Stafford Township Emergency Alert
This emergency alert application is maintained by the New Jersey Coastal Coalition (NJCC) and funded by FEMA.
Alert Location
Red areas over land is the alert location as reported by Stafford Township.
Clicking a red area on the map will show the time and date of the alert along with a description and any safety directions provided by Stafford Township.
Current Weather Watches and Warnings for South Jersey
Weather watches and warnings listed below and weather radar are shown as provided by NOAA. If only the basemap is shown, there are no current weather watches, warnings or radar activity.
Flood Prone Areas
Areas of white, light blue, and bright green on land represent flooding with a 50% probability (2-year flood using NOAA’s Annual Exceedance Probability).
Data Source: Rutgers University. This dataset was created as part of an online mapping viewer depicting potential coastal flooding and its associated impacts on New Jersey's coastal areas.
Safe Parking Areas
Safe parking areas shown in orange as designated by Stafford Township are not prone to nuisance curb and gutter flooding. Park only on designated public streets or parking lots.
Evacuation Routes
Evacuation routes are shown in green.
Data Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security through the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level Data (HIFLD) Program.
Around Me
Enter an address to the left of the magnifying glass in the search bar or select "Use Current Location" after clicking in that search bar. Alternately, click a point in the map for flood and weather alerts, evacuation routes, safe parking areas and current weather conditions.
Terms of Use
Website composed by Weston Solutions, Inc. (Weston) for the New Jersey Coastal Coalition (NJCC). The data and maps shown are from sources other than Weston or NJCC and are for illustration purposes only and do not show exact locations. The data, maps, and information provided should be used only as a screening tool. All information provided should be verified with a visit to the location of interest. The data and maps are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind. The entire risk associated with the results and performance of these data and maps is assumed by the user. This website should be used strictly as a planning reference tool and not for navigation, permitting, or other legal purposes.