Public Workshop #1
Housing and Public Safety Updates and Environmental Justice Policies
Where can we accommodate more housing?
Adding additional housing options will make Riverside a more accessible and resilient community, but where will these future homes be located? The next few maps show different types of opportunities under consideration.
Some places are challenging for housing...
There are some locations that are not well suited for housing because of hazardous conditions or environmental justice concerns. The Housing Element update must take these issues into consideration and not plan to add housing where it can't or shouldn't go.
Some locations support more housing...
Many areas are well suited to additional residential development. Finding the right balance of different housing types across the City is important.
Tell us what you think!
Visit our project website for more information and to sign up for updates.
Take the survey! Public Meeting #1 Survey
Check out our Map.Social app to provide feedback and add your comments to the map.