Kent County, Maryland

If you could work from anywhere... you would live here.

Kent County, Maryland is the place to be for businesses and residents seeking opportunity in the "Home of Wide Open Spaces."

While Kent County is known for its farming industry and rural culture, that only tells part of the story. In fact, the business landscape is considerably diverse as seen just by looking at the top employers in the County...

Dixon Valve & Coupling; Washington College; UM Shore Medical Center at Chestertown

  1. Washington College - higher education
  2. Dixon Valve & Coupling - valves and couplings
  3. Kent County Public Schools - education
  4. Kent County - government
  5. UM Shore Medical Center at Chestertown - medical services
  6. LaMotte - chemical testing equipment
  7. Heron Point of Chestertown - nursing care
  8. David A. Bramble, Inc. - general contractor, heavy civil construction, paving
  9. Kent Center - developmental disability administration provider
  10. Gillespie & Son and Gillespie Precast - concrete supplier

Kent County is a GREAT place for businesses and new residents.

Affordable Land and Low Cost of Living

Unique Culture and Amenities in a Rural Setting

Accessible to Nearby Metropolitan Areas and Urban Centers

Kent County is affordable.

$14 average rent per square foot for Class A Office

$7 average rent per square foot for Flex/R&D/Technology and Warehouse/Industrial

$122,500 average cost per acre for Industrial Land

$140,000 average cost per acre for Office Land

One of only five counties in Maryland with no business personal property tax

Sales & use tax exemption for qualified Data Centers

Enterprise Zones and an Opportunity Zone provide tax credits for new and existing businesses in and around Chestertown and Rock Hall.

For more information on the County's many business incentives, visit 


Low Home Prices

As of 2022, the county has a median home buying price of just $308,950, nearly 20% below the Maryland statewide average.

Quality Public Schools and Affordable Private Schools

Kent County is home to a number of primary and secondary private schools with affordable tuition for young families. The county's public schools are dual-track, focusing on both college and trade school preparation.

Click map and zoom in for more detail on seasonal homeownership

Popular Vacation Home Destination

Kent County's affordability has attracted numerous second homeowners. The County serves as one of Maryland's premier locations for bay homes ranking 3rd in percent of housing units that are seasonal, behind only Worcester County (beach homes) and Garrett County (lake homes).

Kent County's culture is much more than a rural lifestyle.

Broadband Infrastructure - Staying Connected

In recent years, Kent County has put significant investment into its broadband availability becoming one of the most connected counties on the Eastern Shore. The map below shows nearly all of the County is serviced by at least one provider, and a fiber network runs through all major residential and commercial areas.

Broadband Providers and Fiber Lines

The County is home to a diverse business landscape and a highly educated workforce.

Residents by Educational Attainment (Age 25+)

Over 40% of adult residents of Kent County have at least an associate's degree.

Washington College and Chesapeake College both provide initiatives that connect students to the local community.

Much of the peninsular-shaped County's culture is centered around its proximity to the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.

Historic Chestertown and its Main Street attract visitors from around the region throughout the year.

Privacy Without Sacrificing Accessibility

There are vast opportunities in Kent County for residents and businesses.

Contact our team at the Department of Economic & Tourism Development to learn more about your place in Kent County.

Residents by Educational Attainment (Age 25+)