Clean Water and Sanitation

Sustainable Development Goal 6

Close up of a water drop hitting the ground and splashing

"To reach universal access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene by 2030, the current rates of progress would need to increase fourfold. Achieving these targets would save 829,000 people annually, who die from diseases directly attributable to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene practices." —United Nations (

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals—adopted by all United Nations member states—serve as a blueprint to protect the planet and improve the lives of all people, with no one left behind.

Sustainable Development Goal or SDG 6 features availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

The United Nations established targets for achieving and measuring progress towards SDG 6 including:

  • By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
  • By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally
  • By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity

Sample stories

Explore place-based stories, created with  ArcGIS StoryMaps , that highlight the impacts of water quality and quantity around the world.

Where washing hands and isolating aren't options

Discover the ways in which data uncovers health care inequalities within lower and middle-income countries.

Two hands clasped with water droplets splashing around them

The river roads of India

by Paul Salopek from the  Out of Eden Walk 

Walk across India with Paul Salopek, journalist and National Geographic Explorer, as he shares stories about and along the local rivers.

A light map of the rivers of India

Okavango explore

Take an immersive journey through one of the planet's most important waterways.

An aerial view of the blue Okavango waterway weaving through the landscape

What you CAN'T see in the Tennessee River

by Kellie Crye Ward, ArcGIS StoryMaps 2020 competition winner and graduate student at the University of Tennessee

Journey down one river and discover the pollution that affects communities along and down the river.

Data sources

Access a few data sources and apps behind the sample stories and consider ways to tell your own SDG 6 narrative.

Global Precipitation Measurement

Through the Global Precipitation Measurement viewer, NASA provides near  real-time precipitation estimates  for the entire globe.

Explore water balance levels across the globe with  Esri's Water Balance App  below.

Explore more data sets in  Esri's Living Atlas of the World , a collection of maps, apps, and data layers from around the globe.

Learning resources

Get hands-on experience with SDG 6 geospatial data through Esri learning materials. Then build your storytelling skills with ArcGIS StoryMaps tutorials, for beginners and beyond.

About the Storytelling for a Sustainable World collection

The  Storytelling for a Sustainable World collection  was created as a storytelling resource for the Global Councils on the SDGs. The collection, which includes one story for each United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, will assist the Global Councils as they work to ensure progress toward the global goals. Each SDG story includes topical sample stories, relevant data sets, and learning resources to get started.