
Photojournalist Ron Haviv reflects on three decades of documenting the human drama across the globe.

DATE • August 2014

LOCATION • Ferguson, Missouri

COORDINATES • 90.306W 38.745N

Law enforcement patrols Ferguson, Missouri, after firing tear gas and watching a police car burn. A night of protests and rioting followed a grand jury's decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a case that has inflamed racial tensions in the U.S.

For 30 years I have documented war, conflict, disaster, and tragedy across the world...

First-person intro by Ron Haviv here. Lorem ipsum and more. Intro text will go here. Lorem ipsum and more. Intro text will go here. Lorem ipsum and more. Intro text will go here. Lorem ipsum and more. Intro text will go here. Lorem ipsum and more. Intro text will go here. Lorem ipsum and more.

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Here is a year-by-year sampling of the images I've made during my career as a photojournalist.

DATE • March 21, 1989

LOCATION • Panama City, Panama

COORDINATES • 58.454W 19.697N

War • United States military forces invaded Panama in "Operation Just Cause." Panamanian Vice President Elect Guillermo Ford battles a paramilitary soldier after dictator General Manuel Noriega nullified Presidential elections.

It's not often the world changes in a moment. I was young and barely aware as a photographer when the Berlin Wall fell. The year was tumultuous, from Latin America to China and beyond. To witness the fall of the Wall, watching the incredulity on the faces of the Germans, brought both hope and wariness as to whether this would all work.

I arrived in Panama via a free plane ticket given by a friend; I arrived with no understanding of the way the world worked, let alone the world of journalism. Through a mix of luck and skill, I managed to photograph the Vice-President elect, covered in blood, largely from his dead bodyguard, being beaten by a paramilitary supporter of the dictator in power. This work was on the cover of three U.S. magazines and was later mentioned as one of the justifications for the American invasion of Panama.

DATE • 1990

LOCATION • Soweto, South Africa

COORDINATES • 26.228S 27.919E

Young girls wait outside the home of Nelson Mandela the day after his release from prison.

One of the most famous prisoners in the world was Nelson Mandela. Mandela was a man, but he was a also large-than-life symbol against an unjust system. Every few years rumors would circulate that he was to be released after more than 25 years in prison. Based on the most serious and credible of those rumors, I wound up in South Africa. Watching him leave prison was a remarkable thing to witness, but I always found this image of young girls peering over the wall at his home in Soweto more innocent, pure, and hopeful of the future South Africans are still waiting for.

DATE • July 21, 1991

LOCATION • Erdut, Croatia

COORDINATES • 32.445E 19.697S

WAR, ETHNIC CLEANSING • The Erdut killings were a series of murders of 37 Hungarian and Croat civilians in the village of Erdut.

Three peace agreements ended the conflict in the former Yugoslavia including the Erdut Agreement, which peacefully reintegrated the last Serb held territory into Croatia.

I arrived in a country called Yugoslavia just in time to witness the beginning of its implosion. For the next ten years, I went back and forth, documenting the brutal end. Early on, I had an encounter with a self-proclaimed Serbian patriot, Arkan, also known as one of the most brutal paramilitary leaders. Along with colleague Alexandra Boulat, we asked him for a portrait. He quickly organized his men and at the last moment an additional element was added. Why? The name of the unit was The Tigers.

DATE • 1992

LOCATION • Bijeljina, Bosnia

COORDINATES • 44.759N 19.212E

WAR, ETHNIC CLEANSING • More than 200,000 people were killed in Bosnia in Europe's most violent conflict since World War II.

A Muslim man begs for his life from the Serbian paramilitary unit known as the Tigers and led by warlord Arkan during the first battle for the war in Bosnia. He was later thrown from a window during an interrogation and not seen again.

Russian White House, Moscow

DATE • 1993

LOCATION • Moscow, Russia

COORDINATES • 55.754N 37.573E

ATTEMPTED COUP, RUSSIAN CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS • The Russian army attacks the Russian Parliament after anti President Yeltsin forces attempted a coup to overthrow the government.

Russian president Boris Yeltsin dissolved the parliament in an attempt to limit the power of the remaining communists in government. Within hours I was on a plane to Moscow to witness the last attempt by supporters of the Soviet Union to remain in power. The Russian army attacked the Russian Parliament after anti-Yeltsin forces attempted a coup to overthrow the government.

DATE • 1994

LOCATION • Goma, Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

COORDINATES • 1.679S 29.220E

CHOLERA EPIDEMIC, REFUGEE CRISIS, GENOCIDE • Rebel Tutsi forces ended genocide of Tutsi and moderate Hutu, and drove out approximately 800,000 refugees, most of whome were Hutu, into Zaire. Conditions led to a cholera epidemic, which devastated the camps and area towns.

Kibumba Hutu refugee Camp in Zaire. Thousands of Hutus died of a cholera epidemic after escaping Rwanda where they were responsible for the killing of almost one million Tutsis.

The genocide in Rwanda was both quick and in slow motion. By the time much of the world’s media understood what was happening, it was almost impossible to enter the country. The aftermath images were powerful, and alongside those came images that, in my mind, were almost biblical. The Hutu community, for the most part perpetrators, had lost and were fleeing the country. They arrived by the thousands, overwhelming the border. Within days, cholera struck the refugees and by the dozens they died. It appeared as if the sentence for the crimes committed in their names was being delivered.

DATE • 1995

LOCATION • Brcko Corrido, Bosnia

COORDINATES • 44.870N 18.813E

WAR, MILITARY OFFENSIVE • United States soldiers in the snow at night in Brcko Corrido, Bosnia.

The Bosnian War, which began in 1992, continued until the West decided to intervene after the genocide of Srebrenica. A brutal conflict ended, not with a bang but a whimper, as United States ground forces arrived one snowy night to enforce the Dayton Peace Agreement to end the war in Bosnia.

DATE • 1996

LOCATION • Sarajevo, Bosnia

COORDINATES • 43.859N 18.433E

WAR • The Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, was under siege for 1,425 days between 1992 and 1996. During the war an estimated 2.7 million people were displaced. In Sarajevo thousands of civilians were killed and wounded.

The city of Sarajevo, a symbol of the war, was divided until peace was declared. The displaced returned to the homes they had fled four years earlier. The Serbs, who had occupied this now empty house, left as the city was reunified under the Muslim-led Bosnian government, taking the Fako family's furniture and the rest of their belongings—and leaving only the photograph with the identity of each family member destroyed in a methodical and exacting manner.

Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity, amidst of the slums of Kolkata

DATE • 1997

LOCATION • Kolkata, India

COORDINATES • 22.553N 88.363E

Mother Teresa's grave at the Mother House. Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her work with the Missionaries of Charity (also referred to as the Society of Missionaries).

Mother Teresa was an icon, a myth and an idea of something higher. Upon her death, the entirety of India suffered a loss that was experienced even more intensely in Calcutta. At every street corner and in every conversation her passing was felt.

DATE • 1998

LOCATION • Drenica, Kosovo

COORDINATES • 42.617N 20.883E

WAR • Massacres by Serbian forces in lower Dranica Valley

The Kosovo War started with ethnic cleansing and the pushing of Kosovar Albanians out of the villages and into the surrounding mountains. Lacking medical supplies and proper shelter, people started to die as the winter began. As I moved from place to place, I came upon Kosovars preparing to bury a five-week-old baby who had died of exposure. The ceremony, according to Muslim tradition, was simple and sad. A child who had done no wrong suffered the most as a war few understood raged around him. Thousands of Kosovars were internally displaced during the early Serb offensives in the war for Kosovo's independence.

DATE • June 29, 1999

LOCATION • Pristina, Kosovo

COORDINATES • 42.671N 21.163E

WAR • In 1998 open conflict between Serbian military and police forces and Kosvar Albanian forces resulted in the deaths of over 1,500 Kosovar Albanians and forced 400,000 people from their homes.

After almost one million Kosovars were ethnically cleansed and expelled from their homes, the international community realized something needed to be done. Following more than a year of war, NATO forces intervened on behalf of Kosovar Albanians to help them return to the province they were expelled from by Serbian forces. The celebrations in country were filled with joy and incredulity.

Times Square, Manhattan, New York

DATE • 2000

LOCATION • Manhattan, New York, USA

COORDINATES • 40.757N 73.986W

New Yorkers stare at the Nasdaq trading market located in the heart of Times Square during a time when the market suffered its worst loss, leading to a collapse of internet and technology stocks.

DATE • September 23, 2001

LOCATION • New York Harbor, USA

COORDINATES • 40.68N 74.039W

TERRORISM • Al Qaeda attackers simultaneously hijacked four passenger airlines with the intention of crashing them into major U.S. landmarks. About 3,000 people from 57 countries were killed; more than 400 of the dead were first responders.

Having not been in New York on September 11th, I managed to get on the first flight from Europe to Canada and drove to the city. Witnessing destruction was not a new experience for me, but seeing it in my home, of course, was. Like many, I spent days working around the site, documenting the workers, survivors, and New York as it attempted to normalize. I took the Staten Island Ferry the first day it resumed service. It was the first time many New Yorkers could view the new skyline, now without the World Trade Center towers.

DATE • 2002

LOCATION • New York City

COORDINATES • 40.757N 73.986W

As rhetoric from the White House to the United Nations ramped up, so did the anti-war movement, the likes of which had not been seen in the United States since the 1960s. Students came out to protest against the possibility of a U.S.-led war against Iraq. There were moments when it seemed the public and their opinion might actually matter.

DATE • 2002


COORDINATES • 29.528N, 47.511E

I found myself very soon thereafter in Kuwait, observing U.S. soldiers during exercise Desert Spring. It became obvious that the war was going to happen and there was very little that could stop what was coming. The markers at the soldiers' feet represent troop movements.

Firdos Square, Baghdad

DATE • April 9, 2003

LOCATION • Baghdad, Iraq

COORDINATES • 33.314N 44.421E

WAR • Three weeks after U.S., British, and other coalition forces invaded Iraq, Iraqi civilians and U.S. soldiers pulled town the statue of Saddam Hussein. A U.S. Marine covered statue's face before it was toppled.

There were several decisions I had to make on how to photograph the impending war: Go to Baghdad and work within the constraints of the repressive regime to document the impact of civilian life, embed with U.S. forces and document the war from their perspective, or try to go on my own and see what would happen. My choice was to embed with the U.S. Marines. The military was the face of foreign policy and was what I wanted to document.

The scout unit I was with was one of the first to cross into Iraq, and over the coming days we encountered the usual expectations of a lopsided war. By the time we arrived in the capital I had switched to another front-line Marine unit, and we arrived in Firdous Square. I remember photographing Iraqis with sledge hammers trying to bring the statue down, when one turned to U.S. Marine Col. McCoy and asked for help. Minutes later a U.S. Marine covered the face of Saddam Hussein with a U.S. flag, and a moment that looked like liberation turned into one of occupation.

Abu Graib prison complex


LOCATION • Abu Graib, Iraq

COORDINATES • 33.292N 44.0657E

WAR, TORTURE, PRISON ABUSE • Iraqi detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison.

One of the most serious black marks against U.S. forces in Iraq was the treatment of detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison. I arrived shortly after the crimes were exposed, and found a system that still needed help but was trying to do better. But when thousands are in cages and cells, a number there without just cause, it was obvious that policy mistakes were being made.

DATE • 2004

LOCATION • Port-au-Prince, Haiti

COORDINATES • 18.544N 72.346W

Haiti is a country without any luck. From nature, to outside forces, to government mismanagement, it never seems able to rise above its misfortunes. Hope faded after the reelection of Haiti’s democratically chosen president, and a coup, led from within and with support from the international community, took place. Executed citizens littered the streets as the capital reacted to the news of yet another new government.

Destroyed villages in Darfur 2003-2010

DATE • 2005

LOCATION • North Darfur, Sudan

COORDINATES • 20.193N 26.046E

WAR, GENOCIDE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS, ETHNIC CLEANSING • Because of a combination of insecurity, drought, and famine, Sudan is home to the world's largest population of internally displaced people—almost 6 million by the end of 2004.

The attacks in Darfur, Sudan were declared a genocide by much of the international community. To this day, fighting and human rights violations continue in the region. Most of the people have been displaced from their villages and live in camps. For years, the camps were only partial solutions. I encountered several young girls leaving an IDP camp to gather firewood for their families. Food was provided but with no means to cook it. This resulted in a dangerous search for wood, which was scarce. When I asked why they, and not older family members, were going, the reply was: If our father was caught by the militia, he would be killed. If our mother was caught, she would be raped and possibly killed. Perhaps we are young enough that neither will happen.

New Orleans buildings marked for demolition after Hurricane Katrina

DATE • 2005

LOCATION • New Orleans, Louisiana

COORDINATES • 29.951N 90.079W

HURRICANE KATRINA • Levees and flood walls protecting New Orleans failed. Total damage was estimated at over $125 billion. More than 1,800 people died in the disaster.

A civilian volunteer who had helped rescue hundreds of people walks away from the flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina at the end of his day.

As the waters continued to rise in New Orleans, there were scenes one thought could only be found in films. Helicopters rescuing people stranded on bridges, makeshift graves on sidewalks, people who had succumbed to the water in their backyards waiting to be buried. But along with the horror were volunteers from New Orleans and beyond, braving floodwaters and going from house to house to rescue survivors.

DATE • August 18, 2005

LOCATION • San Salvador, El Salvador

COORDINATES • 13.699N 89.21W

ORGANIZED CRIME • Murder rates were 41 per 100,000 people in El Salvador. In the U.S., Operation Community Shield resulted in the arrest of 103 gamg members in February and March, and another 582 in August, primarily members of the MS-13 gang.

Suspected gang members, some wanted for murder, are presented to members of the media by the National Police. Gang violence has grown dramatically since the end of El Salvador's civil war. As the U.S. began to deport Latino gang members who had illegally made their homes in the U.S., gangs in El Salvador, known as "maras," came to resemble Los Angeles gangs in style and culture.

Jordan Downs Project, Watts, Los Angeles

DATE • 2006

LOCATION • Los Angeles, California

COORDINATES • 33.948N 118.234W

GANG VIOLENCE • Gang violence was concentrated primarily around public housing projects in the Watts neighborhood. In 2006 there were 19 gang-related shootings and seven deaths within the Jordan Downs housing project. Watts residents had a 1 in 250 chance of being murdered. Los Angeles police responded by forbidding gang members from gathering. Homicide rates eventually dropped after 2007.

I spent time with the Crips and Bloods in the Jordan Downs project in Watts, California. Only minutes from the beach and the many splendors the Los Angeles area has to offer, this is a different world with different rules and ideas. The gangs, often substitutes for families, send their charges into the world to survive as best they can. Ronnie Pugh, a Grape Street Crip, openly spoke about committing murder and the various reasons for it.

DATE • 2007

LOCATION • Sri Lanka

COORDINATES • 7.565N 80.737E

CIVIL WAR • Several civilian massacres occurred durin the Sri Lanka civil war of 2006-7. The war followed nearly three decades of conflict between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

A displaced Muslim girl finds shelter at a destroyed mosque after fleeing a Sri Lanka government offensive against the Tamil Tigers. The mosque had no roof, and as I came on the scene, the United Nations Refugee agency arrived with aid. A blue tarp was put over the roof, changing the space instantly into a blue world.

DATE • 2008

LOCATION • Santa Barbara, California

COORDINATES • 34.419N 119.696W

THE GREAT RECESSION • A total of 861,664 families lost their homes to foreclosure in 2008, according to RealtyTrac.

The mortgage crisis in the United States forced people like Barbara Harvey, 68, into homelessness. Here she is with her dogs, Phoebe and Ranger, in the parking lot where she sleeps. Statistics can be overwhelming, but putting a face to events like the financial crisis makes the reality relatable.

DATE • August 19, 2008

LOCATION • Tblisi, Georgia

COORDINATES • 41.707N 44.804E

WAR • Georgian prisoners of war arrive at a hospital after being exchanged for Russian soldiers in Tbilisi, Georgia on Aug. 19, 2008.

Russia had invaded Georgia. I arrived late on the fifth day of the conflict and, as quickly as it started, it ended. But Russian troop movements continued, people were becoming refugees, and prisoners of war were being exchanged and reunited with their families, as is occurring in this photograph.

United States Capitol, Washington, DC

DATE • January 20, 2009

LOCATION • Washington, DC

COORDINATES • 38.890N 77.010W

It was incredibly cold, yet the crowds crammed onto the mall, filling every space in the camera frame. History was made as President Barack Obama was sworn in during the inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

DATE • 2009

LOCATION • Murambi, Rwanda

COORDINATES • 1.398S 30.082E

Rows of skulls inside the Murambi Genocide Memorial Center in Murambi, Rwanda. The Center, formerly a technical school, was a massacre site where over 45,000 refugees were slaughtered during the Hutu-Tutsi ethnic fighting in April 1994.

DATE • 2009

LOCATION • Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo

COORDINATES • 1.679S 29.220E

HUMANITARIAN DISASTER • Decades of low-level fighting between government forces and renegade Rwandan troops have been playing off of, and exacerbating, long-standing animosity between the Tutsis, the Hutus, and other groups. Clashes have killed hundreds of fighters and civilians, and have forced half a million people to relocate. In 2008 the DRC and Rwanda joined forces to root out the FDLR in South and North Kivu provinces. Internally Displaced Persons in North Kivu are an estimated 783,920 in 2010, according to the UN refugee agency.

Working with the International Red Cross as they attempted to unify families brought me to scenes of joy and hope. Ozias Kambale Pimo, 11, is told his parents are still alive and that he will soon be reunited with them by the ICRC, during the war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


LOCATION • Cite Soleil, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

COORDINATES • 18.543N 72.335W

EARTHQUAKE • The shock from the initial earthquake registered a magnitude of 7.0. Approximately a quarter million people were killed and 300,000 injured. Haiti, already the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, faced the greatest humanitarian crisis in its history.

Haitians flee for the countryside, days after an initial earthquake killed roughly 200,000 people in Port au Prince, Haiti. Continuous aftershocks, rioting, and lack of services kept the capital on edge for weeks.

Gold mining scars the landscape near Huepetue, Peru

DATE • 2010

LOCATION • Huepetue, Peru

COORDINATES • 13.021S 70.537W

ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION • According to the Carnegie Institution for Science, the geographic extent of of illegal gold mining increased 400% from 1999 to 2012 and the average annual rate of forest loss tripled since 2008. Lead researcher Greg Asner said in 2013, “Our results reveal far more rainforest damage than previously reported by the government, NGOs, or other researchers. In all, we found that the rate of forest loss from gold mining accelerated from 5,350 acres (2,166 hectares) per year before 2008 to15,180 acres (6,145 hectares) each year after the 2008 global financial crisis that rocketed gold prices.”

In partnership with an NGO, Amazon Aid, I documented illegal gold mining in the Peruvian Amazon. The destruction I witnessed was hard to comprehend. Like locusts, albeit in a desire to make a decent living, miners were decimating the forest, chewing up trees, tearing up the ground, and extracting whatever they could. In this image, from the city of Huepetue, the effects of gold mining over 20 years is evident. What was once Amazon rain forest is now nothing.

DATE • 2011

LOCATION • Tripoli, Libya

COORDINATES • 32.891N 13.1804W

WAR • Libyan Civil War/Battle of Tripoli – uprising against Muammar Gaddafi.

The Arab Spring protest movement tore through some countries in a matter of weeks and months. Libya, once a stronghold of Colonel Qaddafi, quickly fragmented in the countryside until the fighting reached the capital. Here a Libyan rebel soldier jumps off a famous statue at Qaddafi’s former Bab al-Aziziya compound.

DATE • 2012

LOCATION • Newtown, Connecticut

COORDINATES • 41.413N 73.308W

MASS SHOOTING • Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting: 26 people were killed, 20 of them children.

Arriving in Newtown, Connecticut hours after the murders of so many innocents, I found the entire place in shock. The silence was everywhere. The memorial to the victims of the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, to the 26 people, grew organically in what seemed merely hours, as the repercussions of what happened changed the city, state, and nation.

DATE • 2012

LOCATION • Dushanbe, Tajikistan

COORDINATES • 38.567N 68.769E

MEDICAL AID • According to the World Health Organization, Tajikistan is among the 27 highest multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) burden countries in the world. 

A 12-year-old boy who has TB and his family at home. The boy is being treated by MSF staff. 

DATE • 2013

LOCATION • North Carolina

COORDINATES • 34.725N, 77.344W

The role of women in combat on the ground in U.S. armed forces continues to be debated. But women like Navy Sailor Amanda Rutledge are interested in contributing to the country’s armed forces. Here she participates in the Riverine Combat Skills training course, in one of the first classes that accepted women at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

DATE • 2015

LOCATION • Lesvos, Greece

COORDINATES • 39.112N 26.312E

They came from around the world, from the newly devastated countries of Syria and Libya, and the older ones of Afghanistan and Iraq. All had one idea: to find a better life for themselves and their children. The destination was always the next place, and after arriving on the Greek island of Lesvos, with a quick look back toward Turkey, the movement began again.

Palm oil plantation, Borneo

DATE • 2105

LOCATION • Indonesia

COORDINATES • 1.006S 114.179E

Fires burn in Indonesia where they are illegally used to clear land for crops such as palm oil. Often the fires burn out of control, causing smoke and haze to engulf surrounding towns for months. In addition, many of the animals inhabiting the forests are driven out of their natural environment.

DATE: 2016

LOCATION • Cleveland, Ohio

COORDINATES • 41.504N 81.689W

The expected waves of protestors against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, never materialized. It became apparent that the opposition to Trump’s possible election was not as strong as many believed.

DATE • 2017

LOCATION • Washington, DC

COORDINATES • 38.890N 77.010W

In 2016 it was apparent that the United States was politically divided. While there were tears on both sides during the inauguration of President Donald Trump and the events connected to it, they were for different reasons. Here, a Trump supporter waits for the President elect to address the crowd.

DATE • 2018

LOCATION • Tijuana, Mexico

COORDINATES • 32.533N 117.119W

The migrant caravan continued in one form or another, as asylum seekers arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border. Everyone had their own reasons and their own plans for coming. The one thing that everyone agreed on was that there was a better life on the other side of the wall.

DATE • 2018

LOCATION • Lesvos, Greece

COORDINATES • 39.112N 26.312E

I saw the vests and the boats, along with other remnants of the refugees’ lives, littering the beach in 2015. As the Mediterranean refugee story faded from the headlines, many thought the exodus was over. Yet as evidenced by this ever-growing graveyard of life- vests and boats collected from refugees arriving in Lesvos from around the world, their journeys continue whether we pay attention or not.

Destroyed villages in Darfur 2003-2010

Gold mining scars the landscape near Huepetue, Peru