The Aftermath and Legacy

Digital Resources

Centennial Celebration - September 9, 2024 (more info to come)

Open Space Commission

The Commission considered both Lot 71 and 65 for acquisition for its historical and cultural significance to the Hanapēpē community, Filipino community, and the descendants of those involved in what is known as the historic Hanapēpē Massacre or the Battle of Hanapēpē of the 1920’s. On September 9, 1924, at the height of the Filipino sugar plantation strike in Kaua‘i, sixteen (16) Filipino plantation workers of Visayan ancestry and four (4) policemen died during this violent confrontation along Hanapēpē Road. The area is thought to be the staging area for the striking Filipino laborers, and an area where the fighting began. Lot 71 is of particular importance for its proximity to the staging and fighting area and its view to the bluff where policemen stationed themselves. If the Commission were asked to prioritize between Lot 71 and 65, Lot 71 would be prioritized for acquisition.

In 2021-2022, the Commission reinstated its interest to acquire one or both properties. Thus, the Commission and Planning Department procured and completed updated appraisals for both lots, dated June 20, 2023.