CEOS Through the Years: 1984 - 2024

Explore how CEOS has evolved through highlights from Plenary meetings.

Over the last 40 years, CEOS has met on every inhabited continent to discuss all matters relating to the coordination of Earth observation satellites.

Starting with only two Working Groups, CEOS now has a complex organisational structure, with a Chair, Secretariat, Executive Officer, Strategic Implementation Team, five Working Groups, eight Virtual Constellations, Systems Engineering Office, and occasional ad-hoc teams to tackle specific issues.

CEOS now consists of over 60 Members and Associates, who each contribute on a best efforts basis to CEOS work. Since 1989, CEOS has met annually, led by a Chair who serves a one year term. The Chair rotates throughout the three primary geographical regions: Americas, Europe/Africa, and Asia-Pacific.

Below is a record of how CEOS has evolved over the last 40 years, including photos from Plenary meetings where available. Anyone possessing copies of group photos where they are missing or of low quality below are encouraged to reach out to the CEOS Communications Team.