Manchaug Village

An AP Human Geography Field Study

The AP Human Geography class field study involves students going to a village of the town in which they live that many if not all know little about and where they can explore and learn the historical and contemporary spatial relationships that exist. As part of the field trip students develop geographic inquiry and skills by learning about the villages past and discover connections that relate to each of the units we will study throughout the year. The day in Manchaug Village also creates an opportunity for us to build our learning team and for the students to "DO" geography. This presentation will explore how Manachuag Village connects to each of the we learn in AP Human Geography


The Location and Landscape

Village of Manchaug

Thinking Geographically (Nature of Geography)

Manchaug VIllage

  1. Using Maps of different types
  2. Using Geospatial Tools (Survey 123, Collector)
  3. Landscape Analysis
  4. Field Mapping Exercise

Essential Questions

  • What made this place the best space for the mills?
  • Why we were the mills, churches, stores built were they were?
  • What is a "company" town?
  • How did this place fit with the greater community?

Population, Migration and Ethnicity

  1. Use Census records and Resident's Lists to compare the population and ethnicity (surnames) across time
  2. Graph Population over time in village/town to see the impact of the company and village with the larger community.

Essential Questions

  • Who lives in the village? Then? Now?
  • What is the age/gender distribution?
  • Where did people migrate from to the village? Flows

Cultural Geography

    1. Locate artifacts in the built environment that indicate the influence of culture and religion (i.e churches)

Essential Questions

    • What religions and languages were and are spoken in the village?
    • How has religion changed in the village?
    • What evidence remains of French-Canadian culture in the village?

Political Geography

    1. Map the village
    2. Discover government facilities and agencies located in the village. (Federal/State/Local)

Essential Questions

  • How is government evident in the village?
  • Why does the federal government maintain offices in Manchaug?
  • How does the Town of Sutton exercise control over Manchaug?
  • Why is Manchuag like an occupied territory?
  • How did the company influence town politics?

Industry and Development

  1. Taking photos to record evidence of Manchuag's industrial beginning
  2. Find evidence of the environment influencing industry location
  3. Discover current industries by talking with local businesses.

Essential Questions

  • Why did B.B. & R Knight locate here? (location analysis)
  • How have village industries changed over time?
  • How are the new industries "gentrifying" the village?

APHG3 2019

    APHG3 2019