Gender Equality

Sustainable Development Goal 5

Young girls reading books at desks

"Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore also half of its potential. But, today gender inequality persists everywhere and stagnates social progress." —United Nations (

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals—adopted by all United Nations member states—serve as a blueprint to protect the planet and improve the lives of all people, with no one left behind.

Sustainable Development Goal or SDG 5 outlines established targets to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

The United Nations established targets for achieving and measuring progress towards SDG 5 including:

  • End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere
  • Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life
  • Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women

Sample stories

Explore place-based stories, created with  ArcGIS StoryMaps , that highlight female leaders in government, science, civil rights, and beyond.

Women in national parliaments

by Esri

Take a look at women's representation in national parliaments across the world and consider strategies for increasing that representation.

A dark global map that displays women in leadership by colored dots

The gender digital divide

by  USAID  Digital Inclusion and GeoCenter

Use data to understand the digital divide globally and how USAID is working to bridge the divide.

Three women look at a mobile phone

The life of Dolores Huerta

Get inspired by the life of Dolores Huerta—civil rights icon, feminist, and mother.

Dolores Huerta and Richard Chavez stand behind a podium

Challenge accepted

by Esri

Join Dr. Dawn Wright, Chief Scientists of Esri, on the barrier-breaking dive of a lifetime.

Data sources

Access a few data sources and apps behind the sample stories and consider ways to tell your own SDG 5 narrative.

IPU Parline

The Inter-Parliamentary Union features global data on national parliaments, including a  monthly ranking of women in national parliaments .

Women Count

The UN Women's  Women Count  provides updated  gender-specific SDG data  as well as data on women, peace and security, and violence against women.

Compare female-to-male internet usable globally or by country with the  Digital Gender Gaps dashboard by SDGs Today  below.

Explore more data sets in  Esri's Living Atlas of the World,  a collection of maps, apps, and data layers from around the globe.

Learning resources

Get hands-on experience with SDG 5 geospatial data through Esri learning materials. Then build your storytelling skills with ArcGIS StoryMaps tutorials, for beginners and beyond.

About the Storytelling for a Sustainable World collection

The  Storytelling for a Sustainable World collection  was created as a storytelling resource for the Global Councils on the SDGs. The collection, which includes one story for each United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, will assist the Global Councils as they work to ensure progress toward the global goals. Each SDG story includes topical sample stories, relevant data sets, and learning resources to get started.