How is marine pollution impacted by schools?
Investigating how we can mitigate our impact on life below water, join us to see how.
As middle and high schoolers, we saw lots of food wasted in our cafeteria every day. However, we didn't understand the gravity of the situation.
We decided to conduct a food waste audit (after 3 grades of 500 total students finished eating). The amounts were massive after only one day (___).
Then, after understanding how big the problem of food waste in our school was, we wanted to see how much it was in NJ. First, we needed to see how many contributed to this problem (mostly teachers and students). The purple points on the map are listed schools and the orange and blue squares mark school districts.
In NJ, alone, there is over 1.28 million students in school along with 129,000 teachers. Globally, the US has 56.4 million students with 3.7 million teachers. Over a school year, a high school produces around 48 lbs of trash per student. An elementary schools doubles that amount!
How does this waste problem happen?
How COVID-19 impacted food and plastic waste in our schools?
Read Our Other StoryBoards:
Learn more about how to change the world and our future
Spoiled Oceans (Part 1)
How Is Marine Pollution Impacted By Schools? (Part 3)
Our Behaviors (Part 4)