Equity and Inclusiveness in Orange County
A comparative assessment of economic, educational, and community resource access in OC communities of color.
Presented By Mapping Black California's Alex Reed & Candice Mays
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Extended Definition Areas
This layer outlines all qualifying areas under Orange County’s extended definition of “Disinvested Communities” defined as communities considered disadvantaged by CERF’s definition alongside communities with only one of the disadvantaged qualifiers.
Gray outlined areas include areas that may only have one of the qualifying disadvantaged factors and are still considered disinvested due to being at risk.
Red outlined areas are combined areas defined as 'Disadvantaged' census tracts and census tracts with incomes below the medians described below and as a result, are considered high risk.
Wage Disparity & Poverty
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Although income in equality in the region is low when compared to the national stage, the majority of tracts see people of color making less by around 10% in comparison to white income. In the most extreme areas, this disparity means people of color make nearly 75% less than their white neighbors.
1 in 10 Orange County residents reside in poverty with the highest rates centered around high minority population zones. In some tracts, that share is doubled with the income of 1 in 5 residents' below the federal poverty line.
Children make up a large part of the "in poverty" population. A third of the region's children live in homes that report income below the federal poverty line with high concentrations in high minority areas.
Household Size, Home Value, & Ownership Rate
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The average household size in Orange County is 2.5 people per home which largely only applies to white households. There are many cases of overcrowding in minority dense areas. While the average is at least 3 people, some homes house as many as 6.
Zoom in to view individual affordable rental units.
Nearly 6 in 10 households are defined rent-burdened meaning they spend more than 30 percent of their household income on housing costs.
Countywide homeownership barely out paces renting at 57%. Most low-wage workers in the region are not likely to find affordable rental housing. Increasing rental cost burdens matched with low wage job growth inhibits renters from purchasing and keeping homes.
The median home value in Orange County is about $740,000. In diverse tracts, the median value can be as low as $85,000, however, most minority areas are likely to see values around $600,000 - still well below the county-wide average.
Educational Attainment
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Orange County has many adult residents with less than a high school degree. Attainment varies widely by ethnicity; only 9 percent of Latino immigrants have a bachelor’s degree or higher, while 53 percent have less than a high school degree. African Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders lag far behind in educational attainment as well. On the other end Asian and White residents typically have at least an associate degree.
Of college graduates, even the most challenged tracts see decent rates of Bachelors degree attainment, however, these rates do not outpace students who have only completed some college (no degree). In higher income areas, women generally have higher college graduation rates than men while the reverse is true in lower income areas.
Although enrollment rates are up across the county, the rate of "Disconnected Youth" (neither enrolled nor working) remains high. There are large variances tract to tract, however, male and female students are both likely to be considered "disconnected." When looking at the youth population of each racial/ethnic group, African Americans have the highest rate of disconnection (17%), followed by Latinos (12%), those of other or mixed race (7%), whites (8%), AAPI (6%) and then NHPI (3%).
Transportation & Food Access
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Public transportation is robust in coverage and service. Access is largely determined by topography while food access is economically connected and worse in more affordable areas. Areas in orange lack easy access to grocery stores and supermarkets - greater than 1 mile in urban areas and greater than 10 in rural zones.
Less densely populated communities have extensive bike coverage, yet this wanes in town where more of the population lives.