What's in Your Water?
Learn about well water quality in the Raritan Headwaters by exploring the series of maps and information below.
At some point, every one of us will be concerned about having access to clean drinking water. In parts of our country and around the globe, water pollution and shortages are accelerating at an alarming rate, threatening both quality of life and public health.
For more than 62 years, Raritan Headwaters (RHA) has made it our mission to protect clean water in the North Branch and South Branch region of the Raritan River watershed. Our vision of a healthy future for our region includes a safe, clean water supply that can sustain local populations of plants, animals, and people. Never has our mission been so urgent.
Eighty percent of residents living in our region rely on underground aquifers that supply their wells with drinking water. While public water supplies are frequently and regularly tested for an array of contaminants, the potability of private well water is the responsibility of the homeowner. New Jersey's Private Well Testing Act requires sellers (or buyers) of property with potable wells to test the untreated ground water for a variety of water quality parameters. However, it is important to test your well every year to ensure the water is safe to drink.
RHA has been testing water quality in private wells since 1974. RHA’s Community Well Test program guides private well owners through the process of testing their drinking water quality and understanding their results. The series of maps below illustrate water quality data collected through this program on contaminants that impact human health. To protect the privacy of residents who have participated, data is published in a grid format with each cell covering a one square mile area. Maps are color coded to show the percentage of wells within each cell where an exceedance of the drinking water quality standard* was detected. Areas not covered by a cell are areas where no wells were tested as part of the RHA Well Testing Program.
*The New Jersey Safe Drinking Water Act (Act) at N.J.S.A. 58:12A- 2 established New Jersey’s Drinking Water Quality Institute (DWQI). The DWQI is responsible for developing Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) or standards for hazardous contaminants in drinking water.
Should I be concerned about bacteria?
The Coliform Family
Because it is difficult to test a well for all types of harmful and harmless bacteria, a certain group, known as coliform bacteria, are used to indicate possible contamination. There are a number of factors that contribute to risk of bacterial contamination including depth of the well, flooding of the area around the well, leaching of effluent from a nearby septic system, and structural damage to the well. Various types of coliform live in the soil and even on surfaces in your home, but they do not occur naturally in ground water. Any well water that shows the presence of bacteria is considered contaminated and steps should be taken to disinfect the well and prevent future contamination. If coliforms are detected, a second test for E.coli (a type of coliform that indicates the presence of fecal bacteria) is performed.
The intensity and frequency of rain events have been increasing resulting in more runoff and flooding. An increased rate of coliform bacteria detections in the private wells tested through the RHA Well Testing program reflects an impact on public health due to changes in our climate. Annual testing for bacteria is highly recommended.
Health Effects
Exposure to these bacteria may cause upset stomach, vomiting, fever, or diarrhea. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the most frequent causes of many common bacterial infections, including cholecystitis, bacteremia, cholangitis, urinary tract infection (UTI), and traveler's diarrhea, and other clinical infections such as neonatal meningitis and pneumonia.
Coliform Map: Where Do You Live?
Coliform bacteria and E.coli contamination is determined by a qualitative presence-absence test. This map represents the percentage of tests within each cell where the presence of coliform bacteria was detected.
Click on a cell to view coliform information. Use the search tool to locate your home (click on the magnifying glass icon found in the upper left corner of the map and type in your address).
Coliform Presence
What Can You Do?
If you are a private well user, get your water tested every year for bacteria and be sure to have your septic tank pumped at least every 3 years. Be sure to maintain your well properly to reduce risk of contamination. If bacteria is detected, steps should be taken to disinfect the well . Alternatively, a UV light system may be installed to treat the water continuously for bacterial contamination.
Should I be concerned about nitrates?
Excess Nutrients Impact Surface and Ground Water Quality
Nitrates are naturally occurring. All rainfall and groundwater aquifers contain a low level of nitrate-nitrogen. However, elevated levels of nitrates in drinking water can be a health concern for certain adults and small children. Nitrate accumulates in agricultural watersheds where farmers spread inorganic fertilizers and animal manures on cropland. Excess nitrogen can leach through the soil to both surface and ground water. This can impact well water quality and also contribute to harmful algal blooms in streams, lakes, and reservoirs. In addition, residential aging septic systems and use of lawn fertilizers can be significant sources of nitrate in drinking water.
Health Effects
Consuming too much nitrate can affect how blood carries oxygen and can cause methemoglobinemia (also known as blue baby syndrome) resulting in serious illness or death. Bottle-fed babies under six months old are at the highest risk and pregnant women can pass methemoglobin on to developing fetuses. The potential health impacts on adults include decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, stomach cramps, and vomiting. Some studies also suggest an increased risk of gastric cancer.
Nitrates Map: Where do you live?
The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrates in drinking water is 10 mg/L. This map represents the percentage of tests within each cell where the concentration of nitrates exceeds that limit.
Click on a cell to view nitrate information. Use the search tool to locate your home (click on the magnifying glass icon found in the upper left corner of the map and type in your address).
Nitrate Exceedances
What Can You Do?
If you are a private well user, get your water tested every year for nitrates. The best way to reduce nitrate in your drinking water is to identify any potential sources of nitrate on your property and find ways to manage those sources. Learn more about nitrates in drinking water HERE and the importance of managing your septic system HERE .
Raritan Headwaters Bedrock Geology (click on map to view details)
Should I be concerned about Arsenic?
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that can enter ground water through rocks and soil. Inorganic arsenic exists naturally at various levels throughout New Jersey's geology. However, in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of the state (light blue area on the map shown), arsenic is more mobile in ground water resulting in a higher risk for contamination of drinking water wells. Arsenic in well water is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. The only way to identify its presence is to test the water.
Health Effects
Arsenic is a known human carcinogen that causes cancer of the skin, bladder, lung, kidney, and liver. Health effects of exposure to arsenic found in well water can cause a range of other serious health problems in adults, including skin lesions, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, and non-malignant respiratory disease. Cognitive and motor function deficits may result in children who are exposed to arsenic in their drinking water.
Arsenic Map: Where do you live?
The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for arsenic in NJ drinking water is 0.005 mg/L. However, no amount of arsenic is considered safe. The goal level for drinking water is zero. This map represents the percentage of tests within each cell where the concentration of arsenic exceeds the NJ drinking water standard.
Click on a cell to view arsenic information. Use the search tool to locate your home (click on the magnifying glass icon found in the upper left corner of the map and type in your address).
Arsenic Exceedances
What Can You Do?
If you are a private well user, get your water tested for arsenic every 3-5 years. If arsenic is detected at a level over the NJ Drinking Water Standard of 0.005 mg/L, install an arsenic removal system. If you are already using an arsenic treatment system, test your treated water once a year to ensure it is functioning properly. Learn more about arsenic and how to treat it by visiting RHA's Arsenic Awareness page.
Should I be concerned about Lead?
Lead can enter drinking water when plumbing materials that contain lead corrode, especially when water has high acidity or low mineral content that can corrode pipes and fixtures. The issue is not confined to urban areas or public water supplies. Residents in rural areas who rely on private wells are also at risk. The most common sources of lead in drinking water are lead pipes and solder, brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures. Lead pipes are more likely to be found in older cities and homes built before 1987. Lead in water is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. The only way to know if you’re being exposed to lead through your drinking water is to test it. Lead exposure may be reduced or eliminated with inexpensive treatments.
Health Effects
Lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful to human health even at low levels endangering the health of residents throughout NJ. Lead is particularly detrimental to brain development in young children. Low levels of exposure have been linked to damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, learning disabilities, shorter stature, impaired hearing, and impaired formation and function of blood cells. Lead can bioaccumulate in the body over time and can be harmful to every organ system.
Lead Map: Where Do You Live?
The Safe Drinking Water Act sets a maximum concentration of 15 parts per billion (ppb) of lead for tap water. However, EPA has set the maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) for lead in drinking water at zero. No amount of lead is good for you, so if you find any amount of lead in your water, it’s best to treat for it. This map represents the percentage of tests within each cell where the concentration of lead exceeds 15 ppb.
Click on a cell to view lead information. Use the search tool to locate your home (click on the magnifying glass icon found in the upper left corner of the map and type in your address).
Lead Exceedances
What can you do?
If you live in a home built before 1987, test your water for lead every 5 years or if there are changes to your water supply such as the installation of a water softener or other treatment system. If lead is found in drinking water, homeowners have several options, including installing an under-the-sink water filter, a faucet-mounted filter or using a drinking water pitcher with a filter. Homeowners with acidic water might also install a system that neutralizes acidity, making their water less corrosive to lead pipes. Learn more about lead in drinking water HERE.
Should I be concerned about Gross Alpha (uranium and radium)?
Decay of uranium and radium releases radioactive alpha particles and radon gas
Gross alpha radiation is a type of energy released when certain radioactive elements decay or break down. Naturally occurring radioactive substances are frequently found in ground water in New Jersey. They are present to some extent in almost all rocks and soils. Radioactivity in drinking water is not a new phenomenon, having been present since the earth was formed. Despite this history, uranium in drinking water above the standard may be harmful to your health. Radionuclide testing of public drinking water systems has been required since the 1970's, however, uranium testing has not been required until recently.
Health Effects
Gross alpha radiation may cause negative health effects over time. Because gross alpha radiation loses energy rapidly and within a short distance, it does not pass through the skin. It is not a hazard outside of the body. However, the radiation can be harmful if you eat, drink or breathe in something containing gross alpha radiation. Over a long period of time and at elevated levels, radium increases the risk of bone cancer and uranium increases the risk of kidney damage.
Gross Alpha Map: Where Do You Live?
The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for Gross Alpha is 15 pCi/L (picocuries/liter). This map represents the percentage of tests within each cell where the concentration of Gross Alpha exceeds that limit.
Click on a cell to view Gross Alpha information. Use the search tool to locate your home (click on the magnifying glass icon found in the upper left corner of the map and type in your address).
Gross Alpha Exceedances
What can you do?
If you are a private well user, get your water tested at least once for Gross Alpha. If radioactive elements are detected at significant levels, a treatment system may be installed to remove them from your drinking water. Your water may need to be treated for other water quality issues—such as hardness, iron, manganese and pH level—before it’s treated for radium or uranium. There are different treatments for different elements so follow-up testing for uranium and/or radium specifically may be recommended before deciding on a treatment system.
Should I be concerned about Radon?
Radon is a naturally occurring gas that you can't see, taste or smell. It is produced by the breakdown of uranium normally present in soil, rock and water. You can be exposed to radon by two main sources: (1) radon in the air in your home and (2) radon in drinking water. Radon in well water can be released into the air when water is used for showering and other household uses.
Health Effects
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Surgeon General, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. Health risks from drinking water containing radon are believed to be less significant than those from breathing air containing radon. However, drinking water containing radon may present increased risk of developing internal organ cancers, primarily stomach cancer.
Radon Map: Where do you live?
While the EPA has never set an official limit on the safe level of radon in drinking water, a limit of 4,000 pCi/L (picocuries per liter) has been proposed for community water suppliers. Some states have set more protective Action Levels for radon. New Hampshire has set the most protective Action Level in the nation, recommending that homeowners take steps to treat their water when the level of radon exceeds 2,000 pCi/L. This map represents the percentage of tests within each cell where the concentration of radon in water exceeds 4000 pCi/L.
Click on a cell to view dissolved radon information. Use the search tool to locate your home (click on the magnifying glass icon found in the upper left corner of the map and type in your address).
Radon Exceeding the EPA Proposed Limit of 4000 pCi/L
What can you do?
It is important to have your water and air tested for radon at least once. If a high level of radon is detected, treatment is recommended. Radon can be removed from water by one of two methods- aeration treatment or by filtering water through granular activated carbon (GAC).
Volatile Organic Compounds
Should I be concerned about VOCs?
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that both vaporize into air and dissolve in water. VOCs are pervasive in daily life, because they’re used in industry, agriculture, transportation, and day-to-day activities around the home. It is important to have your well tested for VOCs to ensure drinking water safety. When products made with VOCs are improperly stored or disposed of, or when a spill occurs, they can contaminate ground water and drinking water supplies. Examples of activities near a well that can increase risk of contamination include using or storing fertilizer or pesticides, dumping motor oil, filling or parking gas-powered engines, pouring paint thinner or other solvents down the drain which results in leaching from the septic system.
Health Effects
Drinking water that contains VOCs can increase your risk for a variety of health problems. Long-term exposure to high levels of VOCs has been linked to liver, kidney, and nervous system damage. Short-term exposure to VOCs may include symptoms such as dizziness, headache, irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, nausea, and loss of memory. Some VOCs have been proven to cause cancer after prolonged exposure, while others are considered possible cancer risks.
VOC Map: Where Do You Live?
Wells are tested for 62 different volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including the 26 VOCs that currently have state or federal maximum contaminant levels (MCL).
This map represents the percentage of wells within each cell where the presence of at least one of the 62 VOCs tested was detected. The compounds chloroform, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene exceeded their respective MCLs most often. Click on a cell to view the details. Use the search tool to locate your home (click on the magnifying glass icon found in the upper left corner of the map and type in your address).
Zooming into this map reveals additional layers of information. The shaded areas now visible include information on sites where groundwater contamination has been identified by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. Layers of data include areas within which the New Jersey Ground Water Quality Standards (NJGWQS) for specific contaminants have been exceeded , currently known extent of ground water pollution , and sites that have been determined to be of immediate environmental concern such as incidents of potable well contamination.
In some areas there are known, documented cases of ground water and/or private well contamination which clearly overlap with cells shaded to indicate that wells tested through RHA's program had VOC detections. However, that is not always the case and previously unknown or undocumented contamination has been revealed through testing. As you can see in the cells here, there are no mapped groundwater contamination areas visible but volatile organic compounds were detected through homeowner testing. This highlights the importance of having your own well tested for VOCs every 5-7 years to ensure drinking water safety.
What can you do?
Use, store, and dispose of household chemicals properly to keep your well water safe to drink. Test for volatile organic compounds every 5-7 years. Levels of organic chemicals can be lowered or removed in drinking water with treatment.
For over 30 years, Raritan Headwaters has partnered with municipalities throughout the region to offer residents the opportunity to test their well water through our Community Well Testing Program. Holding annual testing events in each town promotes and facilitates regular well testing. Thanks to the dedication and support of our municipal partners, this important practice is easy and convenient for residents. Visit www.TestMyWell.org to view our calendar for upcoming well test events near you . For more information on partnering with RHA to hold a testing event, please contact us at welltesting@raritanheadwaters.org or call 908-234-1852 ext. 401.
Well Test Summary by Municipality. Click on a town to view rate of exceedances for each parameter.
Overview of Water Quality Data in Partnering Municipalities
Private well owners are responsible for testing their own well water.
Well testing does more than let individual homeowners know if their water is safe to drink. It also contributes to a growing body of information about groundwater quality throughout our watershed. Raritan Headwaters analyzed 30 years’ worth of data – over 14,000 records – to detect changes in ground water quality that take place slowly over time. The study underscores the fact that water quality in our underground aquifers is vulnerable and changes over time. Click here to access the Groundwater Quality Trend Analysis.
Private well owners must continue to test their wells annually to ensure that their water is safe to drink. Additional resources for private well owners may be found HERE . To find out what if any contaminants are in your well water, visit our Well Test Program .
Raritan Headwaters is a non-profit, member-supported conservation organization. Since 1959, Raritan Headwaters Association has focused on one thing- clean water. We engage citizens and decision makers in the protection of our watershed and beyond through science, education, land preservation and advocacy. To learn more about water quality in our watershed, please visit the Raritan Headwaters website www.raritanheadwaters.org .