Partnership for Inclusive Innovation
Establishing Georgia as the Technology Capital of the East Coast

The Partnership for Inclusive Innovation is a public-private partnership that launched in 2020 to lead coordinated, statewide efforts to position Georgia as the Technology Capital of the East Coast.
Under the leadership of Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, board chair G.P. Bud Peterson and executive director Debra Lam, the organization guides efforts and pilot programs to help foster access, growth, entrepreneurship and innovation throughout the state, with the ultimate goal of achieving inclusive innovation throughout Georgia. The organization aspires to define Georgia’s entrepreneurial identity as a national leader in technology research, development and implementation.
State of Innovation
Georgia is a kaleidoscope of people, passions and products.
We have grit and creativity. We make movies, music and mechatronics. We are manufacturers, farmers, automakers, researchers, healthcare providers, aerospace engineers, educators and cyber experts. We are innovators. Watch us in action.
A collaborative, committed and inventive spirit pushes Georgia forward.
Dedicated Georgians want to work together to make a lasting impact, disrupt the status quo and create what's next. And along their innovation journey, the state's creators and makers have access to a vast array of assets, resources and opportunities.
Success Stories
Georgia's innovation story is written by dreamers and makers.
Here in Georgia, innovation knows no bounds – from advancements in precision agriculture to the launch of successful tech startups. Keep reading to learn more about how committed Georgians are shaking-it-up in the name of innovation.
Innovation Challenge
We are committed to expanding access to innovation and opportunity so all Georgians can reach their full potential.
When one grows, we all grow. To achieve sustainable, inclusive innovation, Georgia must leverage resources in entrepreneurship and technology with a focus on under-served communities. A commitment to enhanced connectivity, talent retention and development, and access to capital will set us on a path of prosperity for all.
Innovation Roadmap
Big ideas lead the way for incredible impact.
The proposed recommendations provide a roadmap for future investments in Georgia's innovation ecosystem. These big ideas will provide an essential foundation to enable all Georgians to participate, transform access and modes of innovating, and sustain our innovation economy for Georgia’s future generations.
Georgia Innovates Taskforce
Georgia's future innovation story layers existing assets with new investments.
Launched in February 2020 by Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, the Georgia Innovates Taskforce developed a statewide plan to engage Georgia's existing innovation clusters while also creating new opportunities for equitable inclusion and technology acceleration.
More than 100 Georgians teamed up to advance a common vision.
A dozen Georgia business leaders and entrepreneurs came together to forge a plan to establish Georgia’s entrepreneurial identity as the Technology Capital of the East Coast, leading more than 100 Georgians across 11 subcommittees and working groups to develop actionable, sustainable and viable recommendations.
More than 170 recommendations were initially submitted, with an overarching goal to amplify and broaden access to the state’s innovation assets – emerging as a more innovative and prosperous Georgia for all citizens. Some of the recommendations and pilot programs, like Georgia Smart Cities , are already underway.
View the executive summary from the Georgia Innovates Taskforce presentation on July 20, 2020, for more on the research, discovery and review phases of the project.
View the full infographic .
Board of Advisors
The Partnership for Inclusive Innovation will be guided by a board of established leaders throughout Georgia, including:
These leaders are united by their vision to advance Georgia and commitment to helping drive the long-term success of the organization.
Additionally, notable Georgia-based companies and institutions, including Georgia Tech , Jabian , Jackson Spalding , Georgia Power and Kilpatrick Townsend have provided counsel to the Georgia Innovates Taskforce and will continue to support the efforts of the Partnership for Inclusive Innovation.
Get Involved
Join the movement as Georgia becomes the Technology Capital of the East Coast.
To sign up for our mailing list, please complete this short form .
To learn more about how you can be a part of advancing this mission, email Executive Director Debra Lam at debra.lam@ipat.gatech.edu .
For media inquiries, please contact Brian Brodrick at bbrodrick@jacksonspalding.com .
Join the conversation on social media with #TechCapitalGA.