2022 Safe Streets Evaluation Summary

Project Performance (2017-2022)

San Francisco adopted Vision Zero in 2014, a citywide and inter-departmental commitment to prioritize street safety and eliminate traffic deaths in San Francisco.

Data-driven analysis is at the core of San Francisco’s Vision Zero program, allowing the city to cost-effectively prioritize limited resources. As part of that data-driven approach, SFMTA maintains a robust Safe Streets Evaluation Program to measure the outcomes of safety investments. This evaluation summary provides an overview of the impacts of recent SFMTA street projects on safety and other metrics.

The Inventory

The SFMTA tracks and reports on the transformation of city streets in several ways The San Francisco Vision Zero program maintains a  quarterly dashboard   that details the number of safety measures installed across the city measured against commitments made in the San Francisco Vision Zero Action Strategy.

Additionally, the Safe Street Evaluation Program individually evaluates before and after conditions on many of our pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic safety projects, to ensure that we are not only delivering a certain quantity of improvements, but that those improvements are having the intended impact on improving safety. Since 2018, the Evaluation Program has published annual reports summarizing evaluation results for individual projects. Past annual reports can be found on the Program’s  webpage .

Instead of focusing on specific projects, this annual report reviews changes in key performance metrics across many of SFMTA projects completed in the past five years to identify the types of treatments and investments with the largest benefits. As the SFMTA continues to increase the pace of transportation safety investments, this analysis will help to ensure that those investments are well-spent and lead to measurably improved safety on San Francisco streets.

Evaluated Projects

The projects that were analyzed for 2022 Safe Streets Evaluation Summary include both quick-build projects, or reversible, adjustable traffic safety improvements that can be installed relatively quickly, and capital projects, or large-scale construction projects that typically involve concrete/utility work and have long timelines and large budgets. The evaluated projects are listed below.

  • 7th Street Safety Project – Phase 1 (Quick-Build)    
  • 8th Street Safety Project (Quick-Build)      
  • Folsom Streetscape Project (Quick-Build)
  • Golden Gate Avenue (Quick-Build)
  • Leavenworth Street (Quick-Build)
  • Turk Street Safety Project (Quick-Build)     
  • Central Embarcadero (Quick-Build)
  • Valencia Bikeway Project (Northern Section Pilot/Quick-Build)
  • 6th Street Pedestrian Safety Project (Quick-Build)
  • Safer Taylor Street (Quick-Build)
  • Indiana Street Bikeway Project (Quick-Build)
  • California Street Safety Project (Quick-Build)
  • Page Street Neighborway (Quick-Build)
  • Fell Street Protected Bike Lane (Quick-Build)
  • Polk Streetscape (Capital Project)
  • Second Street Improvement Project (Capital Project)
  • Masonic Streetscape Project (Capital Project)
  • Left-Turn Traffic Safety at Seven Intersections (City-Wide Program)

Take a tour of each of these projects below!


Folsom Street, 2nd Street to 5th Street 

Quick-build improvements installed on Folsom Street in SoMa in 2018 and supplemented in 2021 will serve as near-term treatments to address traffic safety in the area in advance of major construction for the  Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project —a long-term design and implementation effort to bring substantial safety and livability improvements to SoMa. 

Improvements installed as part of the  Folsom Street Quick-Build Project  include an eastbound parking-protected bikeway to create safer conditions for bicyclists and pedestrians by adding daylighting (red zones) and other transportation safety features at intersections, removing a travel lane to calm traffic speeds and vehicle volumes, and improving vehicle loading conditions for nearby businesses.


7th & 8th Street Safety Projects

Comprehensive traffic safety improvements were installed throughout 8th Street and parts of 7th Street between May 2017 and July 2019. Further improvements on 7th Street from Folsom to Townsend Streets were installed as the 7th Street Quick-Build Safety Project in 2020 and 2021, connecting previous traffic safety installations to create one continuous protected biking corridor.


Golden Gate Avenue, Polk Street to Market Street 

In response to community requests for increased investment in traffic safety solutions in the Tenderloin, the SFMTA committed to implementing quick-build improvements in the neighborhood. The  Golden Gate Avenue Quick-Build Project , completed in 2021, focuses on improving comfort and safety of people walking and biking along the corridor.  

Improvements to the corridor include a protected bikeway, active flex space for local businesses and organizations to use, and reallocated curb space for residents’ and businesses’ parking and loading needs. 


Leavenworth Street, McAllister Street to Post Street

In tandem with efforts along Golden Gate Avenue, the  Leavenworth Street Quick-Build Project  also aims to improve traffic safety and comfort for those traveling in the Tenderloin.  

Following completion of the quick-build in 2021, Leavenworth Street now has one less travel lane (three lanes to two) with painted buffers to deter speeding. Additionally, curb space has been adjusted to improve parking and loading for businesses and residents, and a suite of pedestrian safety improvements—including advanced limit lines, new crosswalks, and painted safety zones—have been added at intersections. 


Turk Street Safety Project

In Spring 2018, the SFMTA installed a series of improvements on Turk Street between Market Street and Gough Street as part of the  Turk Street Safety Project . Turk Street is a vibrant corridor with a diverse range of people including families, seniors, youth, and shoppers, and tourists. The diverse range of people that includes families, seniors, youth, and shoppers on Turk reflects the wide variety of transportation use such as private automobiles, transit, paratransit, pedestrians, bicyclists, and both passenger and commercial vehicle loading.


Central Embarcadero Quick-Build

The SFMTA substantially completed the  Embarcadero 2020 Quick-Build Project  at Pier 35, Ferry Terminal, and in the Rincon Restaurant Zone in early 2021 to expedite safety and mobility improvements along the waterfront. These changes included the corridor’s first segment of a two-way protected bikeway adjacent to the promenade (between Folsom and Mission streets), offering a preview of the changes proposed with the  Embarcadero Enhancement Program (EEP) .  


Valencia Bikeway Improvements

In 2018 and under Mayor London Breed's leadership, the SFMTA Board of Directors approved a project to pilot and evaluate a parking-protected bikeway from  Valencia Street from Market to 15th streets . Additional project elements included better intersection visibility, school loading islands and parking and loading changes. 


6th Street Pedestrian Safety Project

The 6th Street corridor has one of the highest concentrations of pedestrian collisions, injuries, and fatalities in San Francisco. In support of San Francisco’s Vision Zero initiative, the 6th Street Pedestrian Safety Project aims to create a safe and inviting place for people to walk by transforming 6th Street with wider sidewalks, new traffic signals, and streetscape improvements.

The 6th Street Pedestrian Safety Project was approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors on October 16, 2018. The  Quick-Build portion  of the 6th Street Pedestrian Safety Project was completed in September 2019 to bring near-term safety improvements to the corridor. Construction on the longer-term improvements is expected to wrap up in 2024.


Safer Taylor Street

The  Safer Taylor Street Project  included a quick-build component completed in summer 2019. The purpose of these changes were to rapidly bring traffic safety improvements to protect vulnerable road users on one of the Tenderloin’s most important streets. On average, each month one person walking or biking is injured in a traffic collision within the Taylor Street project area.


Indiana Street Quick-Build Bikeway Project

The goal of the  Indiana Street Quick-Build Bikeway Project  is to create a safe and comfortable north-south bike route connection in the Dogpatch Neighborhood. Indiana Street had no bike lanes between 23rd Street to Cesar Chavez, due to the one-way vehicle traffic heading north on Indiana Street that vehicles use to access the I-280 on-ramp, near 25th Street. People riding bikes have historically used Minnesota Street, as an alternative route to avoid the one-way northbound traffic on Indiana Street from Cesar Chavez to 25th Street. 

The SFMTA implemented changes in October 2019 to improve bike safety on Indiana Street from Cesar Chavez to 23rd Street. These improvements provide a better, connected bike facility, not only for those in the Dogpatch neighborhood, but also for those who travel from the Bayview and Mission Bay neighborhoods. 


California Street Safety Project

The  California Street Safety Project  implemented a Quick-Build road diet on California Street between Arguello and Park Presidio boulevards in Summer 2020 to improve safety. The street is on the city’s high-injury network and also had frequent collisions involving Muni buses due to its narrow travel lanes. The street was converted from four travel lanes to three, with a center lane for left turns. Other improvements included intersection daylighting, continental crosswalks and more time for people walking to cross the street at traffic signals.


Page Street Neighborway

The Page Neighborway project completed in Spring 2020 includes existing freeway-access restrictions and bikeway upgrades approaching Octavia Boulevard, existing restrictions on non-local traffic (entire corridor), new eastbound and westbound traffic diversion at signalized intersections, and framework for ongoing community art and placemaking along the corridor.


Fell Street Protected Bike Lane

In response to congestion on the northern Panhandle Path and the Public Health Order to socially distance during the COVID-19 pandemic, the SFMTA installed a  parking-protected bikeway on Fell Street  adjacent to the Panhandle between Baker Street and Shrader Street in early 2020. The project reduced the number of travel lanes on Fell Street from four to three lanes to accommodate the new protected bike lane.


Polk Streetscape Project

Polk Street is a thriving commercial corridor and serves an important transportation function for San Francisco. The corridor is on the 19 Polk Muni bus route and also a preferred north-south bicycle route due to its flatter terrain. Furthermore, Polk Street is a popular destination for people walking, biking, driving and riding transit.

Completed in Spring 2019, the  Polk Streetscape Project   was designed to enable safe access for all road users of all ages and abilities. Implemented in design includes corridor-wide safety improvements include protected bike lanes, pedestrian safety improvements, and additional streetscape amenities at key locations.


Second Street Improvement Project

Completed in Fall 2019, the  Second Street Improvement Project  extends from Market to King Streets, stretching from downtown San Francisco to the SOMA district.

This project implemented that vision by transforming 2nd Street into a pleasant multi-modal corridor that improves safety and access for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit as well as drivers.


Masonic Streetscape Project

Completed in Fall 2018, the  Masonic Avenue Streetscape Project  is an effort to improve safety for people walking, biking, taking transit and driving on Masonic Avenue between Geary Boulevard and Fell Street. The project has implemented a variety of improvements to the corridor including, wider sidewalks, a new median, new paving, landscaping, raised bikeways, better lighting and upgraded sewer infrastructure.


Left-Turn Traffic Safety

In 2021, SFMTA piloted left turn safety treatments at seven high-crash intersections and paired the designs with comprehensive  Safety—It’s Your Turn  education campaign. Left-turn pilot locations included:

- 10th Street and Folsom

- Broadway and Montgomery

-Gough and Sacramento

-Ellis and Leavenworth

- Leavenworth and Sutter

-Lincoln and 17th Avenue

- Lincoln and 18th Avenue

The Toolbox

Each of these evaluated projects included significant safety changes such as vehicle travel lane removals (road diets),  separated bikeways, separated bike signals, left-turn safety devices, and general improvements for pedestrians at intersections including pedestrian signal improvements, daylighting (red zones at intersections) and upgraded crosswalks.

Click through the photos below to find out more about these safety tools!

Vehicle Travel Lane Reductions

The evaluated projects included a total of 7. 3 miles in road lane reductions. Vehicle travel lane reductions help improve safety and comfort for pedestrian as well as bicyclists. Reducing the number of lanes on a multilane roadway can help improve sight distances for left-turning vehicles and create space for bicycle, transit, and/or parking lanes.

Many of SFMTA’s traffic safety projects have utilized road lane reductions to both make room for multi-modal complete streets, and as a mechanism for lowering vehicle speeds.

Separated Bikeways

Evaluated projects included creating or upgrading 7 miles of separated bikeways. These bikeways  (Class IV), also commonly referred to as cycle tracks or protected bikeways, are bicycle facilities that are separated from traffic by parked cars, safe-hit posts, transit islands or other physical barriers. with the goal ofmaximizing the safety of bicyclists on city streets and reducing traffic related severe injuries.

Learn more about our bike facilities toolkit  here! 

A bright green bike lane on Valencia Street in the mission cuts around a parklet in what was previously a parking space. There is a white van parked next to the bike lane, and separated from it by plastic posts.

Separated Bike Signals

Evaluated projects included 10 intersections with new separated bike signals. Separated bike signals provide an exclusive signal phase for bicyclists to cross an intersection separate from vehicles turning right at an intersection.

Pedestrian Striping Improvements

The SFMTA has implemented a range of pedestrian striping improvements on most of the intersections found in the evaluated projects.

Specifically, most projects include  upgrading crosswalks  to full continental striping, adding red zones ( daylighting ) to corners at intersections both increase visibility of pedestrians in the roadway, and  painted safety zones , or painted road areas that wrap around sidewalk corners to make pedestrian crossing intersections more visible to people driving. 

Learn more about the full pedestrian toolkit  here. 

Pedestrian Signal Improvements

The SFMTA has implemented a range of improvements to  pedestrian signals at intersections , including: pedestrian countdown signals, leading pedestrian intervals, and increased crossing times.

Pedestrian countdown signals add a lighted timer following the "walk" signal at intersections so people can see how long they have to cross the street.

Leading pedestrian intervals (LPIs) are a change to traffic signal configurations that give people the "walk" signal at least three seconds before the drivers get a green light.

Increased crossing time adjusts the signal timing at intersections to give pedestrians more time to cross the street.   

Left-Turn Traffic Safety

Left-turn traffic safety upgrades consist of installing waist-high vertical delineator posts, small rubber speed bumps, and paint to create enhanced center lane lines and painted safety zones to encourage slower, wider left turns and increase drivers’ awareness of other road users.

The Results

To understand if and how well these safety tools are working, the following key performance metrics were aggregated across the evaluated projects:

  • Vehicle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Collisions
  • Vehicle Speeds
  • Bicycle Volumes
  • Bicycle Signal Compliance/Yielding
  • Blockage of Bikeways
  • Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions
  • Vehicle Travel Time
  • Vehicle Turning Speeds

As part of reviewing the aggregated data over the past five years, we overwhelmingly found the SFMTA's safety tools are working.


Among the evaluated projects with at least three years of police report data, collisions decreased by 18%. Bicycle -related collisions experienced a more significant decrease of 33% and pedestrian-related collisions decreased by 32%. Looking specifically at our capital projects- pedestrian collisions have decreased on average by 50%.

Vehicle Speeds

The 85th percentile speed, or the speed at or below which 85 percent of the drivers travel on a road segment, decreased across projects by 3%, The greatest decrease in 85 th  percentile speed occurred on 6 th  Street, where speeds decreased by 20%. Even small decreases in speed are valuable safety improvements as vehicles speeds directly affect the severity of injuries.

move the slider to see Turk Street changes (left-before/right-after)

Bicycle Volumes

Bicycle volumes grew sizably across the board, with increases up to 75% in the morning peak commute times, with similar growth in the afternoon peak commute times. On the two streets that had no bike facilities at all before the project (2 nd  Street and Masonic Avenue), bicycle volumes are up significantly.

Bicycle Signals

Separated bicycle signals installed across the evaluated projects are providing major safety benefits by lowering vehicle-bike interactions at the location of the signal/turn by 93% on average, with a 62% decrease in near-misses or close calls. Moreover, both vehicles and bicycles are complying with the bicycle signals (87% compliance by bicycles, 90% compliance by vehicles). Interactions are defined as instances when turning vehicles and bicycles are near each other and one party must yield to the other.

move the slider to see Taylor Street changes (left-before/right-after)

Blocking the Bike Lane

Data from the evaluated projects demonstrates with certainty that providing protected bikeways provides significant decreases in vehicle blockage of the bike lane. The rate of incidents of vehicles blocking the bike lane decreased by 90%.

Vehicle-Pedestrian Close Calls

The many pedestrian safety tools implemented at intersections including countdown signals, more walking time, daylighting and crosswalk upgrades are helping to not only decrease pedestrian-related collisions, but also close calls at crosswalks. While the number of interactions between pedestrians and vehicles generally increased at intersections (expected when implementing measures such as turn restrictions where more vehicles are turning during the green light), close calls or near misses decreased across projects by 38%.

move the slider to see Central Embarcadero changes (left-before/right-after)

Vehicle Travel Time

While vehicle travels times are not indicative of improvements to safety, they can be important in understand the cost-benefit to safety projects as it relates to overall traffic congestion and emergency response time. Even with the 7.3 miles of road lane reductions implemented across the evaluated projects, the average vehicle travel time during peak periods increased on average by approximately 50 seconds.

Vehicle Turning Speeds

Overall, the seven intersections piloted in early 2021 for left-turn traffic safety treatments resulted in an approximately 17% reduction in average turning speed (1.7mph slower) and a 71% reduction in the likelihood of a car turning left at speeds over 15 mph.

Due to these encouraging results, left turn safety treatments will become a key tool in SFMTA’s future street improvement projects.

move the slider to see Masonic Avenue changes (left-before/right-after)


To get these results, the SFMTA utilized data collected from 17 projects and one pilot program for left turn safety treatments - all completed over the last five years. We reviewed hundreds of police-recorded collision reports, speed data collected through pneumatic tubes, and hours of anonymized observations by objective third parties. Projects were selected based on sufficient data available and generally represent the wide range of treatments installed by the SFMTA, and several include both success stories and less successful safety components such as partially protected bike lanes. Annual collision rates were derived from three years of pre-implementation data to determine baselines, and from at least one year of post-implementation data.

Performance metrics were selected based on national best practices, and commonly collected data such as speeds and volumes. For many of the metrics, specific templates and standard operating procedures (SOPs) have been developed to ensure consistent data collection even when observing qualitative metrics such as yielding and near misses or “close calls”. To find out more about our evaluation process please see our  Safe Streets Evaluation Handbook.  

Quick-Builds vs. Capital Projects

The  Vision Zero Quick-Build  initiative is an SFMTA effort to quickly implement pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements on the Vision Zero High Injury Network. Quick-Build projects are reversible, adjustable traffic safety improvements that can be installed relatively quickly. Unlike major capital projects that may take years to plan, design, bid and construct, quick-build projects are constructed within weeks or months and are intended to be evaluated and reviewed within the initial 24 months of construction.

Typical quick-build type improvements include:

  • Paint, traffic delineators, and street signs
  • Parking and loading adjustments
  • Traffic signal timing
  • Transit boarding islands

With the body of projects evaluated for the 2021 Safe Streets Evaluation Summary, 14 of the projects are near-term or quick-build projects and three are major capital projects that were implemented within a much longer timeline.

Below is a matrix comparting aggregate metrics between the capital projects versus the evaluated Quick-Build projects.

Because the overall collision rates do not take into account increased bicycle ridership, it is also helpful to look specifically at the three capital projects (2nd Street, Masonic Avenue, and Polk Street) to understand the collision rates side by side with bicycle volumes.

Capital Project Collision and Bike Count Data

What do these results mean?

Capital projects show strong results with a 50% decrease in pedestrian collisions. The greater pedestrian safety for the capital projects (50%) versus quick-builds (26%) is likely due to building more concrete features such as widened sidewalks and bulb-outs. While bike related collisions for the capital projects did not decrease on average (-5%) as much as quick-build projects (-42%), the collision rate does not take into account large increases in the number of bicyclists on the capital projects. In fact, on two streets that had no bike facilities in the pre-condition (2 nd  Street and Masonic Avenue), bicycle volumes are up significantly. The three capital projects observed also included minimally protected bike lanes and trials in design such as partially raised cycle tracks. The SFMTA has learned from these older projects and has since invested in capital projects such as   Folsom and Howard Streets   which include not only concrete upgrades for pedestrians, but fully protected bike infrastructure as well as public realm upgrades.

But quick-builds still provide and enormous amount of benefit. Quick-builds are implemented swiftly and cost a fraction of the cost of large capital project, yet are leading to significantly less collisions, slower speeds, and less close calls.

The major takeaway is that both capital and Quick-Build projects have resulted in major safety benefits. Given the timeline and costs of large capital projects, installing Quick-Build projects before making improvements permanent through a full capital improvement is a very effective strategy for addressing immediate safety needs on city streets.

Spotlight: Reaching Underserved Communities

The SFMTA recognizes our involvement in the long history of past racist policies that have led to disinvestment in some communities within San Francisco. Rectifying these injustices will take time, but begin with near-term efforts in underserved areas such as the recently completed  Bayview Quick-Build  in Hunters Point/Bayview, the Leavenworth and Golden Gate Quick-Build projects in the Tenderloin, and the neighborhood-wide No Turn on Red turn restriction effort in the Tenderloin. The goal of this work by SFMTA staff is to begin the process of building trust with community members, uplifting their voices, and ultimately decreasing traffic violence in previously underserved communities.

Bayview Quick-Build

A major goal of the  Bayview Quick-Build Project  is to improve pedestrian visibility and comfort at crossings and reducing vehicle speeds. To date, improvements identified by the community through the  Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan  have been installed on Evans Avenue, Hunters Point Boulevard, and Innes Avenue. Changes to the roadways included a lane removal from four lanes to two lanes on a section of these roadways to include one bike lane and walkways on both sides of the street protected by concrete barriers, new turn pockets on Innes Avenue, and new crosswalks, and protected corners at Jennings and Hawes Streets.

Data collected after this project shows verified improvements in driver yields at the Innes/Griffith (westbound) and Innes/Hunters Point (southbound) crosswalks, but there was no significant change to vehicle speeds. While the project entailed a detailed, community driven design and implementation process, the SFMTA needs to continue working with neighbors to make additional changes that build trust and further traffic  safety goals.

Bayview Quick-Build Concrete Barriers- Painted by Bayview Community


Leavenworth and Golden Gate Quick-Build Projects

Stemming from the community’s demand for increased investment and broader solutions for traffic safety in the Tenderloin neighborhood, the SFMTA recently installed two quick-build projects in the neighborhood on Leavenworth Street and Golden Gate Avenue and will continue to further community discussion on future potential quick-builds on additional Tenderloin streets.

move the slider to see Golden Gate Avenue changes (left-before/right-after)

The Leavenworth Street Quick-Build included:

  • Vehicle travel lane removal (three lanes to two) with narrow buffers to deter speeding and overtaking of vehicles
  • Pedestrian safety improvements such as advanced limit lines, crosswalks, and painted safety zones at key intersections
  • Reallocating curb space for residents’ and businesses’ parking and loading needs

Key findings from the project evaluation include:

  • On average, there was a 12% decrease in double parking instances on Leavenworth at observed locations
  • There was a slight increase in drivers yielding to pedestrians at observed intersections. 
  • North and southbound weekday bike volumes have increased by 9% after project implementation (from 257 to 279 in peak periods)

 The Golden Gate Avenue Quick-Build included:

  • Installation of a protected bikeway from Polk to Market street
  • Installing an active flex space for local businesses and organizations to utilize
  • Reallocating curb space for residents’ and businesses’ parking and loading needs

 When comparing pre- and post-data, we found that:

  • Travel times decreased on average by 58 seconds, with the greatest decrease taking place in the AM peak period, where travel times decreased by over 50%.
  • Instances of bike lane blockages on the weekdays reduced by over 90 percent. However, with the parking protected bikeway design, double parking in the travel lane became more prevalent.
  • Bike counts increased by 29 percent (from 188 to 243 bikes) following the installation of the project. 

Tenderloin No Turn on Red Restrictions

Given the high volume of high injury corridors and intersections in the Tenderloin, there is a clear need for not only street-specific interventions but also neighborhood wide countermeasures to help make these streets safer for all users. In Fall 2021, the SFMTA posted No Turn On Red signs at over 50 intersections in the Tenderloin to study how they can make streets safer to cross.

No Turn on Red Sign in Tenderloin Neighborhood

Findings from a before/after study reveal that No Turn on Red (NTOR) restrictions can keep crosswalks clear and reduce close calls on major intersections:

  • Motorists are demonstrating a high compliance with NTOR restrictions. On average, 92% of vehicles are complying with the turn restriction.
  • While pedestrian-vehicle interactions increased (expected given NTOR restriction), close calls for vehicle-pedestrians decreased from 5 close calls before NTOR signs were posted to 1 close call after restrictions were in place at observed intersections.
  • Vehicles blocking or encroaching onto crosswalks on a red signal was reduced by more than 70% after the restriction was implemented.

Future Projects in Underserved Communities

The SFMTA has started to invest more in previously neglected neighborhoods, and we recognize there is more work to be done to continue to increase traffic safety and build trust. Towards this effort, the SFMTA has initiated several projects that are currently in planning and design. These include additional changes/amplified efforts in the Bayview, projects on Evans Avenue and Bayshore Boulevard, and a future quick-build on Hyde Street in the Tenderloin.

What's Next?

We plan to continue this work, while making new efforts to use new technology to improve accessibility to the evaluation data. Improvements include building a publicly accessible database of all data collected through the program, reviewing opportunities to better engage community stakeholders in our evaluation efforts, and distributing updates on our evaluation progress.

This story was made by SFMTA Livable Streets.

Learn more about the SFMTA Safe Streets Evaluation Program, visit www.sfmta.com\safestreetsevaluation

move the slider to see Turk Street changes (left-before/right-after)

move the slider to see Taylor Street changes (left-before/right-after)

move the slider to see Central Embarcadero changes (left-before/right-after)

move the slider to see Masonic Avenue changes (left-before/right-after)

Capital Project Collision and Bike Count Data

Bayview Quick-Build Concrete Barriers- Painted by Bayview Community

move the slider to see Golden Gate Avenue changes (left-before/right-after)

No Turn on Red Sign in Tenderloin Neighborhood