A GIS Story
From Geography Student to GIS Applications Developer
The Early Years
- Cincinnati Native
- Hills and Valleys (unique to the midwest)
- Layout of the city
A whole new world
- Different Terrain, Climate, Mountains
- Trip TiK - Paper version of Google Maps
UC, Geography and GIS
- Started as Environmental Science
- Switched to Geography
- Discovered GIS - ArcView 3.x
- BA in Geography
...Take Some Time to Travel
Lots of Travel...
- Back to UC
- Catch Up on GIS - ArcMap 8.x
- MA in Geography
Entering the Workforce
GIS Analyst - FMSM Engineers
- FEMA Floodplain Mapping
- Watershed Conservancy Projects
- Local Government Capital Improvement Projets
A New Opportunity
GIS Analyst - PDS (formerly NKAPC)
Planning and Development Services of Kenton County is a public sector organization that serves 20 local jurisdictions in Kenton County, including the county and 19 cities. We are responsible for managing building codes, community development, geographic information systems, infrastructure engineering, planning, and zoning and code enforcement. Additionally, we collaborate with regional and state public officials, partner organizations, and various community and private sector professionals who are involved in planning and development in Kenton County.
PDS GIS Projects and Duties
- GIS Support for NKY Counties/Cities (Public Works, Planning & Zoning, Fire, Police, Schools, Clerks)
- Comprehensive Plan Updates
- GIS Support for other PDS Departments (Zoning, Planning, Code Enforcement, Engineering)
- Coordinate Photogrammetric and Planimetric acquisitions, updates and QAQC
- Information/maps available to the public
- Custom maps and digital data for private entities
- Custom web mapping applications
PDS is the managing partner of LINK-GIS
- Consortium of agencies in NKY (PVA, Fiscal Courts, NKWD and SD1)
- Share data, projects and ideas
- We are the stewards of the GIS data (300 data layers)
- Administer LINK-GIS website/mapviewer
A Fork in the Road
- Management/Administration?
- Programming/Development?
- ArcGIS Server
- ArcGIS Portal
- ArcGIS Online
- Web AppBuilder
- Custom Programming
Current Projects
- Road Reporter
- Maps and Data Orders
- Experience Builder App
- Database Administration
- Several Internal Editors (SDE Versions)
- Receive data from external sources
- Receive about 40 feature classes
- Delivered in variety of ways, format and times
- Must be processed to meet our schema needs
- Python Scripting
- Model Builder
- Map Viewers and Map Services are hosted on external (AWS) server
- Use Python and Task Scheduler to automate data prep and moving data from internal to external server
- Twilio (Third party software)
- Texts
- Timestamps
- Scripts for other purposes
Future Endeavors
- GIS Applications Development Coordinator
- Upgrade ArcGIS Enterprise
- AI for geoprocessing and automation
- AI for data analysis
- AI for image analysis and feature extraction
- Migrate Map Viewers to Experience Builder
- Obtain future Aerial and LiDAR data
- More 3D Interaction
Things To Know
GIS Related
- ArcPro (moving away from ArcMap)
- AGO (ArcGIS Online), AGO Assistant
- ArcGIS Enterprise (ArcServer/ArcPortal)
- Python (ArcPy)
Non-GIS Related
- MS Power Automate
- SQL Databases
- AI (ChatGPT)
Programming Languages
- Python – Scripting language of choice for ArcPro
- ArcGIS Enterprise (Server, Portal, AGO)
- Experience Builder (Developer Edition), JS, REST, JSON, XML
- HTML5, CSS, WordPress, PHP
- Project Management (URISA- Leadereship Academy, GISP)
- Local GIS Groups
- Toastmasters
- Attend Conferences
Be Organized!!!
- Think about how to name your files and where they should reside
- Don't use the word "Final" in the name of your files
Take Note!!!
- GIS Notebook (OneNote)
- Document your processes, take screenshots
Communication is the key!!!
- Clear, Concise emails
- Phone calls (when emails isn't enough)
- Build relationships
GIS is a growing industry
- Transportation/Logistics
- Agriculture
- Utilities
- Government/Planning
- Medical
- Construction
- Oil & Gas
- Aerospace/Defense
- Insurance
- Advertising
- Real Estate
PDS - GIS Internship Opportunity
- Email resume to...
- Louis Hill - lhill@pdskc.org
- Joe Busemeyer - jbusemeyer@pdskc.org