Mount Vernon Avenue North Complete Streets Project

A safer street for Arlandria-Chirilagua

Project Background

Mount Vernon Avenue is the main street of the Chirilagua neighborhood. Residents have expressed concerns about traffic safety and poor access to bus stops, among other issues. The City of Alexandria is seeking to address these concerns by redesigning key intersections to make it easier, safer, and more comfortable to travel on Mount Vernon Avenue.

Project Timeline

Existing Conditions

The City of Alexandria evaluated existing conditions on Mount Vernon Avenue, including safety issues, crash trends, and residents' observations.

Project Goals

The proposed improvements for Mount Vernon Avenue were designed to accomplished five primary goals. These goals were developed based on the concerns voiced by residents, analysis of traffic and crash data, and in-person observation of the corridor.

 The five project goals can be seen below.

Improve pedestrian safety

Provide more comfortable and convenient sidewalks and crosswalks along and across Mount Vernon Avenue

Reduce Vehicle Speeds

Slow down vehicle speeds throughout the Mount Vernon Avenue corridor

Minimize conflicts between users

Reduce the number of locations where cars, pedestrians, and cyclists can collide

Improve access to transit

Improve connections to bus stops and the bus stop waiting areas

Preserve parking

Keep as many on-street parking spaces as feasible while improving safety

Intersection Design Options

The City is considering potential improvements at four key intersections along Mount Vernon Avenue - Four Mile Road, Executive Avenue, Russell Road, and Glebe Road. Each intersection has unique characteristics, and requires a different solution. Design options for each intersection can be seen below.

 Tip: use the slider tool to compare before and after.

Four Mile Road Intersection


  • Curb extensions reduce crossing distances and provide more sidewalk space
  • Curb extensions reduce potential for conflicts with vehicles
  • Curb extensions may make it somewhat easier to get to the bus stop
  • Tighter turns slow down turning vehicles
  • Signal timing adjustments reduce wait times for crossing the street
  • No changes to parking

Four Mile Road Design Option #1

Executive Avenue Intersection


  • Curb extensions reduce crossing distances
  • Tighter turns slow down turning vehicles
  • Signal timing adjustments reduce wait times for crossing the street
  • Moves southbound bus stop closer to crosswalks and adds a shelter
  • Provides opportunity to add green space, benches, bike parking, or amenities to new pedestrian space
  • Additional crosswalk provides easier access to bus stop
  • Minimal impacts to existing parking (removes one space)

Executive Avenue Design Option #1

Russell Road Intersection

Option #1 highlights:

  •  Closes slip lane, provides safe walking path across Russell Road
  • Adds crosswalk, reduces crossing distances, improves geometry for ped desire lines
  • Curb extensions ensure safe vehicle turning speeds and angles
  • Curb extension adds more sidewalk space and potential for landscaping or street furnishing
  • Adds space for faster bus boarding
  • Adds space for larger bus stop/shelter
  • Adds scooter zone for first-last mile connections
  • Curb extension removes 12 parking spaces

Russell Road Design Option #1

Option #2 highlights:

  • Converts slip lane to closed driveway to provide safe walking path across Russell Road
  • Adds crosswalk, reduces crossing distances, supports a continuous walking route
  • Curb extensions ensure safe vehicle turning speeds and angles
  • Curb extension adds more sidewalk space
  • Signal timing adjustments reduce wait times for crossing the street
  • Adds space for larger bus stop/shelter
  • Adds scooter zone for first-last mile connections
  • Curb extension removes 8 parking spaces

Russell Road Design Option #2

Glebe Road Intersection

Option #1 highlights:

  • Reduces crossing distances and angles, adds crossing pedestrian refuges on Mt. Vernon Ave
  • Signal improvements reduce wait times for crossing
  • Additional signal heads are not expected to change how quickly drivers travel through the intersection
  • Curb extensions address geometry issues that may contribute to some intersection collisions
  • Curb extensions provide additional space for walking or landscaping
  • Walker safety improvements also benefit bus riders going to/from stops
  • No changes to parking

Glebe Road Design Option #1

Option #2 highlights:

  • Adds pedestrian refuges on every approach, reduces crossing distances and allows people to cross only one lane at a time
  • Roundabouts reduce vehicle speeds without increasing travel time through the intersection
  • Ensures safer vehicle travel speeds and reduces likelihood of severe crashes
  • New sidewalk locations serve pedestrian desire lines, however education will likely be required to ensure people are comfortable traveling through the intersection
  • Walker safety improvements also benefit bus riders going to/from stops
  • No changes to parking

Glebe Road Design Option #2

Option #3 highlights:

  • Curb extensions reduce crossing distances
  • Offset intersections reduce pedestrian crossing distances
  • Tighter turns to slow down turning vehicles
  • Offset intersections require vehicles to slow down to turn
  • Signal timing adjustments reduce wait times for crossing
  • Offset intersections create more crossing opportunities
  • Provides opportunity to add green space, benches, bike parking, or amenities to new pedestrian space
  • Additional crosswalk provides easier access to bus stop
  • Additional intersection increases travel time for Glebe Rd bus (Route 36)
  • No changes to parking

Glebe Road Design Option #3

Four Mile Road Design Option #1

Executive Avenue Design Option #1

Russell Road Design Option #1

Russell Road Design Option #2

Glebe Road Design Option #1

Glebe Road Design Option #2

Glebe Road Design Option #3