Literary Landscapes
Place Names of Scotland's National Parks

Welcome to Literary Landscapes, a resource exploring the place name heritage of the Cairngorms and Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Parks.
This is the online mapping submission form, where you can help us build a shared map of place names in Scotland's National Parks by adding your own entry. Please scroll and follow the simple steps to record a place name!
Before you upload a photo or sound file or provide written notes you must make sure you have permission to provide this information to the National Park Authorities. You must also make sure that we have permission to make this information available to the public as part of the Literary Landscapes project.
When you complete your submission we will ask you to provide your e-mail address and the name of your school (or organisation). We will use your e-mail address to confirm your information has been submitted and to contact you if we need to ask you a question about it. Your e-mail address will not be made public and it will be held securely on our systems for no more than 6 months. The name of your school (or organisation) and the information you submit will be held on our systems and reviewed for retention or deletion every 5 years until the end of the project. Any submitted information that has content considered to be unsuitable for publication, or can be used to identify an individual, will not be published and will be removed from our systems.
Submit a place name
NPScot Literary Landscapes report form