Opening Ordnance Survey Maps
How to Access and Use Ordnance Survey Maps in your School's ArcGIS Online account?
Free OS Mapping for Schools
Ordnance Survey maps in 2D and 3D are included in Esri UK's free for schools package.
The schools OS map package contains maps at a range of scales including 1:50,000, 1:25,000 and MasterMap.
The map scale changes automatically depending on the zoom level.
You must be signed into an ArcGIS Online for Schools account to use OS Maps
OS Basemaps are shared with the "OS Maps and Apps" and "Basemap Gallery" groups. Only users who are members of these groups will have access to these groups.
OS Maps in the Map Viewer Classic
In the Map Viewer Classic OS maps are found in the "Basemap Gallery".
OS Maps in the New Map Viewer
In the New Map Viewer the OS Maps will be greyed out in the basemap gallery (this is all to do with map projections).
You can find the OS Maps in a compatible map projection by searching your Organisation's Content for "Ordnance Survey maps for 3D viewing" to find the OS Maps.
Opening OS Maps in the New Map Viewer opens them in a Web Mercator projection not their original British National Grid projection, this means that the grid squares appear very slightly warped.
Overlaying OS Maps on the Imagery basemap and toggling the layer visibility or adjusting the transparency can be a useful tool for teaching map skills, helping students understand how the OS Map represents different landscape features.
OS Maps in 3D in ArcGIS Scene
Adding OS Maps to a 3D Scene is similar to the New Map Viewer - Search your Organisation's Content for "Ordnance Survey maps for 3D viewing" and add to the 3D Scene.
Like in the New Map Viewer, you can add the imagery basemap and adjust the transparency or toggle visibility to help develop students map skills.
NOTE – Use of OS Maps in ArcGIS Online is subject to this license agreement .
The interactive OS maps can’t be shared publicly in Webmaps or Storymaps.
They can only be shared privately within your schools ArcGIS Online Organisation.