Extract Climate Data for Point Locations
Leverage the open data in CMRA and Living Atlas to conduct a custom climate exposure analysis for point locations.
One way to reduce emissions from the transportation sector is to increase ridership of public transportation as an alternative to personal vehicles. To ensure that public transportation is ready for both increasing ridership and fluctuating weather patterns, this analysis will show where hardening measures might be most effective. In this tutorial, you’ll find Amtrak bus and train stations where rainy days are projected to increase using the Extract multi value to points and raster calculator tools.
1- Add transit stops
1) Open ArcGIS Pro and sign in with an organizational account.
2) In the Catalog pane, click the Portal tab and choose Living Atlas. Add the Amtrak station dataset. Hint: Search for the item by ID: 6ad5c20bbc44441cb7777c83928dc0c0 This layer contains points showing Amtrak bus and train stations. To analyze where increases in precipitation might most affect riders and suggest where rain shelters or other infrastructure might be needed, you want to focus on outdoor stops without shelters.
3) In the Contents pane, right-click the Amtrak_Rail_Stations layer, click Data, and choose Export Features. Name the Output Feature Class Unsheltered_Stops.
4) In the Export Features window, expand the Filter section and build the expression statype is equal to Curbside bus stop only OR statype is equal to Platform only. Click Ok.
5) In the Contents pane, right-click the Amtrak_Rail_Stations layer and click Remove.
6) On the Map tab, click Basemap and choose Firefly Imagery Hybrid. Note: You can choose any basemap you'd like with a preference for one that has a reference layer showing place labels, state boundaries, etc.
Unsheltered Amtrak Bus and Train stations
2- Add climate data
For this analysis, you want to compare possible increased rainy days at Amtrak bus and train stations under several climate projection scenarios. You'll add two climate projection layers showing Representative Concentration pathways (RCPs) 4.5 (low emissions) and 8.5 (high emissions, or “business as usual”) through 2050, and one layer showing baseline (historical) conditions.
1) From the Living Atlas, add the Historic (baseline) , SSP2-4.5 (2050) (low emissions) , and SSP5-8.5 (2050) (high emissions) layers. Hint: Search for item IDs d05d0d54334d4b2b84aae67ba2cc00c0, d892d5daf77c46d58904c4d71d60388f, and b9832655f2eb477e979757e5e0039194.
2) For each of the following layers: On the Multidimensional tab, click Data Management and choose Subset.
3) In the Geoprocessing pane, for Variables, select Precip 1in and give the output CRF the following names: i. Baseline_Precip_1in ii. RCP4.5_Precip_1in iii. RCP8.5_Precip_1in Finally, you'll use the Copy Raster tool to store a non-Multidimensional raster to your local machine. This format is compatible with the Raster Calculator, which you'll use next to calculate change in heavy precipitation events.
4) For each output CRF layer, use the Copy Raster tool to create a new, local raster. i. Ensure format is Cloud raster format. ii. Uncheck the Process as Multidimensional box.
Subset of RCP 8.5 showing projected Days with precipitation of at least 1 inch
3- Calculate change in precipitation events
You'll use the Raster Calculator tool to create a layer showing the difference between the baseline and projected future precipitation events.
1) In the Geoprocessing pane, open Raster Calculator (Spatial Analyst Tools). Run the tool with the following parameters: i. Map Algebra expression: "RCP_8.5_Precip_1in_CopyRaster.crf" - "Baseline_Precip_1in_CopyRaster.crf" ii. Output raster: RCP85_difference
Raster calculator expression for RCP8.5_Difference layer
Now you can extract these values to the point locations of the Amtrak uncovered stops.
2) In the Geoprocessing pane, open Extract Multi Values to Points (Spatial Analyst Tools) and run the tool with the following parameters: i. Input point features: Unsheltered_Stops ii. Input rasters: RCP85_difference
3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 to calculate the difference between RCP 4.5 and the Baseline and extract the values to the Unsheltered_Stops layer.
4- Symbolize the results
Finally, you'll symbolize the results of your analysis to highlight which unsheltered stations are likely to see the greatest effects of increased precipitation events by the middle of the century under the RCP 8.5 and RCP 4.5 scenarios. First, you’ll style the difference raster you created to provide context for the changes each station might experience.
1) Open the Symbology pane for the RCP85_difference raster.
2) For Primary symbology, click Stretch and choose Classify. Click the Histogram tab. The resulting histogram shows that most of the US will experience a slight increase in precipitation, with a mean of 0.55. The maximum value for this raster is 4.52, and the minimum value is –1.39. You’ll symbolize the data to emphasize these high and low values.
3) Click Color scheme and choose the Yellow-Green-Blue (Continuous) ramp.
4) For Classes, choose 8 and set them as follows: i. 0 ii. 0.5 iii. 1 iv. 1.5 v. 2 vi. 2.5 vii. 3 viii. 4.52 To de-emphasize the areas with minor changes, you’ll customize the color scheme to apply transparency to low values.
5) Click Color scheme and choose Format color scheme. The Color Scheme Editor window opens. The Yellow-Green-Blue color scheme has several Stop colors specified. You’ll give the lighter yellows a bit of transparency to blend them into the basemap. Hint: Point to each Stop color to see information about it.
6) In the Color Scheme Editor window, change the Transparency for the first two color stops to 60 and 40 percent, respectively.
RCP85_difference raster symbolized
Now you’ll style the transit stops to show impact at each stop location. The layer currently shows unique symbols for train stations versus bus stops. To continue showing this difference, you'll keep using the current Unique Symbols styling, then vary the symbol colors by the RCP8.5_Difference attribute.
7) Open the Symbology pane for the Unsheltered_Stops layer. Click the current diamond symbol for Train and choose the Square Diamond symbol from the gallery. Note: The outline will be visible once you change the symbol color.
8) Click the Properties tab and change the Size to 20 pt and Outline width to 1 pt. Click Apply.
9) Click the back arrow and change the current diamond symbol for Bus to the Circle 1 symbol from the gallery.
10) Click the Properties tab and set the Outline width to 0.75 pt. Click Apply.
11) Click the back arrow. Above Primary symbology, click the Vary symbology by attribute tab.
12) Expand the Color group and for Field, choose the RCP8.5_Difference raster.
13) Click color scheme and choose the Yellow-Orange-Red (Continuous) ramp.
Map showing unsheltered stops that will experience the greatest changes in precipitation under RCP 8.5
14) In the Contents pane, copy the Unsheltered_Stops layer and paste it into the Map. Rename the original layer Unsheltered_Stops RCP 8.5 and the copy layer Unsheltered_Stops RCP 4.5.
15) Open the Symbology pane for the Unsheltered_Stops RCP 4.5 layer. For Vary symbology by attribute, change the Color Field to RCP4.5_Difference.
16) Repeat steps 1- 5 to style the RCP4.5 Difference raster.
In this tutorial, you mapped potential changes to precipitation patterns under two climate scenarios. This information may help inform where hardening measures would be most effective.
Possible policy interpretation:
Amtrak should consider building shelters at bus stations with the most heavy-precipitation days.