Portland Community College Geospatial Alumni Synergy
Expanding Geospatial Technology Education with Students and Alumni
PCC Geospatial Programs
Welcome to a storymap presentation about Portland Community College Geospatial Alumni Synergy: Expanding Geospatial Technology Education with Students and Alumni.

As the demand for skilled professionals in geospatial technologies continues to rise, institutions must adapt their educational approaches to keep pace with industry needs. This case study explores the dynamics of the Geospatial Programs at Portland Community College. The main strategy is incorporating students and alumni as active participants in recruitment, retention, and extension projects. By involving students in real-world applications, such as an exclusive UAS internship with a governmental agency, they gain practical experience in geospatial concepts. Simultaneously, alumni can serve as mentors and guest lecturers, enriching the learning experience for current students.
Alumni Synergy: Case Studies
The Geospatial Programs at PCC encompass Human and Physical Geography, GIS, UAS, and Geomatics disciplines. The application of geospatial disciplines exists in multiple industries, such as forestry, transportation, logistics, military, and urban planning. There is a large demand for geospatial professionals working in training and education, due to specific niches of knowledge, constant updates in software and technology, and salary competition.
This session shows examples of alumni synergy, where:
- Former and current students worked at the PCC Geospatial Department to support curriculum development and tutoring;
- PCC Geospatial Department invested in technical internships for graduated students - and they returned to teach and create curriculum for UAS courses.
- PCC Geospatial Department hired alumni who were familiar with the program structure and indicated strategies for marketing and retention.
- Students and alumni shared their positive educational experiences with community and industry partners, encouraging the continuation of external projects.
Lauren Mckinney-Wise: Tutoring and Curriculum Development
Lauren Mckinney-Wise and Birdie
Lauren Mckinney-Wise has a GIS Certificate from PCC, a bachelor’s degree in Geography with a minor in GIS from PSU, and a master's in geography, focusing on cartography and GIS. She works for the City of Portland making maps, managing data, and assisting others in understanding and utilizing GIS. Lauren also organizes regional events with her collective group of Women in GIS.
Skills learned at PCC Geospatial:
Technical: GIS concepts and Theory, Spatial Analysis, Data Management, Data Queries, Cartography, Web Map and Mobile Map Application Design, Basic Python, Project Management, Technical Writing, Critical GIS Interpersonal: Teamwork and Collaboration, Project Management, Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback, Confidence and Resilience, Interviewing, Resume and Job Application
I have become a member of the local and far-reaching GIS community and was selected as one of the 23 GIS professionals to watch in 2023 by XYHeight magazine. I was also recently given the Outstanding Services award from ASPRS due to my work as the national student advisory chair. I have been active in my local ASPRS chapter and help to lead a local Women in GIS group. Because of the amazing support I have gotten from PCC, I have had the opportunity to work on many interesting and fulfilling GIS and mapping projects that have exposed me to new ideas and helped me to learn so much.
Krishna Sunglieng: Tutoring, Curriculum Development, UAS Instructor
Bianca Signorini: Tutoring and Curriculum Development
Bianca Signorini works for Bat Conservation International as a GIS Analyst and UAS Lead. In the last year, Bianca built a UAS program for her organization from the ground up, from unboxing the first drone to purchasing photogrammetry software and finally completing our first UAS project with a federal partner in October of 2023. Her goals for the near future are to continue to grow the UAS program at BCI. At PCC, she learned:
- learned how to "speak the language" of GIS
- had a solid understanding of the capabilities of GIS and UAS
- acquired resources for critical thinking and technical troubleshooting
- made invaluable professional connections.
I have a solid understanding of the capabilities of GIS and UAS - so even during times I don't know the exact process of getting something done, I know the right questions to ask and places to go.
Bianca Signorini testimonial
Angela D'Esposito: Tutoring, Curriculum Development, PIC
NIST Training facilitated by Angela D'Esposito to PCC colleagues
Angela D'Esposito pursued the GIS and UAS Certificate Degrees. She joined the programs to learn about UAS/drone applications, processing images, and 3D data and deliverables. She learned multiple software applications, which include:
- Agisoft
- ArcGIS Pro
- StoryMaps
- Field Maps
- Survey123
- Drone maintenance
Angela completed the 1-year PCC's exclusive UAS internship with Clean Water Services - a regional management utility that provides sewer and surface water to over 600,000 people in the Portland Metro Area. There, she completed a governmental NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) to help current and future District sUAS pilots assess, maintain, and improve flight skills and proficiency. Standardizing methods and flight training helps create a base foundation so that every pilot understands their responsibilities, risk mitigation, crew resource management, and maintaining aeronautical decision-making.
Max Egener: Tutoring, Geospatial Hub Site
Max Egener has a Journalism background and joined the GIS and UAS programs to gain new skills related to data analysis and communication. He wants to:
Max Egener testimonial
- Become part of a growing industry with increasing professional opportunities;
- Learn new ways of thinking that can help community development;
- Make progress on global issues such as climate change and social justice.
Through the GIS and UAS Certificate, Max learned the following skills:
Technical: Advanced geospatial data analysis, online web mapping, GIS/UAS software proficiency (ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, Agisoft Metashape Pro, UgCS), cartographic principles, collecting drone-derived data.
Interpersonal: Data communication, group project collaboration, professional communication,
I have been privileged to participate in two GIS internships at PCC, and they have been excellent learning experiences. One was with Washington State University's Clark County Extension, where I created a public-facing online mapping application that allows people to explore how development and land use patterns compare to soil productivity related to farming in areas near expanding urban centers. My second internship was with PCC's geospatial department, where I built an ArcGIS Hub website to host and showcase mapping projects created by students and faculty.
Community Partnerships
Creating connection through community-based organizations and support of local issues.
GIS Club
The GIS Club is an informal way for students to connect with one another, get involved with community projects outside of the classroom setting, participate in local events hosted by geospatial professional organizations, and build leadership skills.
1) What is your industry? What is the current state of the industry? 2) How is your institution's current relationship between students and alumni? Can you share an example of leadership actions from students or alumni? 3) What are the strengths of your program? What are the weaknesses? How can students and alumni support or be supported in your program?
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