Thomas Fire

California Forest Fire

General Introduction to the Thomas Fire

The Thomas Fire was a huge wildfire that spread through Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties in Southern California in December 2017. It burned about 281,893 acres (or 440 square miles) and wasn't completely put out until January 12, 2018. At that time, it was the biggest wildfire California had seen in modern times. (Thomas Fire, 2024)

a photo of the scene of Thomas Fire


According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, 274 structures were damaged, including residential, commercial, and other types.(Cal FIRE, 2024) 1,063 structures were destroyed, also covering residential, commercial, and other types. (Cal FIRE, 2024) Moreover, the economic damage from the incident has notably exceeded $2.2 billion, as reported by the National Large Incident Year-to-Date Report. During the Thomas Fire, one firefighter lost his life due to burns and smoke inhalation on December 14 while battling the blaze near Fillmore. (Thomas Fire, 2024)Additionally, a 70-year-old woman died in a car crash on the night of December 6 as she was trying to escape the fire. (Thomas Fire, 2024)


The Ventura County Fire Department found out that the Thomas Fire in December 2017 started because power lines bumped into each other during a windy day.(VCFD Determines Cause of The Thomas Fire, 2019)

Strong winds caused the power lines to hit each other, creating a spark. This spark dropped hot materials onto the ground where things could easily catch fire, starting the fire. This is often called "line slap." The power lines are owned by Southern California Edison.(VCFD Determines Cause of The Thomas Fire, 2019)

acres burn in Thomas fire

Climate change is intensifying wildfires, making them larger and more severe. In the western United States, wildfires now burn six times more land than they did 45 years ago. (Lloyd, 2022)In California’s Sierra Nevada, the occurrence of wildfires has skyrocketed by 256% since 1970 due to earlier snow melts and a fire season that now lasts all year. (Lloyd, 2022)Since 2000, 18 of California's 20 largest fires in terms of acreage have taken place. The Thomas Fire, once the second largest, is now ranked eighth. (Lloyd, 2022)

California Forest Fire & Census Map

To offer a clearer understanding of wildfires in California, an ARG map is provided that includes several informative layers. : California Fire Perimeters, California Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Environmental Health Characteristics, California Wildland Fire Direct Protection Areas and USA Wildfire Hazard Potential with Demographics.

Disaster management

Pre-disaster action

Land Use Planning involves the Wildfire Hazard Legislation and Safety Element Planning and Zoning Law, which mandates that cities and counties develop a comprehensive general plan that includes a safety element to protect communities from risks such as wildfires. (Community Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation, 2024) The Land Use Planning program supports the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (the Board) and local agencies in reviewing drafts or existing safety elements. (Community Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation, 2024)It recommends modifications to the planning agency within 60 days of receiving these documents, focusing on enhancing community safety.(Community Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation, 2024)

smoke from Thomas fire

Post-disaster action

Ventura Water regularly reviews its infrastructure to identify needed improvements and enhance disaster resilience. (Thomas Fire – After Action Review, 2024)Current efforts focus on securing additional generators for all water facilities to maintain operations during extended power outages and boosting water supply reliability against natural and man-made hazards. (Thomas Fire – After Action Review, 2024)Recognizing the challenges of a changing climate, Ventura is investing in upgrades to improve its preparedness and resilience for future disasters.(Thomas Fire – After Action Review, 2024)


“Calfire.” Cal FIRE. Accessed October 23, 2024.

“Community Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation.” OSFM. Accessed October 23, 2024.

Lloyd, Jay. “Behind the Bougainvillea Curtain: Wildfires and Inequality.” Issues in Science and Technology, May 26, 2022.

Thomas Fire – after action review - city of Ventura. Accessed October 24, 2024.

“Thomas Fire.” Wikipedia, October 7, 2024.

“VCFD Determines Cause of The Thomas Fire.” Ventura County Fire Department, March 13, 2019.

a photo of the scene of Thomas Fire

acres burn in Thomas fire

smoke from Thomas fire