Connecticut Fair Share Housing Study
What is the Fair Share Study?
Public Act No. 23-207 (Sec. 18) requires the Office of Policy & Management (OPM) to develop a methodology for determining regional housing needs and a "fair share" allocation for each town within a region for delivering the identified number of housing units. These methodologies will be developed in consultation with the Department of Housing and Department of Economic and Community Development, along with experts, advocates, state-wide organizations that represent municipalities, and organizations with expertise in affordable housing, fair housing, and planning and zoning.
Regions are defined as the boundaries of the state's nine planning regions (Councils of Governments), except that Western and Metropolitan COGs will be combined, per the public act. Municipal fair share allocation alternative methodologies will be based on the regional need corresponding to that municipality. (Click on the map to see each COG's municipalities.)
OPM has engaged ECONorthwest to assist in the analysis and development of the methodologies. ECONorthwest has performed similar studies for other states around the county. The final report will be presented to the General Assembly to help guide choices for future housing production policy considerations.
Multiple draft products and informational reviews will be created in preparation for a final report. Many of those items will be accessible here as they are available.
These dates are anticipated, but are subject to change. Memorandum of Research & Discovery : November 2024 Draft Housing Needs Assessment Results : January 2025 ( presentation ) Draft Fair Share Allocation Results: April 2025 Final Report & Results: May - June 2025
Contact Us
If you have questions about the Study process, want to make an inquiry about the status of the Study, or would like to share your thoughts about this work, you are welcome to send an email to OPM. An emailed response can be expected in return.