Norwegian Narrative
How the Oxnevads became the Nevards and how my grandmother found her American roots with a Norwegian upbringing.
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Just a Small Town Girl
Birgit Sorenson was born in Egersund, Norway. When she was 16 she spent some time staying with some cousins in the midwest of the United States before returning to Norway. She adored America and wanted nothing more than to return. In 1928, she returned to the States and settled in San Francisco.

Also A Small Town Boy
Per Oxnevad was born in Egersund, Norway. He. moved to San Francisco when he was a teenager. Although he grew up in the same town as Birgit, they never met while living in Egersund.
Per Oxnevad eventually legally changed his name to Nevard while in his time living in California. This is how the Oxnevad name was changed upon American immigration.
"Someday I am Going to Marry That Girl"
While in San Francisco, Birgit and Per attended a community club for Norwegians. It was there that they finally met. On the first day that Per saw Birgit, he leaned over to his friend and said, "Someday I am going to marry that girl" and someday he did.
Growing Up Norwegian
Carol Nevard was born in 1933. She grew up with her younger brother in San Francisco along with all the Norwegian traditions upheld by their parents. She learned Norwegian recipes, celebrated a Norwegian Christmas, and. even spoke Norwegian from time to time.
High School Sweet Hearts
Carol attended San Mateo High School, and during her senior year, she met Bill Jacobs. They went to senior prom together and were a love at first sight story.
"Dear John..."
While Bill attended Stanford University, Carol went to UC Santa Barbara. At some point, long distance was failing and Carol sent Bill a "dear John" letter to break things off. Given that Bill is my grandfather, that breakup didn't quite stick for long.
Back Together Again
After some time, Carol (my grandmother) transferred to University of San Jose where she could be closer to Bill. After college, they got married and have been together ever since.