The Geography of Fast Fashion

  1. How does the production and waste produced by the fast fashion industry contribute to climate change?

Here, we can see fast fashions use of environmental resources, for example we see deforestation present. Further, the waste produced by fast fashion amounts to 2.1 million tons of c02 and 2 million tons- where does this all go?

2. Where in the world are fast-fashion factories located? How does the location of a factory impact the local environment?

The image above displays a river in Bangladesh- wherein garment factories dump have dumped toxic waste. Beyond water resource, how else has the Bangladeshi population been negatively impacted by the presence of garment factories?

3. How does the American culture of consumerism contribute to unethical labor practices and poor wages, further how do these poor wages impact the economy of countries where factories are present?

In Bangladesh we see garment workers earn below the living wage, and run out of money at the end of the month. With workers being unable to make it to the end of the month on their wages, how is a population able to contribute to its economy. Essentially, are the low-wages garment workers earn keeping the Bangladeshi economy stagnant?

Here, we can see fast fashions use of environmental resources, for example we see deforestation present. Further, the waste produced by fast fashion amounts to 2.1 million tons of c02 and 2 million tons- where does this all go?

The image above displays a river in Bangladesh- wherein garment factories dump have dumped toxic waste. Beyond water resource, how else has the Bangladeshi population been negatively impacted by the presence of garment factories?

In Bangladesh we see garment workers earn below the living wage, and run out of money at the end of the month. With workers being unable to make it to the end of the month on their wages, how is a population able to contribute to its economy. Essentially, are the low-wages garment workers earn keeping the Bangladeshi economy stagnant?