Using Geospatial Technologies to Teach Soil Conservation
A Geographic Approach to Conservation Science
Alternatively - Use your phones camera to scan the QR code and access the survey
Introduce Yourself! - Click on this link or use the QR code to the left to access a short survey about yourself!
Soils Workshop Participants Map
Instructor: Kyle Tredinnick - Omaha Public Schools and University of Nebraska at Omaha
Program moderator: Harris Payne - Nebraska Department of Education
- Session 1 (March 4th, 2020) - Building the Basics of Map Making
- Session 2 (March 11th, 2020) - Field Data Collection
- Session 3 ( March 25th, 2020) - Data Analysis and Interpolation
- Session 4 (April 2nd, 2020) - Earth Imagery and Remote Sensing
Refresher to the basics of map making using ArcGIS. Topics to include the adding of map notes that can be saved and shared as feature layers. The compilation and configuration of .csv files with geospatial data that can be uploaded to ArcGIS. The importing of map layers from online data sources, and the building of story maps for the presentation of project findings.
Informational session on techniques and applications of different field data collection methods for soil conservation. Participants will get training in collecting data using smartphones with GPS, and web-based field data collectors like Survey123 from esri.
Participants will be guided through the theories and practices of data analysis, particularly the uses of interpolation in determining soil types and lead contaminants of a test site based on known records. Additional conversations about the importance of statistics and ground truthing in geospatial sciences and soil ecology will be covered.
Types of open source data related to ecology from sources like the Esri Living Atlas,, and the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources will be discussed along with the value of data collected from the field. Specific emphasis will be spent on the value of remote sensing (Drones and satellites) in being able to collect images regarding vegetation that can be used to help determine soil quality.
Participant Objectives
- Participants will learn how to collect, organize, analyze, and share data regarding soil conservation.
- Participants will be able to use techniques learned in webinar to design learning experiences with their students about soil conservation in their communities
- Participants will be able to use geospatial technologies (such as ArcGIS and Survey123) to perform data collection and analysis on data regarding soil conservation.
- Design a soil conservation learning experience to be used in class, totalling a total of approximately 180 minutes of instructional time (roughly 2 block class, or four 45min class periods). Lesson plans will be submitted for peer review by other participants and assessed for attention to learning objectives, connections to curriculum and state standards, daily plan, means of assessment of student’s accomplishment of learning objectives, resources used, and prior knowledge needed.
- Design a professional development plan for a half day workshop (approx. 3 hour) that they could lead at a school, district, or state-level professional development opportunity. Plans will be submitted for peer review by other participants and assessed for attention to learning objectives/outcomes for PD participants, connections to curriculum and state standards, schedule and plan, and resources used
Final Product
Design a soil conservation learning experience to be used in class, totaling approximately 180 minutes of instructional time (roughly 2 block class, or four 45min class periods)
Design a professional development plan for a half day workshop (approx. 3 hour) that you could lead at a school, district, or state-level professional development opportunity.
Webinar 1: Building the Basics of Map Making
Cartography: "The art and science of expressing graphically, usually through maps, the natural and social features of the earth." ( Esri Dictionary )
Geography: Literally "Earth Writing" - "The study of the earth's surface, encompassing the description and distribution of the various physical, biological, economic, and cultural features found on the earth and the interaction between those features."
Also "The arrangement of the geographic features of an area."
Google's Principles of Map Design
- Contrast - Using hue as mechanism to help map reader
- Repetition - Consistency in usage of symbology
- Alignment - Clear alignments and arrangements of locations
- Proximity - Grouping of similar information and guiding map reader
Map Making with AGO
Webinar 1: Build a Map
- Adding a Layer to AGO
- Formatting a .csv
- Finding and uploading a Shape File
- Adding Map Notes
- Creating feature layers
Homework (To Be Completed by Wednesday March 11th)
- Adapt map above to something that can be usable in one of your classes
- Access the map through this link:
- Click the save button along the top bar and save a copy to your contents folder.
- Once saved you can make modifications and save them as a new map
- Create a new story map where you will compile all of your work completed over the course of this workshop ( )
- Delete all layers not being used
- Add a layer (can be from data found online, a set of map notes, a .csv, etc...)
- Change the symbology of one layer (can be the layer you add)
- Share the new map (embed map into story map)
- Write up a learning objective you would use this map to help achieve
- Identify a state standard this could be used to help accomplish
- Write up a paragraph summary of how you would use this map you have created and how. Include in your story map under the embeded map
Webinar 2: Field Data Collection
- Go over Homework from last class. Present what you came up with!
- Questions, comments, concerns?
- Demonstrations
- Homework
Demonstration 1: How to set up and run a survey123
Survey 123
Demonstration 2: How to Set up and collect data using a .csv
Suggested Mobile GPS Apps
- Compass APP (Apple Preloaded)
- GPS & Maps (Apple only app)
- Phone GPS (Preloaded)
- Latitude & Longitude (Android App)
Special Consideration! Collect data in Decimal Degrees (dd.dddd°) to prevent having to convert later
- Write up a plan for a field data collection to use with your own class (One Paragraph)
- What specifically will students be looking for? How will it fit into the topic you’re teaching
- Write up a learning objective to go along with your lesson
- Specifically reference which state standard this lesson would help you address
- Create a Survey 123 that students will use to actually collect data
- If students will create their own survey write up the parameters for what types of questions they need to ask in order to complete their survey
Webinar 3: Data Analysis and Interpolation
- Go over Homework from last class. Present what you came up with!
- Questions, comments, concerns?
- Demonstrations
- Homework
Summary - Participants will be guided through the theories and practices of data analysis, particularly the uses of interpolation in determining soil types and lead contaminants of a test site based on known records. Additional conversations about the importance of statistics and ground truthing in geospatial sciences and soil ecology will be covered.
Important Vocab - Ground Truthing: The collection and checking of data from remote sensors or data analysis to check validity
Soil Conservation example using data from sample .csv
Demonstration 1: Adding Map Notes, Using the measure tool, and setting up your .csv
Adding Map Notes in ArcGIS Online
Demonstration 2: Completing an Interpolation
Interpolation: A mathematical guess for a missing value based on known data points
This demonstration will be looking at some known data points within a known parameter. The example is looking at the amount of Nitrates in the soil. For more information on Soil Nitrates see this information sheet.
Demonstration 3: Trace Downstream and Create Watershed
Homework: Begin working on lesson plan or presentation plan
Webinar 4: Earth Imagery and Remote Sensing
- Checking in with homework progress
- Questions, comments, concerns
- Info Sessions, & Demonstrations
- Next Steps & Wrap-up
Info session 1: Remote Sensing
Demonstration 1: Google Earth Online and Pro
Google Earth Online Version
- Can create "Fly throughs"
- High Resolution earth imagery
- Can measure and add simple vector layers, but not really GIS
Google Earth Pro (Download)
- Increased ability to add vector features
- Historic Imagery
- Added capability to add layers and overlay different layers, but still not really GIS
Demonstration 2: Earth Imagery in AGO
Sentinel 2 NAIP - Agriculture (Wayne, NE)
USA NAIP - Color Infrared (Omaha, NE)
Infosession 2: Drones
Unmanned Aerial Systems for Rapid Mapping
Next Steps (Due April 9th)
Lesson Plan Format
Design a soil conservation learning experience to be used in class, totaling approximately 180 minutes of instructional time (roughly 2 block class, or four 45min class periods
Presentation Plan Format
Design a professional development plan for a half day workshop (approx. 3 hour) that they could lead at a school, district, or state-level professional development opportunity.