Your mission today is to accompany a group of MAF national staff to a village to repair an airstrip.
Your Destination: Long Layu, North Kalimantan, Indonesia
Elevation: 2,800 feet Distance by plane from Tarakan: 113 miles Length of flight: 50 minutes Ground travel: One to two weeks
You’re at 8,500 feet, flying above the jungle in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Pilot Jeremy Toews tells you about this region, known locally as the Krayan. It encompasses several different people groups, languages, and dialects, and has been served by MAF for over 50 years.
Jeremy says Long Layu, where you’re headed today, is one of the larger villages in the Krayan. The word “Long” in the local language means the convergence of two rivers. Long Layu is a bit of a hub, with four smaller villages nearby, also sharing the airstrip.
“We’re almost there,” Jeremy says as he flips on the lighted checklist. You scan the jungle ahead and can just make out a runway among hills of trees.
After the plane touches down, longtime national worker Nelson reaches forward and claps you on the shoulder. “Welcome to Long Layu!”
You hop down from the plane and join Nelson—along with two other national staff, Mamat and Toni—and shake hands with the dozens of people who gather around the plane.
Jeremy takes a moment to point out to you the need for the work project you have come to help with.
“Over the last few years, the condition of the runway in Long Layu has deteriorated significantly,” he says. “See that dirt ‘road’ cutting across the center of the runway? There are trucks and motorbikes that frequently cross here, as well as people. It’s to the point where this portion of the airstrip is practically unusable to the airplane.”
The coordinator of the airstrip repair project is Nelson, who is already directing traffic and speaking with village leaders about how to begin.
You turn around and see Jeremy preparing the plane to head back to Tarakan. It’s an odd sensation to watch the MAF plane take off. You breathe a silent prayer for its safe flight.
“Here!” Nelson says with a smile. “You need these.” He hands you a shovel and a conical hat. You look around and notice most people are wearing one, protection from the equatorial sunshine beating down on you.
An excavator moves into place and digs up large sections of the runway. Men begin to heft the rocks into the holes, which are then covered over with dirt to make this part of the runway firm and smooth.
You can’t believe how many people are here to help—easily 300! Even children are carrying smaller rocks to fill in the holes.
The task is difficult, but the lighthearted banter between the people of Long Layu makes it fun. In the afternoon, everyone pauses for a break. Village women pass out food to the workers—rice, chicken, and vegetables never tasted so good!
As you eat, Nelson explains why this runway project is so important to the people of Long Layu.
“The overland road from Long Bawan is not good,” he says. “There are many bridges out because of flooding. Basic goods and supplies can be brought in more easily by plane, but only if the runway is in good condition. If the runway isn’t fixed, then damage to the aircraft could easily result. The mission of MAF for the people in the interior is critical.”
After the meal, everyone gets back to work. You’re surprised when even after sunset, many people are still there. Later, as you glance at your watch, you see it’s approaching midnight. Nelson sees you checking your watch and grins. “We can sleep when we get home!”
Because of their diligence, what should have taken several days is done in 24 hours. When Jeremy arrives to pick up your group, he reports the runway was as smooth as it’s been in a very long time. He commends everyone on a job well done and the willingness of the national staff to spend a night away from their families to make sure the job was done well.
To you he says, “It’s such a privilege to work alongside local staff who care as much about the ministry of MAF as we do. Praise the Lord for an amazing team and for the partnership of all the people in Long Layu who helped fix the runway so we can continue to serve the people here!”
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