federal agencies are using to assess risk:

3. Protecting Biodiversity

Protecting biodiversity, slowing extinction rates, and conserving 30 percent of America’s lands and waters by 2030 are among the key executive actions that President Biden plans to prioritize for tackling the climate crisis. 

Together, these approaches make up one of the biggest shifts in U.S. conservation policy since the Endangered Species Act. And the timing could not be more dire. The world's wildlife and ecosystems are facing existential threats—we must firmly commit to their protection now, before it's too late.

Richness of imperiled species

This map of the contiguous United States contains data on a wide range of species already known to be imperiled. The brighter colors signify areas that are home to multiple threatened species whose narrow geographic ranges currently have little protection.

NatureServe, an Esri partner, used 50 years of biodiversity data together with the Protected Areas Database of the U.S. to create the  Map of Biodiversity Importance  collection (which includes this dataset).

As you can see in this focused view, the area around the southern Appalachians has a very high diversity of imperiled, unprotected species. 

After identifying locations of vulnerable threatened species, additional analysis of projected land use change can reveal biodiverse areas likely to be lost to development.

By layering this information together, GIS analysis can drive informed decisions about the prioritization and conservation of environmentally critical ecosystems.

4. Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

It's vital to establish and expand programs that encourage ranchers, farmers and landowners to implement science-based approaches that help draw down atmospheric carbon.

Key approaches include conservation tillage, planting cover crops, reforestation, and using methane digesters for livestock operations. Farmers can benefit from state-of-the-art technologies to compete in world markets while protecting American soil and water. President Biden plans to create more jobs in related manufacturing and technology fields.

Spatial data can play a key role in forecasting how climate change will impact fundamental agricultural variables as well decisions on how to maximize crop yields.

Agricultural science is searching for more efficient and sustainable farming practices in the face of an expected 2 billion additional mouths to feed by 2050. Big data from innovations in sensors, delivered within the geospatial cloud, will enable a new crop of precision farming techniques and analytics.

a field of green grass with a row of houses and trees

The  Census of Agriculture , produced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)  National Agricultural Statistics Service , provides a complete count of America's farms, ranches, and the people who grow our food. The census is conducted every five years (most recently in 2017) and provides an in-depth look at the agricultural industry. 

In 2019, the USDA initiated  Partnerships for Data Innovations (PDI) , a program designed to support the grand vision of connecting research from lab to field. PDI aims to bring new technology to the forefront of agriculture by producing a suite of tools for data accessibility, analysis, and visualization. To achieve these goals, PDI is developing data standards and mobile data collection, and even automating data flow from the field.

If agriculture goes wrong, nothing else will have a chance to go right. - M.S. Swaminathan

5. Achieving Climate Justice

In order to improve and maintain a clean and healthy environment for all communities, it's important to understand the root cause of pollutants and where their impacts are concentrated.

For many years, marginalized communities across the United States have suffered disproportionately from polluting facilities. The Biden administration plans to launch new environmental and climate justice initiatives, including:

  • Mandating new monitoring in frontline and fence line communities,
  • Requiring community notification, and
  • Addressing targeted issues around affected communities.

Measuring air quality

This map compares the average annual amount of particulate matter 2.5 (a measure of air quality) to the proportional size of an area's minority population. The data covers the years from 1998-2016.

The population data is from  Esri's Updated Demographics  and the air quality data is from NASA's  Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center . Clicking on the map reveals more information, like trends over time. 

That power rests in all of us, and when we operate as a collective, that's when we are most powerful and we move forward as a unit, as a body... - Dr. Robert Bullard

Get started today

The resources below can help you think further about GIS as an important mechanism for addressing the climate crisis.

A world globe with multiple landscape nature and animal images laid on top of it.

About this story

This story was created by Esri to support efforts to address the climate crisis. Esri is dedicated to supporting climate science through the development of data and software solutions.

This story was made using ArcGIS StoryMaps. Get more information about ArcGIS StoryMaps  here .