The Coastal Barrier Resources Act
Saving taxpayer dollars while conserving habitat and reducing hazard exposure
Saving taxpayer dollars while conserving habitat and reducing hazard exposure
Coastal barriers, the narrow low-lying landforms located at the interface of land and sea, buffer the bays, salt marshes, and wetlands behind them that in turn support a great diversity of plants and animals, including many threatened and endangered species, and protect people and property on the mainland from the full impact of hurricane winds and storm surge.
With the passage of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) in 1982, Congress recognized that certain actions and programs of the Federal Government have historically subsidized risky development on coastal barriers. This has resulted in the loss of natural resources; threats to human life, health, and property; and the expenditure of millions of tax dollars each year.
This critical law has successfully limited development on barrier islands and helped to mitigate risks to communities by redirecting development away from sensitive areas.
Rather than imposing restrictive regulations, CBRA leverages market mechanisms to promote conservation and save taxpayer dollars. By removing federal subsidies in designated areas of the John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS), the law encourages responsible development practices.
“[CBRA] will not prohibit a property owner from building on his property, and it will not impose federally mandated duties on State or local governments. Instead, it simply adopts the sensible approach that risk associated with new private development in these sensitive areas should be borne by the private sector, not underwritten by the American taxpayer.
By removing federal subsidies that can encourage development, CBRA discourages building on shifting sands and in other hazard-prone areas. This can help communities avoid myriad problems that accompany development repeatedly threatened by erosion and severe storms. When coastal development is damaged or destroyed, it can result in displacement of residents, compromised septic systems, debris-laden beaches that affect the safety and enjoyment of visitors, and threats to human health and wildlife.
Collapsed and threatened oceanfront structures along the Atlantic Coast in North Carolina. Credit: National Park Service
Saltmarsh in the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge, within Fishermans Island Unit K05/K05P of the CBRS
A 2019 study published in the Journal of Coastal Research analyzed the economic benefits from CBRA and found that it reduced federal coastal disaster expenditures by $9.5 billion between 1989 and 2013, and forecasts that additional savings will range between $11 and $108 billion by 2068 (in 2016 dollars). A 2024 study found that the CBRS significantly reduces flood claims to the National Flood Insurance Program, generating an estimated savings to the Federal Government of nearly $1 billion per year.
Three separate studies evaluated the effectiveness of CBRA in discouraging development on coastal barriers and found that it has been successful in decreasing development rates and densities of hazard prone coastal areas. Development rates within the CBRS are about 75-83% lower than those outside of the CBRS ( Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment , 2022; Nature Climate Change , 2024). Development intensity of CBRS areas is comparable to that of protected areas such as parks ( PLOS ONE , 2020). CBRA achieves this reduced development intensity through economic disincentives only, without the costs associated with purchasing and managing the land.
Scenic view of Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is partially within Units Q01/Q01P of the CBRS.
CBRA helps protect biologically rich coastal and estuarine habitats which support wildlife, commercial and recreational fisheries, and tourism. These areas also serve as natural storm buffers that protect the mainland by attenuating waves and absorbing floodwaters and enhance water quality by filtering pollutants. A study published in Land Use Policy in 2021, examined how the removal of federal subsidies affected investments in coastal protection infrastructure. This study found that parcels within the CBRS have 78% lower odds of being armored with structures, such as seawalls. This results in better habitat and more resilient beaches. A 2024 study found that CBRS areas see a 41% reduction in built-up surface area. Maintaining more porous surfaces on the landscape allows for better water filtration and stormwater management.
Piping plover chick (left), Kemp's ridley sea turtle hatchling (center), and a variety of shorebirds (right)
A 2024 study found the CBRS lowered development densities by 83% but raised them by 37% in neighboring areas. This suggests the designation can be beneficial to coastal communities by reallocating growth away from the most at-risk areas while generating increased property values and tax revenues in nearby locations. This study found these spillover effects include:
The 'boneyard' on Bulls Island, South Carolina - Cape Romain Unit SC-06P
FWS is the custodian of the official CBRS maps. However, only Congress has the authority to make significant changes to the boundaries through legislation. The following three exceptions allow FWS to make minor administrative changes to the maps:
In addition to the above map maintenance activities, we are responsible for making the maps and data accessible to the public and maintaining related GIS data and the CBRS Mapper , making recommendations to Congress for changes to the boundaries, and providing customer service related to the maps.
The CBRS boundaries were originally hand drawn on USGS quadrangles using a set of objective criteria and mapping protocols following a years-long inventory process conducted by the Department of the Interior (Department) in the early 1980s.
This process involved reviews of aerial photography, on-the-ground inspections, several public information sessions, and two comment periods.
These maps were adopted by Congress through CBRA in 1982. You can find a description of the original mapping process in our 1982 Report to Congress .
Congress directed the Department to identify additional areas that could be included in the CBRS. This resulted in our 1988 Report to Congress .
Congress reviewed the report and ultimately adopted a complete set of revised maps in 1990 with the passage of the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act (Pub. L. 101-591).
However, some maps of these maps contain errors due to the now-outdated technologies originally used to create them.
In some cases, the level of development on the ground at the time the maps were made was not accurately depicted on the base maps.
In other cases, the boundary lines were imprecise and cut through pre-existing development.
The maps underwent a digital conversion starting in 2013.
As of November 2024, FWS has digitized all of the maps. However, we have limited authority to make changes to the boundaries, and some maps still contain legacy errors.
FWS has been working with Congress to address these errors through a process known as comprehensive remapping.
Example of a comprehensively revised CBRS map in Suffolk County, New York
In 2006, recognizing the challenges associated with the maps, Congress directed FWS to modernize them and also to recommend appropriate additions to the CBRS ( Pub. L. 109-226 ).
This process includes a review of the maps using a set of guiding principles, objective mapping protocols, and statutory criteria. Comprehensively revised maps also undergo public review before final recommendations are submitted to Congress for consideration.
Ensuring that CBRS maps are updated, usable, and accurately depict the boundaries are important goals of FWS. As of November 2024, we have prepared and Congress has adopted modernized maps for more than 50 percent of the CBRS units, comprising 36 percent of the CBRS acreage.
We continue to conduct projects to identify errors on the maps and potential additions for congressional consideration. Correcting errors ensures the integrity of the maps, and expanding the CBRS will help direct new development away from often hazardous areas that also serve as important habitat. This reduces the need for subsidized federal flood insurance and future evacuations, loss of life, and costly federal disaster assistance associated with hurricanes and severe flooding events.
In November 2024, Congress reauthorized and amended CBRA and expanded the CBRS by nearly 300,000 acres through the bipartisan Bolstering Ecosystems Against Coastal Harm ( BEACH) Act ( Pub. L. 118-117 ). This law adopted 195 revised maps produced by FWS through the comprehensive remapping process described above. The map below shows areas where the CBRS boundaries were modified. Zoom in to see the details.
The CBRS includes two types of units: System Units and Otherwise Protected Areas (OPAs).
Excerpt from CBRS Mapper illustrating System Unit FL-98 and OPA FL-98P
System Units are predominantly composed of privately owned areas, although they may also contain areas that are held for conservation and/or recreation. Most new federal expenditures and financial assistance, including federal flood insurance, are prohibited within System Units. Consultation is required for federally funded projects and activities within System Units.
OPAs are predominantly composed of conservation and/or recreation areas, although they may also contain private areas that are not held for conservation and/or recreation. OPAs are denoted with a “P” at the end of the unit number. The only federal spending prohibition within OPAs is on federal flood insurance, and there is an exception for park-related structures. Consultation is not required for federally funded projects and activities within OPAs.
Although CBRA prohibits most federal funding and financial assistance with System Units, federal agencies may spend funds within the CBRS if they meet one of CBRA's exceptions . However, consultation is required between the federal funding agency and FWS before funds may be committed (16 U.S.C. 3505(a)). Examples of excepted activities include (but are not limited to):
Conditions and limitations may apply depending on the exception.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions .
Cedar Key Units P25/P25P in Florida