Street Improvements
Process of Full Depth Reclamation
Street Full Depth Reclamation Process:
- Preparation
- Utilities
- Concrete Removal and Replacement
- Reclamation/Milling/Grading
- Other Improvements
- Base Course Paving
- Driveway Approaches
- Restoration
- Site Cleanup
- Final Wear Course Paving/Project Completion
*Navigation Links are provided at top of slide. (Scroll Down to Begin)*
New Construction materials and equipment mobilized to site.

Clearing & grubbing trees & vegetation that may impede construction activities.

Replacing and upgrading sections of watermain, gate valves, and gate valve bolts.

Utilities Cont.
Replacement and upgrades to storm sewer structures where necessary.
Adjustments and lowering of manhole castings and gate valves is completed to avoid damage to utility structures during construction.
Perforated drain tile is installed where necessary to mitigate drainage issues.
Concrete Removal & Replacement
Damaged concrete curb & gutter, concrete sidewalk, and pedestrian ramps are identified for removal and replacement.
Concrete forms are placed and ready for concrete to be poured.
Installation of concrete curb & gutter is completed.
Existing pavement is reclaimed and mixed with aggregate base to create a new road subgrade.
Base material is graded to desired thickness and pavement cross-slope.
Excess material is hauled off-site.
Other Improvements
Additional pond maintenance may take place to ensure pond water quality and mitigate flooding from occurring.
Achieve desired pond depth...
Storm structure attached from street...
Erosion control blanket placed and pond is complete.
Base Course Paving
The first layer of asphalt is placed.
First layer of asphalt is complete and will be lower than existing concrete to allow for final layer of asphalt.
Driveway Approaches
Restoration of disturbed areas with topsoil and sod.
Site Cleanup
Street is swept and cleaned from debris before paving of final asphalt layer.
Final Wear Course Paving/Project Completion
The final asphalt layer is placed.
Striping, crosswalk paint, and installation of new street signs where necessary.
Completed Project.